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Everything posted by Dr_Flash_Amazing

  1. Here, read this and let the Doctor know what you think. Please? Thank you so much, and do have a pleasant day.
  2. Hey, what about AF? Not the most aesthetic stone you'll ever see, but there are some fun routes. Or were you looking for something other than sport climbing?
  3. Ah, yes; don't get the Doctor wrong; he has had a fair number of naturally-protected, more than a five-minute approach, multi-pitch type adventures. It just so happens that he's a grunting, thrutching sport-monkey at heart. Aloha, DFA
  4. Mira, vato; DFA was urged to come here by a certain fwg over at smithrock.com. The Doctor probably won't even stick around, since all the topics seem to be about *gasp* ... alpine climbing. Someone let the Doctor know when we can talk bolts and chipped pockets on lovely welded tuff. Ciao, Dr. Flash "sports climbing is tops" Amazing
  5. Dr. Flash Amazing is astounded. Do you people complaining about use fees not understand? If the government starts providing enough money to allow us to use and maintain our "public" lands, how in the hell will they pay for bombs? Did you ever think of that? Thousands of Afghanistanis are armed to the teeth with sticks and grass; we need to bomb them into submission, obviously. You'll be wishing you had paid those use fees when the unwashed hordes descend upon is in all their terrorist glory.
  6. The Doctor sees his reputation precedes him, and with some measure of horror induced thereby. All as it should be. Come, friends, DFA just wants to shoot the proverbial shit about the vertical (or the overhanging or the slabby -- but hopefully not the slabby). Shalom, Dr. Flash Amazing
  7. Keep in mind that nearly any location in the northern I-5 corridor will be plagued by rain from October to June (give or take a month or so either way). Climbing options near Portland are fair, with a smattering of basalt crags within about 20 minutes, as well as some secret-stash and newly-developed (and recently hyped) bouldering. The real problem with the climbing is that it's frequently wet due to the fact that it's frequently raining. There is, you see, a reason that so many people "only climb at Smith." DFA would recommend (does recommend) that you look into Bend as an option. Bend has that nice, dry, high-desert climate, and the skies are more often than not blue. You can climb around Bend when it's snowing (at least at Smith), and often it will be sunny again after snowing or raining. It's truly a great climate. You do get a bit of the summer heat, but the evenings are typically manageable. It's about 20 minutes from Smith, and there is scads of good bouldering lurking in the surrounding forests (and subdivisions and golf courses) nearby. Add to that the Cascades within spitting distance (making for spectacular sunsets), lift-accessed and backcountry skiing, mountain biking galore, a large outdoorsy community, and some very good beer, and you've got a great place to live. Of course, you miss out on some big-city amenities like concerts and whatnot, but the trade-offs are well worth it (e.g. you're unlikely to have a half-hour-plus commute in Bend). Hope that helps, and good luck on the relocation! Love, Dr. Flash "location, location, location" Amazing
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