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Everything posted by Dr_Flash_Amazing

  1. DFA is not going to keep his mouth shut just because of the current political climate, but thanks for the warning/info. Obviously, this "discussion" isn't going anywhere productive, so the Doc is calling this one quits. Here's to peace and open minds, Dr. Flash Amazing
  2. The act of terrorists destroying thousands of human lives is sick, despicable, and yes, evil. DFA holds no love for the bastards that did that, so let's get that straight right now. (And, just because the Doctor hasn't studied Poli Sci does not make him stupid.) But that doesn't mean the Doctor supports blowing the fuck out of an entire country (and by the way, weren't the highjackers predominantly from other countries, i.e. Saudi Arabia? Where our oil comes from? Suppose there's any reason we're not peppering the Saudis with Bunker Busters and Daisy Cutters?) in retaliation. Independent study has put the civilian death toll in Afghanistan at over 3,000 (and counting). If you think it's OK that more innocent people have to die for this, or that it's OK that they died because they're not American, then you are sick. The other thing that pisses DFA off is that George W. "No Child Will Be Left Behind" Bush is using 9/11 and his little war to justify pissing away the national budget on defense spending (what's left of the budget after those worthless tax refunds--yeah, that 300 bucks per person did a WHOLE lot to turn the country around) while school districts across the country are having their funding cut to squat. Furthermore, the Doctor finds it rather naive to assume that a "president" who did a good deal of his campaign touring aboard an ENRON corporate jet (and is now trying to deny access to information about his and Dick Cheney's dealings with that company in the name of "national security") is not corporate-influenced. The government was created for people, not the highest bidder. If disagreeing with the government, wanting peace, and thinking the government ought to work for PEOPLE a little bit are seditionist ideals, then send the fucking FBI to the Doctor's door because his opinion must qualify as total revolt. [ 08-02-2002, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  3. Let the Doctor get this straight. Are you trying to help us have a debate, or trying to prove that you are smarter than DFA? DFA was trying to point out why he thought that was a lame example of good military action, and thought he explained why. If it wasn't good enough, oh, well. The Doctor will gladly admit that he has no background in the study of political science, and has done little research into such. But he does know that he disagrees with killing people (his original point), and he knows damn well not to put all his trust in the government's side of any story. And weren't you the one begging for a little respect for being in the military? Yeah, you were. And then you got pissed when the Doc extended a hand on for that, which you rejected with some flip remark about not trying to be your friend or some such. This makes sense how?
  4. Jeesh! Doesn't anyone sport climb around here? Alpine climbing is dangerous !
  5. quote: Originally posted by 512dude: Debates like this on the internet are like the special olympics. Even if you win you are still retarded. Hilarious recycled bumper sticker quote. Dr. Flash Amazing is rolling in the aisles. But, dude! You climb 5.12?! All is forgiven!
  6. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: DFA, OK smart guy let's see what you know. The Afghan situation was created by a previous generations political neccessity. Several DEA, FBI, State department heads went to Peshwar and onto Northern Afghanistan to investigate the possibility of funding the Afghan Jihad by releasing the sale of Opium (Heroin) related products into the Western World to buy guns to train and fund Muslim recruits. Many nations were involved in this and it was fully endorsed by the heads of our government during the early 80's. At the time it was perceived that the Cold War could be ended and the Soviet Union defeated using this policy. Did it achieve this end? Adamson OK, the Doctor said he was staying out of this, but this is irresistible. DFA is no historian, and is only passingly familiar with the event you refer to. However, it seems a little ironic that you'd choose to justify the use of military force with that example. First of all, there's the willing introduction of drugs into the US. Our country willingly enabled that, and then proceeded to spend the past what, 20+ years engaged in a "war on drugs?" How many American lives (aren't those the ones you care about?) have been ruined as a result of our allowing drugs into the country and then hypocritically prosecuting people for possessing, using, and distributing those same drugs? How much time and money has been wasted on that, while millions of the kids the government is supposedly so concerned for either get a totally substandard education or none at all? This is an example of the right thing to do? And then there's the issue of us training the extremist fanatics who blew up our landmarks on 9/11. We're somehow surprised that this might happen? We put the fucking tools in their hands, for God's sake. We taught them to be terrorists! Shouldn't we maybe have rounded up all those cats from the FBI et. al. for their involvement in terrorist training that led to 9/11? Dr. Flash Amazing fails to see how this is an example of good foreign policy, or even basic logic. If you could enlighten the ol' doc on that one, please do. [ 08-02-2002, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  7. quote: Shut the fuck up, asshole.Gee, did they teach you that one in the military? Formidable line of reasoning there.
  8. Ah, well then in your case, the Doctor will never understand your point of view. His previous statement was based upon conversations with actual humans who had been in the service but were not bloodthirsty psychopaths. Enjoy your tenure as cannon fodder to further some corporate-sponsored tyrant's agenda, captain bullets. Human life is human life, regardless of whose flag is flying over the head of said life. Think about it.
  9. Funny, DFA works with some of the "Muslim hordes" as you say. They seem like a nice bunch of folks. And don't mistake a lack of appreciation of the gov't's military policy for a lack of appreciation for the fact that you have risked or will risk being perforated by bullets in service of said government. It's understood that soldiers don't start wars, jackass politicians and fanatics do (the same politicians who perpetuate the need to wipe out "hordes" in the name of freedom or whatever). [ 08-02-2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  10. Hmmm ... DFA has had his last several seasons at Smith go something like this: affix quickdraws dog, dog, dog, dog, dog whine, whine, whine, excuses excuses "Anyone got the beta for the second crux?" dog, dog, dog, dog "It's totally a linkage issue. All the moves go." dog, dog, dog, dog "This thing is too hard" brush, brush, brush hang, hang "Maybe next go." "Or the next one." SEND! Ah, the agony, adventure, and pithy drama that is sports climbing. DFA lives for such. [ 08-02-2002, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  11. Screw that, y'all. DFA is of the firm belief that everyone sucks. To wit: Love, Dr. Flash "anti-social" Amazing
  12. Oh, oops! Well, Mr. "hey, look at me, I can scam a bunch of Rolling Stones riffs and put some DJ drum beats with them and everyone thinks I'm the most original thing since bottled water" Beck is still way overrated! And glad you enjoy the Doctor's egomaniacal ranting. Stop by the Amazing Clinic for a free consultation any time.
  13. Anyone find it odd that we (i.e. our "president") are pushing for peace in the Middle East while we are bombing Afghanistan? The Doctor's no rocket scientist, but unless his calculations are incorrect, that would represent a contradiction of sorts. Not to say that our stupid, crooked government is always fraught with hypocrisy, of course.
  14. Anything with plenty of bolts in it. And that double-dyno boulder problem Ron Kauk does in Masters of Stone. That was choice.
  15. Not that this threat is about good deals on down anymore, but the Doc recommends The North Face outlet's annual sale (Labor Day, maybe?) in Bend. Last year they were having something like 75% off store-wide, plus there was a coupon in the Bend Bulletin for an additional 10% on top of that. DFA scored one o' them 700 fill DryLoft jobbies for 95 bucks (cheaper than their regular down jackets). Not a bad savings over the original 300+ dollar price tag. Of course, TNF may not earn as many cool mountaineering points as FF or Western Mntnrng, but at the price, it's tough to bitch about it.
  16. DFA adopts the pro-good dog/anti-bad dog stance. Basically, if you have a dog that barks at anything unfamiliar, runs around, jumps on people, and steps all over their stuff (and doesn't understand "no!"), then perhaps the furry bastard ought best be left at home. If, however, your dog is well behaved, or better yet, totally sedate (not sedated--although that's not a bad idea; "here, boy! Time for your Ketamine!"), then by all means bring the beast. Many dog owners don't seem to understand that many non-dog owners actually don't like it when dogs jump on them and slobber all over their stuff while sticking their nose in your pack looking for your bucket of KFC or your prized Clif Bar. They also don't seem to understand that listening to a barking dog is just as annoying as listening to someone else's boom box at the crag. Extremely obnoxious. I'm sure most of these people would be pissed if you stepped on their rope and started licking their hands, and then busted out the ghetto blaster with your favorite death metal mix tape. But for some reason, we without dogs are expected to smile and enjoy the presence of ill-behaved canines. So, please; next time you're thinking about bringing your untrained, unruly beast to the crags, think about how much you appreciate similar disturbances to your cragging experience, and arrange to leave the dog with your brother or something. Love, Dr. Flash "PSAs are part of the Doc's parole agreement" Amazing
  17. Yeah, Beck is coming to Portland this week, but the Doctor can't stand his rehash/ripoff rock routine. Not to take anything away from anyone else who likes him, of course, but the guy is way overrated.
  18. Ah, just to avoid any possible confusion, that's Joe's Valley, but like Glacier said; go there. There's also Ibex, which is kind of cool, and a couple hours to the west.
  19. *Dr. Flash Amazing smacks his forehead in amazement* Good cripes, man! That's it! The Doctor will just call up the tycoons at the Coge', tell them the protesting will "conveniently die down" if they agree to make one small concession, and get them to roll out the red carpet for the cragging set. And of course hook DFA up for life ... Everybody goes home happy! They could harvest all the steam from the plant, and re-condense it to use for shower water! Plastic holds all the way up the smoke stacks! It's perfect! [ 08-01-2002, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  20. Who's shooting messengers? The Doctor is well aware that you didn't create the survey, sir (which is not to say that you might not be an HTML whiz). He was just commenting that the choice of cervezas was rather grim. No need to get the proverbial knickers in a twist, old bean.
  21. Something tells the Doctor that he won't exactly be able to afford paying someone with an MBA to run his joint. This is a climber's hostel we're talking about, not a soon-to-be corrupt utility company! Of course if he could find some tax loopholes and get DFA some large, uh, "loans" through the company, maybe we can talk.
  22. Hmmm ... 11/17. Is 64% still a passing grade? It seems Dr. Flash Amazing has been drinking too much wine lately. Plus the Doctor wouldn't go near half of that swill--where's the Bridgeport IPA and the Black Butte Porter fuhcryin' out loud? Lone Star? Killian's? Puh-leeeez! [ 08-01-2002, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  23. Thanks for the input! The volunteer idea is a goodie. That would maybe enable the Doc to actually climb and own a business, which is usually unheard-of. The sliding fee scale is also a key idea that the Doctor had. Paying for services that you don't want or need is stupid, and having that flexibility in pricing would enable more people to make use of the facility (and hopefully bring in some dough). And yeah, there is some property for sale near Smith, and the prices aren't too gross. But first DFA needs to learn how to run a business. Details, details ... Anyway, Dr. Flash Amazing thought this would be a great alternative to the currently available sleeping options, but the apparent lack of anything like this in the country left him a little skeptical. If any of you happen to spread the word and relay any input you get, the Doctor would be much obliged. Perhaps a reward in the form of free vouchers to the Amazing Clinic good for an exam or some such. [ 08-01-2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]
  24. Matt Anderson is dead-on about Maple. If you can swing the drive, go there. Some of the most fun and unusual climbing the Doctor has experienced. Don't forget to factor in a little time to adjust to the cobbles. It takes a while to trust that all the holds won't come off in your hands (although some of them do anyway). And the weather's great, even in summer time. Good climbing can be had at Box Canyon, the Minimum Crag, Low Standard Cave, the front corridor (may have the name wrong), and the crag right by the bridge over the creek.
  25. And that's without getting into Logan Canyon, Mill Creek, and about a gazillion crags in southern Utah, and of course Zion. Dr. Flash Amazing recommends picking up one o' them new Falcon guides that covers the whole state, and digging in to a veritable feast of good cragging.
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