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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Skisports you are right, you run into some(computer error:I-D-Ten-Tee error) that’s IDIOT at the crag and most of the time they come in droves, it was crotchety old fuck day at the crag for you I guess, when ever this happens move on as quick as possible, like the day I saw so called cowboys climbing in leather soled cowboy boots and cutting loose at the anchors, when approached about there dangerous situation, the reply was we are cowboys and we do this all the time, to say the least we all scattered to another wall!
  2. KKK and JB point made
  3. Anyone in his right or left mind knows that we need health care reform, what I love about this country is that all eyes are on the subject so we will get the BEST option The speeches last night on the right and left were both great speeches and if we can keep on a role with the other problems we are facing we will come out on top as the greatest country in the world and show the rest of the world our character I do not have any respect for those on the right disrespecting the president during a speech or the ones spreading lies I also have not respect for those on the left that think throwing money at something will fix it and just getting on a political band wagon. I think no matter what happens in the future on health care it will be good for the economy and health care Rich, Poor and profit bottom line should have nothing to do with basic health care
  4. richard_noggin


    The best thing about this site is that when I wake up with alcohol regret I can delete
  5. So what have you onsighted lately, Don’t sit on your old crotchety laurels, get out push the limits, get hard and your body ripped, climb with the hotties, have fun, stop being an old crothety I useta climb hard internet geek!!!! Dick Head
  6. Here is why we have to do something, a 120 percent profit increase since 2000 :fahq:that WHY :wave:Dick
  7. Time Might want to check this out FW…I know it’s from that leftist TIME web site :wave:Dick
  8. Clean climbing I did some of that last week I raped off a tree and installed anchors and cleaned off loose blocks and west side moss and dirt, after I pressure wash it and get it squeaky clean I will rap bolt it with the bolts 3 feet apart Oh how I love that sport climbing , climbing overhanging climbs make you feel strong and look like a body builder, Oh and the hotties were out…love that eye candy…SPORT CLIMBINGS THE SHIT crotchety old sausage fest dudes Dick Head
  9. I love seeing this header in the active topics list pick another one fitting or "I'LL BE BACK" Dick Head
  10. Quote from a famous climb it all climber Sport climbing is the best thing that ever happened to get women out climbing sausage fest trad only geeks Dick Head
  11. RAD Did you climb the many routes on the horn of the Unicorn? Not quite sure what you mean. I chose a line climber's left of the rap line because it looked harder and more interesting- and we'd humped rock gear up there so by golly I was going to use it. It was still only a few moves of 5.6 or so protected by a couple of nuts. I'd agree that the rap route is probably low 5th class and could be easily soloed by a competent party, though a fall wouldn't be pretty. Sorry Rad I must have misunderstood you I thought you did it without gear, I did it years ago and Becky’s guide book has unicorn listed as 3rd class or the harder routes as 4th class, I did it in Tevas as at the time I was doing most scrambles so I thought it was fun and sporting, I only downclimbed the se route, maybe that’s the rap route that you are referring to, I still have only a 15 year old Becky guide, is there more recent updated beta? I thought the scramble of the se open book of the castle was much harder and a spooky downclimb.
  12. ooops did it again this is like drunk dial'n your friends but drunk post'n
  13. what a bunch of old use to be old crochthy old wankers climb it all as alex lowe once told me yo overhanging sport with a bunch of young climbers climbing hard with the hotties is the shit eat your heart out sausage fest dudes ...keep talk' your smack, is it time for the pope and raindawg to get up from there nap and have ther milk toast before they change there dipers phuk off Dick head meant that in the most admireing way STFU DICK HEAD eric and don your rep and ego is at my keyboard
  14. RAD Did you climb the many routes on the horn of the Unicorn? An ice ax is nice for chop'n steps on the approach, I have climbed the horn in Tevas, The mountainsteers rope up,that could be the smarter move. The castle can be death choss except for the SE open book route and hard to downclimb Just some thoughts for the masses Richard
  15. :yawn: Trad only geeks sucks and blows :wave:Dick Head
  16. This discussion is way too serious for spray, a rainy day and this topic, you guy are just egg’n them on ….can we get back to some funny shit like Donna the drag queen and Pope …Oh Pope and boys, it all makes sense now DICK HEAD
  17. sickie sickie sickie
  18. Ok I’ll play your low self esteem game just to see if I can get some more of Donna, that was way too funny. Looks like Eric Mohler and Don Ryan 8D have been up smok, n that crack pipe again….search’n the web for pictures and think’n up witty antibolt things to post Rain and work brings out the best in me! Rain in climbing season brings out the worst! DICK HEAD
  19. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/317391/Re_Bronco_come_out_and_play#Post317391 From the archives or homophobic spray
  20. That old spray was hilarious Pope and Donna Pope and RainDawg sit’n in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G such butt buddies 8D sickie
  21. The real climbers I know I see at the crag, in the mountains, obscure bushwhacks, trail projects (they replace old hardware and clean up climbing areas like the recent nevermind project)they try to keep access to their favorite crags and routes, clean and put up new routes. They don’t spray a bunch of negative ethics BS on the internet talk'n about yesteryear,or post a bunch of lame ass pictures . BTW You might want to give that BLT climb a go before you start dis'n it, I skip bolts on it, but beware your look’n at the deck if you fall.
  22. Dude it’s supposed overbolted 5.9, the point was not climbing ability but climbing anything and posting that crap on a web site that has nothing to do with him, he doesn’t climb but continually stirs up shit here , I think the dudes got a real problem. Oh and BTW the bolts on the BLT climb are rusty bolts with chain links for pro....can you say OLD SKOOL
  23. Yo Dawg/ Don Ryan your such a crotchety old phuk , I’d rather clip bolts and climb with her for a partner than hang with the sausage fest dudes on this site posting pictures of shit they don’t/can’t climb. Posting that picture of the BLT climb that you can’t climb and the bears, clowns ,ect is soooo GAY :wave:Dick Head
  24. I’m so glad they dragged this topic to spray right off the bat... THANKS MODS, I know most of you don’t even climb much anymore and are just lonely and looking for attention (crotchety old men). Consider this I just got a beta sheet with over 30 new routes about an hour out from Seattle on some stellar rock, right on top it says NO INTERNET PLEASE this is directly related to this site so when Raindawg aka DON RYAN trolls you into a tread like this and POPE aka Eric Mohler chimes in to back him up and Joseph gets on his soap box, the rest of us are just screwed out of beta and powers to be use shit like this to tighten the reins on our sport I got this off this site a long time ago, its controversial but I think it says it all in a funny way. DICK
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