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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Fact: IB It has been an established route since 2002 It sees multiple accents each year unlike any other route on Garfield. It has seen speed accents and likely to see more. There is not an access issue at this time. There is no Difference in IB than the bolted slab lines in the wilderness area up north. I have friends that climb it every year. You could spend 2 summers chop’n the route but the route would be reestablished. If it was chop’d it has already been decided it would be a climbing community effort to reestablish the route. Raindawg and some of the others talk’n smack have not and will not ever climb the route.
  2. RED..BLUE…Right…Left...Dem...GOP , it’s all checks and balances I stand in the middle as an independent, but I do try to support my elected officials, I would hate to be a politician in this climate… that is why soo many are not running for reelection.
  3. spare me. The rightwing still pretends it had nothing to do with bankrupting the middle class and government. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/153875 Dude you have to watch the country vs. rock and roll episode of South Park Especially the end
  4. Obama!!! what you thought he was going to waive his magic wand and fix everything in one year, does anyone think you can fix capitalism or the war machines that fast, let alone after the biggest financial collapse since the great depression BTW if you saw south park last night it put the right and left in perspective a country that says one thing and does another, thanks to the war between the left and right …it works
  5. richard_noggin


    I seen him roll'n on stage and Jump’n from speaker to speaker play'n his guitar at the first and last annual cherry blossom festival in Richmond VA in 1974 …good show till the crowd started burning nark cars WTF
  6. richard_noggin


    Bill Gates for prez innovation not politics
  7. Your only too old if …your old and crotchety and spend more time spray’n on CC.com than climbing like pope or raindawg DICK
  8. Can you say red herring?
  9. richard_noggin


    Bill Gates for president Can get elected with his own money not bought, good business head, and non partisan clearly ur just a racist wanting a white president I support Obama but any politician that comes up through the ranks owes too many favors and is bought with campaign money
  10. richard_noggin


    non-partisan? i think he votes repub every time. Everybody with money votes GOP (good old party) there just protecting their money everyone knows they are a LITTLE more bought than the Dems it's just how much.
  11. richard_noggin


    Bill Gates for president Can get elected with his own money not bought, good business head, and non partisan
  12. No that is what we (USA) do, we help those in need, I think most of us and the USA can spare a couple bucks. But search it, the French should pay what they owe BILLIONS! And where are the other countries especially China there hold'n most of the worlds money.
  13. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours I didn’t t think these were that old but I did lend a friend of mine my doubles of BD 1’s and 2’s and a year later he said I need to get them back to you and I just said I got my friends and he just laughed
  14. The question here would be are they dead hang fingers out on a door trim header, I can do just 10 of those but then I am a fat old man. When I ask a young friend if he wanted to comp some dead hang pull-ups on a bar he said that those were too hard on his shoulders
  15. richard_noggin

    Palin on FOX

    How can the Libraian porn star look fail? she is Destined to be a shock talk show host, similar to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh for FOX it’s all about ratings and money, and for Palin it’s about capitalizing on here fame before the next presidential election that is why she quit her governorship of Alaska and slammed out that book. She makes me laugh when she talks politics.
  16. Yesterdays, The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis DNR, State Parks and Recreation and state Department of Fish and Wildlife to explore creating a single pass allowing access to lands managed by the three state agencies Looks like more pay to play Tax the rich till the rich are fat no more!
  17. richard_noggin


    POPE's on the phone right now talk'n climb'n ethics, soon he will be get'n a lap top so he can post on CC.com from the throne DICK
  18. What nude I thought the pic’c were tasteful and as my MUM use to say if you got it flaunt it!
  19. Sorry the men here are not that quick.... Mentally, Quick in other areas, but you appear to be a Mountain Betty that would be into that long hard grind to the top. Good luck all the good ones are taken! Keep post'n BTW very interesting, more mountain betty pic's
  20. Yeah!!! her pay would be dropped to 500,000.00 that's a half mil WTF I hope she gets what she deserves finding another job coming from the biggest failed company in the bailout Ever heard of standing up for your country and putting thinks right. I suppose the bitch thinks she is all that and well worth it, I think her and all the overpaid that lead us into this, their names should become ICONS of TRATORs of our country That bitch is walk'n away with millions of our tax money WTF Now you can see why socialized countries are on their way to kick’n our China would execute half these :ass:holes Anastasia Kelly Kiss my and bitch
  21. 105 thats too old!!! A Cougar must be doable 8D 91 I did the math You're 83, plus 8. [/quote So the math by wikipedia, women over 40 dating men 8 years younger = cougar 8D not 91
  22. 105 thats too old!!! A Cougar must be doable 8D 91 I did the math You're 83, plus 8. No way dude!!! 40 to 60 maybe a little older I have seen 61,62 that was still hot, any older than it's like swim'n in the mohave desert
  23. 105 thats too old!!! A Cougar must be doable 8D
  24. I'm so freak'n bored, phuk'n laid off work, no warm dry ROCK anywhere close or money to chase it So here's some old pro that will wake you up! old SMC nut, old clothes hanger ice screw
  25. Good read, and he is right after an Obama speach I have a renewed since of worth about the USA but the man needs to get a pair.
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