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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. That is one of the reasons I have a C.W.P. Go ahead creep make my day Do the world a favor do'em before they go to jail.
  2. quote: Originally posted by allison: A bolt every 6.67 feet? Dang that's even too many bolts for me and quite frankly, that's saying something!! Don't get on the band waggon and start dis'in things you haven't done. It could come around to bite you in the I am off for the weekend lets see who can have the most fun Hope you have fun this weekend Allison ,Its the name of the game. [ 08-03-2002, 07:30 AM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  3. quote: Originally posted by erden: Is a barking dog at the crags any better than bringing a crying baby to a concert hall or ballet??? Should we be annoyed by the parents or by the dog? Dogs that bark and distract are just as annoying as people who are talking up a storm at the base of climbs, that keep lead climbers from focusing on the job at hand. While trying to muster up that last bit of concentration to pull a crux, the last thing I want here is loud valley talk 'that goes like you know dude...' This is especially a problem at indoor gyms. IMHO humans can learn to respect each other, owners must demand it of their pets. Erden. DIRT ME DUDE, SEND IT DUDE,COOL MOVE DUDE! Ok thats loud vally talk! If you don't send and are pissed your playing the numbers game and it gets to be not fun for you and the people that are around you. If I don't send than I get to have fun at another try I climb for fun not ego. I don't like dog owners who let dangerious situations develope from not control'in there dog at the crag.
  4. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: etc, as well as bring a 3rd tool.[/QB] I always bring my Tool, never can tell when you might have the opportunity to use it
  5. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Dogs are cool it's not their fault. it's the owners that are the retards. Dude how come your not on the visitors list Your not doing that lurk'in and post thing (hit and run) are you?
  6. I have dogs but don't take them to the crag.Dude did you come to climb or walk your #$%!en dog? Or are you trying to pick up chicks with your lame ass mutt? I have friends that bring there dogs to the crag I don't like it but I put up with it . It seems to be the group that,I don't want kids because of responsibility so I get a dog. My real problem is not with the dogs it's the idiot dog owners, Leash it, don't let it run wild and knock rocks on fellow climbers, keep it out of dog fights, clean up its shit , keep it off my rope and out of my belay. Why and @#$% should we have to deal with problems from your pouch Your dog would not be that out of control black mutt named Vader that almost wiped us out with rock fall a few years ago would it [ 08-02-2002, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  7. Dr flash is this where all the crag.com sprayers are heading now the crag.com is down? Where is that kid that everyone used as a whip'in post Ryan? Let me say from me and my crew welcome
  8. quote: Originally posted by b-rock: Oooooh, Chief wanker. Dude I want my avatar pic I am dick head There can be only one
  9. quote: Originally posted by Attitude: quote:Originally posted by Space Jug: Hmmm...Bone sure did turn into a prick all of a sudden. I wonder what gives Hormones. You know.... See avatar tread.I think bones has been ripped off
  10. quote: Originally posted by Charlie: This is Dwayner Pope Step. Lambone should log out of the UW lab computer when he is finished. Lambone almost got a violent visit at the Vertical World. Dwayner Pope Step has spoken. Didn't Bone pull that same shit on someone else? I guess what goes around comes around
  11. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: Info Charlie: your name oughta be gay cowboy cause that's exactly what you are. You homosexual bareback rider. And What up with the stolen hanger auto sig OK I can't figger this one out! Dude did one of you're homies steal you password? Have you gone mental? Are you about to go postal? Bored and looking for the ultimate troll,trying to start a flame war.Dude you don't want us all to go caveman on you do you? Whatdafuck
  12. quote: Originally posted by trask: most pay ME for the privilege Pay for what a good laugh or the rent of the magnifying glass
  13. Thanks Tim I was begin'n to think either no one knew anything, or if they got too close they thought they might get it. The symantec anti virus software had it handled I just didn't know it. Hey you ever wonder if the virus software companys develop virus's
  14. I chosse my avatar so no one would take me too seriously, I mean climbing and this sprayboard is supposed to be fun. Can you picture yourself telling someone you are upset about what dick head said on the internet? Hey it's just a hunk of rock, How important is it what we say or do in the big picture? One day we will be extinct and nature will reclaim its territory.
  15. Ok like 9 people use this computer so no one knows where it come from. The w32klezh@mm virus is quaratined in The anti virus software it is attached to filename: setup.exp C:\windows\temp I deleted a virus early this year and had to rerun windows to get the dial up back. Question what will I lose if I delete this virus? Will I have to rerun windows again? Everyone else useing this computer are just surfers and I guess so am I but it looks like it's up to me to fix it because I use it the most.
  16. SK what the hell are you doing on ,on a friday night don't have a nite life like me or trying to go to sleep in anticipation of reach'in up and pull'in down hard this weekend like me [ 07-26-2002, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  17. Thats ok I am the one and only richard(dick)noggin(head) he will have to find another one I am sure Jon put that one in just for me [ 07-26-2002, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  18. I thought Jon left out a picture of my avatar but there at the end it was. COOL
  19. Yarrow tea if you want to repel them naturaly and from the inside out
  20. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: A real response might be - I am going to snap his spine like a twig. Then crush his gray squirrel balls. After that I would rip his eyeballs out and piss in his eye sockets and litter them with salt. Finally I would chop both his legs off and shove the bloody stumps in hot coals! That is why I don't and no one else would challenge the caveman SPRAY GOD In the future I will consult the MASTER before I committ to a spray confrountation
  21. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: So what are u gonna do if they dont STFU? [/QB] I am going to spew untill little balls of spit fill his eyes then when he can't see I am going to change all his rap cd's out for acid rock and really dark Windham hell cd's Ok I am sorry for going off like that I learned not to do that from my first anger management class. [ 07-26-2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  22. My responce: Fact: I am not on this board 24/7 Fact: the new crack is real Fact:The runout is real Fact:I have put up over 100 routes in this state and am currently working three unknown crags along with other routes Fact: It was an honest question To the climbers who responded thoughfully thank you To the punkass mofo's that are spray'in shit If you start spew'in shit be prepared to back it up or STFU
  23. quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: Chuck you need to quiet down...you KNOW what I mean... Dude your not trying to keep new climbs secret from Bone are you? You know how he hates that shit.
  24. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: hey, so far there have been two new routes posted on this board, yet neither of the first assencionists are revealing where they are. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT!? Nothing pisses me off more. If you want to spray about your new route, cool go for it, but don't spray and just leave us wondering, that's bullshit. If secrecy is your thing then just keep your mouth shut in the first place. my .02$ The Bone is pissed and he has a right to be. There is in fact three crags in WA I have been working. The new crack i recently put up will eventually be in a new guide book, but not any time soon. The second is a sport crag and beta on it will probably be leaking out sometime next year. The third is in Leavenworth ,a bushwack through private property owned by a climber, this crag is destined to be secret for as long as possible. I have been sworn to secrecy by the climbers that discovered these crags.Sorry dude, Bolt choppers affect all of us. The reason I started this tread is because in the past I have put up crack climbs with no bolts and sport climbs with all bolts. I just was not sure what to do with this climb, I put a lot of work into it and want other climbers to enjoy it, and I want to enjoy it in the future myself.I was haveing a mental ethics struggle. I should have not ask here for the answer.What was I think'in this is where you spray and get sprayed upon. Pink is pink,Red is Red and if you rehearse it, preplace gear it is brown (shit point)
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