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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Trask I at least expected some kind of responce Dude don't be scared I won't burn you too bad. Yo mommas really nice and Im sorry i sad all those crude thing about her.
  2. Thats right when some asshole that pre places gear works the moves on a tope rope, wires the moves and claims FA on cracks( shrinking ball desease) thinks he can decide whose FA's need to be choped can eat this Retro sucks! Retro Sucks!
  3. Trasks Momma's so big she is listed as a problem in the Leanvenworth bouldering guide. Big Booty Bitch Slap V-7, start on undercling below prow....Must be the first flab roll. Whew that must be skank
  4. Trask's momma's so ugly the clocks in her house run backwards trying to get away. Wang dang skunk pudd'in tang
  5. Trask came out of his corner weak jon give him the one two three, Trask stumbled trough round two jon is the winner of round two You guy are killing me!!!
  6. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: the joys of spewing forth on the internet.[/QB] Oh yes spewing is much more fun than the same old dead topic and never ending looong posts that follow. I notice the ones that spew endlessly about that nasty bolt some where on an unseen crag are the same ones that don't give back to climbing, they just take from it and spray bout ethics. I don't see them at cleanups, trail projects or belonging to access groups. I personaly see them as the biggest threat to our access Larry the tool is loveing this shit
  7. Jon and Trask please crank up the Yo Mama war again I laughted for days at those posts , it was like stand up comedy ,that was some funny shit. Jon I hate to tell you but Trask was kicking your Ars. You can still get him in round Two just whip an old spray KO on him
  8. Take all the rock in Leavenworth and jackhammer and pry all the loose rock off, preasure wash it, Grid bolt it, and and anything too hard for me to climb please chip, glue, or bolt holds to it.
  9. Blah! Ba! Blah! Ba! Blah!Yea! R.R. is not anyone I would mentor from and who would wear that manky ass climbing wear any way? Bolts, don't chop them don't bitch about them, if you don't like them skip'em ,STFU and just climb dam i get tired of the SOS , lame ass treads
  10. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I climbed Beckey's 5.7 pitch last weekend. I clipped his rusty ole bolt. So Beckey's a sport climber And did he place the old 1\4 inch bolts on classic crack? [ 06-14-2002, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  11. quote: Originally posted by Alex: No idea what you are talking about or what this thread is referring to... Alex[/QB] You where look'in for reason or intelligent thought here DaKine You'll get it
  12. Yea I'm with the caveman! I am free I can like, hate who and whatever i want and if I want to give you my hole spray about it I am free to do so. No internet cops they suck and since I am on a sinceless rant and rave ROCK COPS SUCK I will also climb whatever I want in whatever style I want shithead ethics police
  13. Newest member Ray Bonbon now thats funny!
  14. quote: Originally posted by rayborbon: I propose the avatar trade! Post with an avatar you want to trade then someone send the PM with another they have to offer. Who wants to be rayborbon? Give up the caveman and you got a deal!! I will trad you all 6 of mine for that one Or tell me the one you want ,it proably was mine at one time
  15. quote: Originally posted by crank_sloper: [stupid posts like this are why I do not visit this bulletin board much anymore.[/QB] Yeah if your such a asswipe you don't like spray, jokes or the enjoyment we are getting from it than just go to WWW. boreing .com where you belong and kiss this wanker Was that crank sloper or can't crank shit,I here you mama callin must be dinner time better go .The bad boys are staying ,talkin shit and sprayin
  16. Treads like this make me want to hurl my lunch. Blah!Ba !Blah! Ba !Blah! Your kickin a dead horse here. Drul your such a troll ,Bolts are bad! bolts are good! ok we have both sides of the argument
  17. I think whillans, panther are the same person and the real spraymaster of this board
  18. DaKine DaKine DaKine Now that I have you all stoned you will be toooo laid back to fight and I will be the true master of the battle cage [ 06-11-2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  19. quote: Originally posted by bellemontagne: Something to offend everyone! Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mom How do you know when you're really ugly? Dogs hump your leg with their eyes closed What is the quickest way to clear out a men's restroom? Say, "Nice Dick" How do you know when you're leading a sad life? When a nymphomaniac tells you, "Let's just be friends" Why don't bunnies make noise when they have sex? Because they have cotton balls Mom's have Mother's day, Dad's have Fathers day, What do single guys have? Palm Sunday Why is being in the Military like a blowjob? The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel What do you call a 90 year old man who can still masturbate? Miracle Whip What does a 75 year old woman have between her breasts? Her Navel What has a whole bunch of little balls and screws old ladies? A Bingo Machine What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? A porcupine has the pricks on the outside Why did God create alcohol? So ugly people could have sex too What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? "Are you sure it's mine?" What's the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts? Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck What three two-letter words mean small? "Is It In?" Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex? Mace will do that to you If you are having sex with two women and one more walks in, what do you have? Divorce proceedings most likely Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia? Everyone has the same DNA What would you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other? A speech impediment What does it mean when the flag at the Post Office is flying at half mast? They're hiring What do toilets, a clitoris, and an anniversary have in common? Men miss them all Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact? Breasts don't have eyes Did you hear about the dyslexic Rabbi? He walks around saying "Yo" What do you call an Alabama farmer with a sheep under each arm? A Pimp Why do drivers education classes in Redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays? Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it What's the difference between a Southern zoo, and a Northern zoo? A Southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front the cage, along with a recipe How do you get a sweet little 80 year old lady to say Fuck? Get another sweet little 80 year old lady to yell "Bingo" What's the Cuban National Anthem? Row row row your boat What's the difference between a Northern fairytale and a Southern fairytale? A Northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time, A Southern fairytale begins "'Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit" What's the best form of birth control after 50? Nudity What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? 45 lbs. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? 45 minutes. How many women does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just sit there in the dark and bitch. What's the fastest way to a man's heart? Through his chest with a sharp knife. Why are men and parking spaces alike? Because all the good ones are gone and the only ones left are disabled. What have men and floor tiles got in common? If you lay them properly the first time, you can walk all over them for life. Why do men want to marry virgins? They can't stand criticism. Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive,caring, and good looking? Because those men already have boyfriends. What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog? After a year, the dog is still excited to see you. What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying? The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving. What is the biggest problem for an atheist? No one to talk to during orgasm. What do you call a smart blonde? A golden retriever. Who is the most popular guy at the nudist colony? The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen donuts. Who is the most popular girl at the nudist colony? She is the one who can eat the last donut! Why does the bride always wear white? Because it's good for the dishwasher to match the stove and refrigerator. A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all in third grade. Who has the biggest boobs? The blonde, because she's 18. How do I get a print out of this ??
  20. Retro you have such a way with words. Your makeing me feel all fuzzy inside. Ah yes the human race 98% no brains 98% assholes, this is why i prefer to do most of my mountaineering SOLO Pick you friends and climbing partners well.
  21. [ 06-11-2002, 06:22 AM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
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