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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. See I told ya! Red point: placeing all the gear on lead Pink point: preplaceing gear( sport climb ) Brown point: Top roped rehearsed preplaced gear trad route ( see traditionalist above ) I knew Largo would back me up Hang dogg'in day glow spandex sporto,s brown point'in our cracks and call'in em First accents Whathefuksupwitdat they must be from Cali or Colorado They musta been eatin too much of that unprocessed
  2. quote: Originally posted by trask: Mr. Dick Head, You ain't wrapped all that tight I’ve noticed. I guess the best we can do is to try to humor you until you find your meds. Eat balls & Choke, trask I knew it,your the one that has been following me I don't care what those voices in my head keep telling me ,I don't have a problem it's everone else that has got a problem and they had just better stop :mad Im not taking those meds anymore they make me sleepy works way better I need a real friend: a friend will help you move, a real friend will help you move a body
  3. Trask you little wee wee cyber tweaker you did'nt think i was buy'in into that shit did ya Trask stop suck'in up to the trads you bolt clip'in X Jarhead gumby Trask = I know Eat this
  4. [/qb] You can't cheat it by laying back....um...the FA was done as a layback cause Washington Climbers didnt know how to jam yet back then![/QB] Don't be talk'in shit about Becky here in the states they keep his book in the motel night stands.
  5. He's a little wee wee wanker cyber tweaker that is always try'in to stir me up Damn glad he sprays on this site Spray on dude And why can't the rest of you post way cool pic's like trask really hate the ones so big they lock up my computer
  6. When your out for a laid back day or when you can't find a partner.That is when you can find me with the sex futon chill'in under a boulder
  7. I have used the Rock Exotica soloist The Gri Gri and the Ushba Basic ascender for roped soloing the Ushba works the best and is the lightest. Sport routes: clip the first bolt with a locker and lead on. Trad routes: fix anchor at or close to the ground and lead on. Try to use a back up knot in the running line at some point for back up or just run it out like I do. Sounds like some of you are useing it for solo top ropeing The Ushba works the best for this also. You can also use the Ushba basic ascender as an ascender,go figger.
  8. quote: Originally posted by MF206er: Thanks for the responses all. Just for the record (if anyone here keeps a record) this was not a troll or an attempt to start BOLT WARS. Cool
  9. I wrote PH-Q-2 on mine I like to see who can figger it out
  10. Unexpected from you but way funny.That is wy I surf this board even if i get stormed out of the cascades or can't get the crux on my latest project I can always get a laught here. Thanks dude
  11. What up Trask, crack Baby Dude thats old smack you must be a tweaker Cyber crank maggot xhead .I told you i am not on this site 24/7 wait till i'm online so we can battle it out in the Thunder dome The little Trask wee wee wanker geting scared because there is a new spraymaster in town ? The good doctor is obviously climbs it all and is well read . I will admit that you surf the net way more and come up with some really good pic's but spray'in and climb'in he can kick yur That bit of beta about Messner cracked me up.I have read all his books ,liked them but thought he had a hollier than thou attitude so I was really get'in tired of that same old quote: bolts are the murder of the impossiable. The trad's wear like wear'in it out The view from the top of the big hill is not that great,only the last two pitches of Outer space are steller,and godzilla is harder than 5.9 hows that for troll'in [ 08-07-2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  12. Dr Flash Amazing kicks ass He really Spiced things up around here Trask I think he can kick your spray ass I can't wait till the trad spray Gods are back this is going to be good Rock On Dr,I neel to your overwhelming spray power oh spraymaster ,Here's one for you
  13. They musta been on there way to presure wash,jack hammer, grid bolt the hay stack. Than they would stick clip, pink point all the routes in there ability and anything left would have holds installed by glue'in chip'in or just bolted on,than they would brown point them Isn't that what the Tradies claim the sporto,s do RAD or TRAD it's all vertical and it's all climbing
  14. Alex Lowe soloed outer space 4 hours car to car. He said it was fun. I don't think he did it for speed. What is wicked fast for us mortals is just fun for some I prefer to go at my fun pace
  15. Sport routes in an alpine setting whooooo let the spray begin!! A lot of route setters don't put up sport routes in alpine settings because of the flack they will have to endure,but hey i will climb them if they are there
  16. Hey whathefuksupwitdat report post Is that like 1-800-rat signs posted along the freeway Dang sprayers get'in out of hand, big brother push'in with the thumb [ 08-06-2002, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  17. quote: Originally posted by Doug: So does thi mean that they "Pink Pointed" Mt. Si trail? WHOOOPS! Thread Creep!!!! Maybe they were looking for a place to do some "Brown * Pointing", nudge nudge, wink wink! Dude your not try'in to start shit are you? I like that but be carefull what goes around comes around, I have been on the reciveing end and you don't want to go there. Spray on dude
  18. Hey let's get that cat fight think go'in. Usually it's the male ego that brings out the mud sling'in around here. Biker babe vs Ice ax girl Is this going to be on pay per view wrestling
  19. Ok preplaceing draws on a sport climb might be somewhat acceptable but I feel like i cheeted if I do it so I don't. Preplaceing gear on a trad climb than claiming a FA is really lame, I mean your giveing the next guy that climbs at that ability the impression that the route will go onsight easily for a gearmaster.I think they should call that a brown point cause that is a shity thing to do. DFA please stay and hang on this board we really need your input.If you know me you would know my comment about sporto's was facetious comment.
  20. Mr White I'm begining to like your laid back real person logic
  21. Take trail to Dirty Harry,s balcony( hiking the mountians to sound greenway by Harvey Manning) and JUMP! Lots of FA to be had in this area. Stay off my plums
  22. Letter in the new rock and Ice#118 pg16 So prelaceing draws on a sport climb is reported as a red point but preplaceing gear on a trad climb is a pinkpoint. Whathefuksupwitdat what it is,is what it is Red is red, pink is pink just be bold enought to report your style of ascent. The only reason I can see for preplaced draws is on overhanging routes too steep to efficiently get your draws off and in that case they should be permanent draws and BTW I don't climb that hard.Dang Euro sporto's make'in up new rules,thats where this dang bolted face climbing came from
  23. quote: Originally posted by trask: quote:Originally posted by Bianca Piaggio: All ya gotta do is walk around like ya own the place, whatever that place may be, and nobody's going to give you any guff. No gun, just a little common sense. Doy. Get mugged or raped a lot? Me neither. Now why the hell is this being talked about at cc.com? If we were at ParanoidFrightenedWomenWalkingThroughDarkAlleysAtNightInLingerie.com, it might make more sense. shut up bull dyke Trask words of wisdom from a little wee wee wanker
  24. quote: Originally posted by texplorer:
  25. quote: Originally posted by texplorer: Is this really an appropriate post on this website? Yes a warning that might save a fellow climber life or limb is appropriate. Lady's get a Conceled Weapons Permit and erradicate this scum.
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