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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. vice a versa...chapman decked bachar...
  2. Jon's point about the drugs was that they enabled the bulgarians to train that way...ie. if you were NOT taking drugs that training would break you... is that what you were saying Jon?
  3. Didn't Guellich say something like that? If you can't pull the hardest move you have nothing to endure. Jerry Moffat
  4. RuMR

    Sport vs Trad

    hey...fuggoff...i resemble that...what are you? Swedishghey or Norwegianlutefishfucker??
  5. yawn where would you toss Mr. Caldwell into this mix? You know, the one that crushes trad grade 5 routes...or Mr. Hirayama?
  6. Maybe if you were standing on a two foot stool. ok...score one point for that one!
  7. ahhh...i'd really like Drew to meet you in person...he's heard a ton about you and Chris Grover filled him in with more detail this summer... i live up in seattle, but will try to track you down soon in bend... Check your private messages...should be at the top of your screen... Cheers! Rudy
  8. i think that's kimmo's general point that if you can't yank on a two finger 1/4" ledge its kinda pointless to train endurance to send a route with a two finger 1/4" ledge...
  9. Alan, Don't know if you'll post again after the infantile tirades, but if you are reading my son would love to get a copy of your latest guidebook signed by you. Take care Rudy Ruana
  10. oh...almost forgot, kiss my ass, kimmo you hater!
  11. nah...i get along with Kimmo really well...known him since he was a wee pup from 2 decades ago... FWIW, kimmo is climbing sick these days...whatever he's doing its paying off...i'd listen to him...my $0.02... Don't know John's actual numbers so i can't comment on his training effectiveness and until he actually puts out a "I was climbing at X, after doing Y I'm climbing at this Z level" i consider everything he does as circumspect Having said that, i have a pretty good relative idea of kimmo's capabilities before he turned into a training nazi and his capabilities now...
  12. fuggoff kimmo!
  13. that will never happen...
  14. I'm sure I'd like him too. Seems like a nice guy who means well. And I do give him credit for promoting the "sport scene" in the U.S., which is characterized by an insignificant increase in standards at the cost of a casual attitude to the application of bolts, an enormous decrease in the importance of style and adventure. Climbing used to mean ascending. It no longer does. Climbers used to attempt new ascents with minimal impact. They no longer give a shit. The fact is, nice people occasionally make poor choices with enormous impact. That's how I'd summarize Alan's contribution. OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVEN'T CLIMBED WITH THE LATEST GENERATION MUCH, DINOSAUR
  15. i resmeble Homer...
  16. climbing isn't rocket science. climbing is simply a technical form of weight-lifting. certainly technique is important, but in the end, it's about strength to weight ratio, with a large part of that equation being finger strength to weight ratio. i'm not meaning to disrespect your opinion, but your above statement calling climbing a "non strength" sport is laughable at best.... and anyone who says there is no technique to lifting is waaay whacked as well...
  17. RuMR


    fuck off...
  18. RuMR

    we suck

    best post yet...
  19. RuMR


    ok...that's fine, except he also cut down a huge branch and then hucked into my backyard...didn't even discuss it with me...just walked over and did it...
  20. RuMR


    I have a tree about 6 feet back from my property line...it sheds leaves on the neighbor's lawn...does he have the right to blow them back onto my yard? WTF? the other neighbors laugh at the guy cuz he does it to the flanking neighbors as well... personally, i take care of the leaves from other neighbors when they are on my yard... what is the law on this? I live in king county...anyone know?
  21. quote this mothafucka "suck it"...
  22. no...i think he only refused to use a tent WITH YOU...stupid buttfokker
  23. You lucky bastard, you! I can't believe you didn't get whacked with that gear!
  24. nobody said that...they only said YOU were less manly or intelligent... BTW: WHo is Jardine???? Oh, right, the owner of GoLite...
  25. RuMR

    we suck

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