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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. RuMR

    Pink Bikini

  2. RuMR

    V 16

  3. RuMR


    They aren't...
  4. RuMR


    ...damn...i will now just shut up and sit down and let Trash deal with the poop and dwanus dog and pony show....careful though, Trash, you might get challenged with a watermelon...
  5. RuMR


  6. RuMR


    dude...logic doesn't apply here... You must remember that they hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun and carrying lead bricks to anchor to so they could ascend their 5.8c/d moss covered, slug infested death defying ankle shattering heroic endeavor of a route. Each time they lowered desperately from the second move (and then the third, then the fourth, and so on...) of the route so as to stay pure to their ideals. This was due to the fact that they didn't want to suffer the "boos" from the massive audiences that also hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun... (how's that for a run-on sentence, poopy?)
  7. RuMR


    Hello friend. Your boy seems like a good sport, and a splendid climber. While you're living vicariously through his accomplishments, remember to keep a helmet on him. And please don't teach him to talk like a rap artist (like his dad). I don't think 5.13 is special unless you're climbing it in very good style. I suspect you've done a couple of these, but I doubt you do them any faster or in any better style than the next mediocre athlete (like I) could do. I've never done one, but I flashed Equinox on a top-rope, so I assume I could add a couple ofletter grades by adopting your strategies. Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm not really interested in knowing either. The point is, the traditional approach to mountaineering (rock, ice, whatever) requires everything the sport climber is doing and more. You have to worry about protection, about safety, about leading out on moves when the pro below you may be questionable and you don't know whether any good pro exists above. You have to worry about possibly getting a bolt in on lead, or maybe you just back off. One way or the other, the demands are higher, the adventure greater, the mess you leave is far smaller. Sport climbing? Virtually every requirement described in the previous paragraph is bypassed. You can spend days or weeks working one pitch, you can hang, yard, top-rope, whatever you want. I think Dwayner's point is accurate, which is that 5.13 isn't really that great a leap above hard 5.11 or 5.12, when so many of the requirements of traditional climbing are removed. It doesn't matter whether you've done one, or I've done one, or Dwayner's done one. If sport climbing tactics are employed, it's no greater accomplishment than climbing a 5.12 in good style. :tup: I'll see your and raise you with a turd and two :tdown:
  8. RuMR


    Hello friend. Your boy seems like a good sport, and a splendid climber. While you're living vicariously through his accomplishments, remember to keep a helmet on him. And please don't teach him to talk like a rap artist (like his dad). I don't think 5.13 is special unless you're climbing it in very good style. I suspect you've done a couple of these, but I doubt you do them any faster or in any better style than the next mediocre athlete (like I) could do. I've never done one, but I flashed Equinox on a top-rope, so I assume I could add a couple ofletter grades by adopting your strategies. Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm not really interested in knowing either. The point is, the traditional approach to mountaineering (rock, ice, whatever) requires everything the sport climber is doing and more. You have to worry about protection, about safety, about leading out on moves when the pro below you may be questionable and you don't know whether any good pro exists above. You have to worry about possibly getting a bolt in on lead, or maybe you just back off. One way or the other, the demands are higher, the adventure greater, the mess you leave is far smaller. Sport climbing? Virtually every requirement described in the previous paragraph is bypassed. You can spend days or weeks working one pitch, you can hang, yard, top-rope, whatever you want. I think Dwayner's point is accurate, which is that 5.13 isn't really that great a leap above hard 5.11 or 5.12, when so many of the requirements of traditional climbing are removed. It doesn't matter whether you've done one, or I've done one, or Dwayner's done one. If sport climbing tactics are employed, it's no greater accomplishment than climbing a 5.12 in good style. why don't you guys go do one in shitty style and report back with a "see I told you" and then all your bullshit will carry some weight...
  9. RuMR


    yah...that one has me quaking in my boots...shudder
  10. RuMR


    booooo pooope and dw-anus....booo booo booo ppooopy and dwanus...
  11. RuMR


    still bitin' the pillow, old fellow?
  12. RuMR


    Pope...you're talking shit... "3. What you're doing deserves even less respect than aid climbing because the gear you cheat with takes no skill and no balls to place. Add to that it holds 12,000 lbs so your risk and commitment are zero. Add to that you place the gear while sliding down a rope." again, until you and your fudgepackin' old man actually do send a 5.13, its all conjecture on your part about "no skill and no balls"...
  13. RuMR


  14. RuMR


    Hang-dog all you want, dude. That's your problem. This is a style issue. Like using tape, having pre-placed gear, beta, etc. There are varying opinions on this stuff. Nearly every "sport" has style issues. This is one of them. Get it? dw-anus...sharma would "style" onsight your hardest routes in flip flops...any problems with that?? why don't you back your shitspray up and go send a 5.13 after "seiging" etc.?? and then people might take you seriously, until then, you're just a spraying douchebag never-was talking aboubt shit that you've never done... in the end, you come off like a bitter old fool that never really did much above a recreational level, yet think you are awesome...
  15. RuMR


    "Boo. Booooo. Booooooooo." "wtf, are you trying to scare me?" "No, I am booing you because you are hanging on the rope. Booo. Boooo." "Oh. Carry on then." "ok. Booo. Boooooooo." HAHAHAHAHAHA...."BOO"
  16. RuMR


    Rain....please tell me what is wrong with this style of climbing? Besides the bolts....because I have sieged the hell out of certain cracks that I wanted to send....all on gear. O.K. dude...I'll try to explain it simply. I kind of like you even though you come off as Forrest Gump with typing skills...Actually I think you're smarter than most people around here give you credit. It's like this...can you walk up to a 5.9/5.10 and get your fat body up that thing? Good for you! You're a 5.9/5.10 climber. Now if you did that same climb, and had to rehearse the difficult moves over and over again until you got it wired, is that the same same thing as having the ability to approach it and do the route because you're up for it? Are you now a 5.9/5.10 climber? I don't think so. I believe the same thing about many of these so-called "cutting edge" routes. Most of them require weeks of rehearsal, that is, siege climbing, which in my book, at least, is not the same as having the ability to "on-site" something because you have the developed strength and skill. Early in my climbing career, if someone was "free-climbing" a route, and hung off the rope: "hang-dogging", they were often booed and told to come back when they were up to the challenge. I happen to agree with this philosophy. I also believe that even you, Kevbone, can climb 5.12 and above given enough rehearsal time. It might take you months,rather than weeks, but you might very well pull off a 5.13. And for those who claim that sport-climbing and hang-doggin' has allowed them to get strong enough to do hard routes, there are enough indoor gyms around these days to help you "get strong" where there's no excuse to express your inadequacies on real rock by siege climbing. Can't do the route without falling? Pull the rope and start over or come back when you're good enough, but don't equate free-climbing with siege climbing....it's an illusion of numbers. There still aren't alot of climbers who can do anything 5.13 or above without resorting to rehearsal. Does it hurt me if they want to spend their lives that way...spending a month rehearsing a 50 foot climb? No, I just think it's pathetic. Even if it's done on trad gear. Don't confuse the abilty to on-site with the abilty to to rehearse a climb into submission. It's quite a boundary. But folks should recognize it for what it is. Just my opinion. Carry on, 'bone. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO BROUGHT UP THE TERM ONSIGHT.... hey dumb ass...no one ever said sharma was n onsite 5.15 climber...but you know what, he pretty consistently onsites 5.14-...so, i guess i'd call him a 5.14 onsite climber...you, i'd call you a shitspraying fuckhead who doesn't climb and disparages other climbers...oh wait...here it comes "YOU DON'T KNOW ME OR ANYTHING ABOUT ME...WHY I COULD HANG DOG MY WAY UP ANY ROUTE"...
  17. RuMR


    FWIW, my son watches literally hours of top end bouldering and climbing on Youtube...i really do believe that its helping his climbing...he sees what is possible, and climbs very efficiently, rarely regrips holds and moves very very quickly and dynamically with big lock offs (relative to his height...)
  18. RuMR


    BS.... no man, i know i've flung poo, but i was curious about your learning. i couldn't figure out what it was, so i asked. like, was it that you learned what kinda shoes he wears, or that he tries hella hard, or he keeps truckin, or yells a lot, or what. or that the euros shout a lot of encouragement and speak european. i don't know what it is, and you are playing coy. i am simply curious, sincerely. Mostly what I learned after viewing this MULTIPLE times (and of course you get an improved understanding every time you watch)....is that Chris (yeah, even though we've never met, I feel like I know him well enough for the first-name reference)....Chris...Oh my gosh, he just doesn't quit! I don't think the word impossible is known to this man-child! Just makes me wanna throw the Gri-Gri in the car and go fling myself at my project RIGHT NOW! If I ever see him down at the Vertical World, I'm gonna just walk right up to him and hug him. And I'd do that, because he seems so REAL, you know? Like, I mean....he's like this total icon and everything and yet I'll bet he's the kind of guy who would just indulge a totally anonymous guy like me in some fascinating conversation. God. GOD! That's it, I'm outa here. I'm heading out to Exit 38 RIGHT NOW! That's what I learned. BTW, the route he's climbing, is that an old bolt ladder? Anybody know? what a fuckin' douchebag you are...
  19. RuMR


  20. RuMR


    kimmo is just shy of that category...
  21. man, the lighting is awesome! was that real or an effect added to the raw footage?
  22. his favorite climbing area is Yosemite for its cracks...he loves cracks above all else...nasty little habit, it is...
  23. He can climb anything i can, but the converse is not true...
  24. Do you remember him when he was 6 hiking wartley's? talk about a midget!
  25. This is a good point...he claims that it felt 12+ for him and actually worked harder on other routes...that being said he has not redpointed it (although he hiked it with no falls on a toprope his third go)...his fingers do get torn in the same spot as adults, he's using stuff in between the bigger scars. I think the real difference is the size of his toe on his climbing shoe... he has led many 12's and redpointed one 13a on lead so far (he did this one pretty quickly)...
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