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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. RuMR


    blah blah blah
  2. dude...you are cruizin' for a care bear bruisin'...
  3. RuMR


    wtf? what is almost flash? So you fell off, doged your way to the top (i assume you didn't lower leaving gear), went back and did it RP. so why are you dissing sportos, since you have done the exact same in the past? man, you are weak and tool at the same time. and yes, the time have changed- people warm up on 11's. so you were and still are weak, pathetic wanker BAWHAHAHAHAHAHHA .... remember bob, he flashed equinox on a top rope!
  4. RuMR


    No. They cost too much, and I had people waiting on me who were in no position to finish the climb. And they were cold. I hung on a nut, threw down my sweater and finished. With "1 PA" is the way I wrote it in my notes. The 2nd on the rope, who is now a big advocate of sport climbing and who has a mouth even larger than yours, followed the pitch with tension for nearly every move. I only went back to the climb to see if my Vertical World membership was providing dividends. BOOO BOOO BOOO U SUCK BOOO BOOO BOOO GO HOME POSER BOOO BOOO... musta sucked being all cold while dripping sweat from the heat, eh? logic doesn't apply here... You must remember that they hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun and carrying lead bricks to anchor to so they could ascend their 5.8c/d moss covered, slug infested death defying ankle shattering heroic endeavor of a route. Each time they lowered desperately from the second move (and then the third, then the fourth, and so on...) of the route so as to stay pure to their ideals. This was due to the fact that they didn't want to suffer the "boos" from the massive audiences that also hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun...
  5. dude...she's a hot milf...next...
  6. RuMR


  7. RuMR


    logic doesn't apply here... You must remember that they hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun and carrying lead bricks to anchor to so they could ascend their 5.8c/d moss covered, slug infested death defying ankle shattering heroic endeavor of a route. Each time they lowered desperately from the second move (and then the third, then the fourth, and so on...) of the route so as to stay pure to their ideals. This was due to the fact that they didn't want to suffer the "boos" from the massive audiences that also hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun...
  8. Post the dead horse already!!!
  9. RuMR

    Pink Bikini

    TRAIL RUN FREAK... you damn f-ing tease! WHERE ARE THE FING PICS??????
  10. RuMR

    FIVE Weeks!

    i tried it once...but got scared from all the "BOO BOO BOO BOO" crap coming from the audience when i hung on that absolutely SIIIIICK 5.7 b/c!!
  11. RuMR

    V 16

    Booobies boobies boobies!!!!!!!! ....please post!!!
  12. RuMR


    you'll have to shoot a pm to dwanus to get the full gory details..
  13. RuMR

    FIVE Weeks!

    BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO... none of that pansy bolt clippin' for me, yo!
  14. RuMR

    V 16

    and of course for Poop, i present:
  15. RuMR

    V 16

  16. RuMR


    logic doesn't apply here... You must remember that they hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun and carrying lead bricks to anchor to so they could ascend their 5.8c/d moss covered, slug infested death defying ankle shattering heroic endeavor of a route. Each time they lowered desperately from the second move (and then the third, then the fourth, and so on...) of the route so as to stay pure to their ideals. This was due to the fact that they didn't want to suffer the "boos" from the massive audiences that also hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun...
  17. RuMR


    yep...but pope's style of bashing sportclimbing is like fudgepacking...
  18. RuMR

    V 16

  19. RuMR

    V 16

    no...that is not a woman like you'd date...
  20. RuMR

    FIVE Weeks!

  21. RuMR

    V 16

    ahhh...yes...the very sexy dark triangle...love that...mmmmmmm
  22. RuMR

    V 16

  23. RuMR

    V 16

  24. RuMR


    how many times does a concert pianist rehearse a piece, focusing on certain movements, and even portions of a piece before actually performing it? Or football players, baseball players, basketball players, soccer players, etc. Rehearsal in climbing is called practice in other sports. And rearding martial arts, consider trying to break your first board in front of the sensei without ever trying it outside the dojo first. logic doesn't apply here... You must remember that they hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun and carrying lead bricks to anchor to so they could ascend their 5.8c/d moss covered, slug infested death defying ankle shattering heroic endeavor of a route. Each time they lowered desperately from the second move (and then the third, then the fourth, and so on...) of the route so as to stay pure to their ideals. This was due to the fact that they didn't want to suffer the "boos" from the massive audiences that also hiked uphill both directions in driving blizzard snows while suffering unbelievably from the scorching 120 degree blazing sun...
  25. RuMR


    ...wanna collect on that bet, poser?
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