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Everything posted by RuMR

  1. you gotta online link to that place??
  2. RuMR

    Hebrew thread?

    Neh, I am really into this french trend: the french rule!
  3. is he still buggin you to put out again??
  4. so fuckin' what...what if some ass clown has a 4 season tent from some big name company cuz he's gonna go up denali or somethin' and then takes it backpacking around here?? B I G D E A L what the hell are you so bent about...you don't want a north face, then don't shop at nordstroms or rei or where ever, go buy a fuckin' tarp and sleep under it... someone point and laugh at you? Why do you care what others do?????????? you have some issues man...
  5. or was that the guy who once climbed ELFUCKIN'CAP!!
  6. There is Lost Cam Kenny and Crazy Kenny Jim O.'s friend. I am talking about older Crazy Kenny that just got back from Colorado. yup. Sitting down upper left, black hair. this picture was 1997. who is the dork hippy bitch?? is that your wife, kev?
  7. wtf are you babbling about?? You don't even make sense...
  8. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    Is your wife aware that you are madly in love with kev yet?
  9. not much compares to quartzite sandstone as far as rock quality...
  10. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    hey....he spelled middle correctly!!!!
  11. POSEOUR!!!
  12. i don't understand how this stuff cost soo much more than high end racing boots...wtf??
  13. RuMR

    Permanent "Recession"

    he didn't create this mess...your buddy bushie left it this way....'member??
  14. good for you! so, can you point me to an example here on cc.com? Oh, and NOLSe (John Frieh) doesn't count...
  15. hadn't thought about that...i will look into it... regarding climbing in the summer at the new...yeah, its hot, but its hella fun...grew up there so i know what i'm in for...really the worst part is trying to sleep at night...
  16. only morons pay full retail, tool... don't quite understand you...what are you so full of piss and vinegar about?? fuck, you don't want something then don't buy it...
  17. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    go lay in the middle of the road...embrace it!
  18. Vertical World Team would probably not be a great idea for behavioral issues...the kids are serious, train hard and are very very focused...the coaches won't take *problem* kids...think of select soccer or something along those lines... personally, i agree with Pete on this one...people who are trained to deal with this stuff are better suited...
  19. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    How do you know that I am a liberal? Because unfortunately "Retard" is not a political party. thanks dick!! I just fuckin' sprayed coffee all over my screen and its pouring out my nostrils from laughing so hard...
  20. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    and i know you are liberal, so at least maybe there are three functioning brain cells in that nerve ganglia you call a "brain"....
  21. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    kev...the only reason things like smallpox, polio, etc. make no difference in your pathetic little life is because 99.9% of the people that you'd be exposed to have been vaccinated and therefore can't transmit it to you... don't you think it odd that smallpox has disappeared? or polio is very rare? Especially when they were huge killers not so long ago (within recorded history)...hmmmm, couldn't have anything to do with vaccinations...goddammit, people like you are the reason that people like the repugnicans can stay in business...
  22. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    learn some basic microbiology- what you are saying is a complete bullshit without a shred of truth. Contrary......the truth is these people get the flu shot, then get the flu within 72 hours. That is a fact. What caused the flu is speculation. Listen you stupid fuck- it's a dead virus, so you can't get infected by dead virus. It takes 14-21 days to develop antibodies after the shot, so during this time you are still able to contract influenza. H1N1 vaccine is specific. Seasonal vaccines pick 3 most likely stains of viruses and if you are exposed to a different strain you still can get infected. So no, your logic on this one is lacking big time actually bob, its a live "attenuated" virus...at least the one my kids got...doesn't change the fact that kev is a tard though...maybe there's a vaccination for that?
  23. RuMR

    Fear Mongering

    this could be a good way to clear the gene pool...kev, don't EVER get vaccinated, please??
  24. that would be kinda what i was thinking, johnson...pine creek is kinda cool, and there's all the high country stuff too...
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