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Everything posted by iain

  1. That is an interesting situation. If I was the team I would compromise by setting up a rope system and attaching the willing hero guy to the end, wearing two pairs of carhartts and a flak jacket, give him an frs radio, lower him (so he has both hands free, way safer than rapping), let him bag the dog, then raise him with a mech adv. system. Only the guy who wants to risk it is exposed to the danger, and the op is done in a much safer style than what looks a little out of control outlined above. Of course some serious release forms would be tossed around if the sheriff is involved. Maybe that would work out. Rapping down to a crazed 80lb animal is hanging it out there a bit for sure. What if it were an injured horse down there? Is it still a go?
  2. What were the specs on this situation? The dog was 100ft down from the top, but how high off the ground? How big of a dog are we talking here?
  3. But if they do it's a full-length feature on the evening news.
  4. just caught up with this thread - thnx for the entertainment, nodder.
  5. Arceuthobium spp. dwarf mistletoe
  6. I would head for los alamos and bang on the dungeon doors there.
  7. Not to take over this thread, but which dynafit bindings do you use?
  8. Not a bad idea. You can always go up sunshine too, if the spur looks gross from the moraine. It is longer, but perhaps more interesting (though they are both pretty sloggy). It would be nice if you could report back on coverage of snowdome etc for the skiers. Have fun.
  9. nice, that's totally Alpine Helicopter out of Golden, BC
  10. Climbers seem to as well. It's probably safer to ski down than to walk down in late spring.
  11. I'm sure it is still quite climbable. Get up and at 'em early. Enjoy.
  12. break out the scotch and 12 year olds!
  13. please, the correct term is "furnishing alcohol to a minor"
  14. iain

    No Coffee

    I think you are mistaking yerba mate for crack
  15. that "scoreboard" is weapons-grade stupid.
  16. Ah yes, my goat. Touché.
  17. blistering barnacles
  18. SeaTac = mired in climbing permit fees and porter problems
  19. The one with the tiger and dolphin (apparently in space) is touching.
  20. iain

    No climbing? WTF?

    climbed. skied. skied some more. gotta rev up for that wicked triple black diamond shit in MN next winter.
  21. iain

    No Coffee

    who doesn't like the smell of coffee?
  22. I have liked the SMC i-picket since it only has one end you can hammer on. This keeps the burrs at one end and the "stake" end clean, so it is placed easily. If you use the MSR ones, it's nice to only hit them on one end. The burrs are sharp, and can start cutting things on your pack. For what it's worth, there have been a number of sizable loads hanging off short MSR pickets with no problems. And in the right snow, they will break before they pull. They do not hold up so well in the freshiez.
  23. While it's a good display of general fitness, the crux of this would be driving between the mountains without causing an accident or getting caught in traffic.
  24. iain

    This board is silly

    It kind of looks like that house has a drawbridge. I suppose that is pretty cool.
  25. iain

    This board is silly

    After soaking in this glorious run, enjoy the freshest seafood in the Midwest at our restaurant.
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