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Everything posted by sk

  1. sk

    I HATE spelling

    I help out at my kiddo's school my correcting papers at home. they come home with the kids so i don't get a choice... tonight it is spelling tests. it makes me want to claw my eyes out. still. /rant
  2. sk

    P D X Mar 10-14

    I'll vouch for Bill Dru... he is good people hey i can say that both ways as i have climbed with ya both and you are both good people
  3. FYI you totaly RULE for being awsome and returning these.
  4. it is hard to ask a large group of people what they want becuase oppinions are like ass holes.... however since you asked... I would say think about versatility. I want a pack that i can use to go climb for a day and is still an option for a 2 day backpacking trip. Simplicity of design is of utmost importnace. I do NOT need my pack to get up and dance and sing, i just need it to even out the load across my back and hips with out me having to repack it 12000000000 times to get it just right. and yes i realy do suck that bad at packing my pack... especialy when i have to carry the rope!
  5. Nick, cus i love you tons and care about your well being i am going to try to say this with out using my mom voice. sit your ass down and chill out for a while.... if you can't do that maybe get some of those hand sqeezey thingers.
  6. There are many things that can contribute to your arches falling. many years of hard use, genetics, the shoes you wear, the surfaces you run on. i sugest you see your doc and make sure there is nothing more serious going on. if it is just the arches, start working your way through the options in in soles for your running and hiking shoes. they help the rest of your body stay in alingment. you may want to consider a chiropracter too. just my .02$
  7. apparently you and i can't climb together after all.... cus that is my job
  8. i like to bath beforehand sometimes... the best is when i get out of the shower first thing in the morning and i get pulled back into bed
  9. sk

    Ethical Question?

    OMG that is such a good idea!!!!! at least people would then be forewarned
  10. sk

    Ethical Question?

    btw i can do the circular argument thing all month. this is one of those issues where there is not a black and white "answer" all parties behaved poorly including the people who were making so called lewd comments. and perhaps me as well for continuing this conversation. however the question does bare asking... when is it okay to take a photo and post it? when someone doesn't see you? is it okay to put it on your personal web site? cus that shit happens all the time. and the better climber you are the more likely it is to happen. where do we draw the line as a community? do we kick the shit out of turnons for taking photos of us doing something they will never do? what do you think?
  11. sk

    Ethical Question?

    isn't that exactly what the dude did? geez! and wasn't he blasted for being confrontational instead of 'simply asking' full circle, you guys just need mutual stroking, eh. i imagine if the girlfriend would have signed up for an account just to ask for picture removal, she'd have been blasted for one reason or another. he didn't just ask though he was an ass about it. if he had just asked Trashy prolly would of just taken it down and put up something different from the weekend. you know i doubt she would have been blasted becuase i doubt it would have been made public. if she would have posted and said "Hey my name is sally and that photo you posted is of me. I really am not comfortable with my pic being on cc.com, would you please take it down?" all would have been well. ok, so he DID have a backbone... again.. full circle a) that was not in any way his fight to fight. b) you always ask nice the first time c) being an ass hole does not mean you have a back bone period.
  12. sk

    Ethical Question?

  13. sk

    Ethical Question?

    isn't that exactly what the dude did? geez! and wasn't he blasted for being confrontational instead of 'simply asking' full circle, you guys just need mutual stroking, eh. i imagine if the girlfriend would have signed up for an account just to ask for picture removal, she'd have been blasted for one reason or another. he didn't just ask though he was an ass about it. if he had just asked Trashy prolly would of just taken it down and put up something different from the weekend. you know i doubt she would have been blasted becuase i doubt it would have been made public. if she would have posted and said "Hey my name is sally and that photo you posted is of me. I really am not comfortable with my pic being on cc.com, would you please take it down?" all would have been well.
  14. sk

    Ethical Question?

    Amen. That's why I live for weekends! damn it i hate proof reading. perhaps it is the bad spelling that is destroying us
  15. sk

    Ethical Question?

    you should of thought of that before you rudely demanded the pic be removed. I read the PM you sent. you did NOT simply "ask" had you simply asked this would not have been blown out of proportion. had your girlfriend not freaked about something that has probably happened 100 times already (her picture being on the internet on any number of sites unless she lives in a cave) this would have all gone away and been a NON ISSUE.
  16. sk

    Ethical Question?

    you know Bob, I haven't been able to say this in a long time but sometimes i luv you! you totally RULE! speaking ones mind is not a "confrontation" it is how you let people know what you got going on in there and it drives me crazy when people think they deserve more than a pay check for showing up at work. on both fronts, kowtowing to those week minded individuals is what is destroying this country and humanity in general.
  17. you are so not crazy... at least not for this ;)compassionate, loving, caring, a good kitty mom... but not crazy.
  18. I don't believe it. good cus i lied
  19. yep me too. I wish to hell my dad would have taken me to Yos when i was a kid!
  20. the more i read this the more i realize that the real problem isn't what the internet is capable of... it is that a) some people actually waist time and energy caring what other people think and b) people can be down right mean. c)people are not bright enough to realize that any image can be photoshoped and just because someone posted something on the interweb...does not mean it is true. what my dad told me when i was a teen still holds true. 'believe nothing of what you read and only half of what you see (in person)'
  21. damnit OW i am sitting here crying like a baby. it would be hard to move away from a home with so many friends under the tree. I had a cat named Flurrow who had a litter of kittens. she wouldn't or couldn't take care of them so JK and i did. including learning how to express their little bladders. a baby kitty wont pee unless it's momma kitty licks... i learned how to make the kittys pee with a cotton ball. i loved each and every one of those kittens. we hand fed the litter of 4.
  22. it's getting to the point where there is no privacy at all. and i am not sure there is anything we can do about that. the planet is just getting to crowded for there to be personal space.
  23. thats really interesting PP. it may take me a year to read that but i think it might be worth it. i don't know how much i agree with this guy.... but it is a topic worth discussing.
  24. this is all just a farce W isn't leaving the white house... just you wait and see.
  25. I will be keeping you in my thoughts
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