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i don't have any bunny pics. sorry. I can probably get some though if i can borrow a bunny costume from some one
i am sorry to hear that Minx. i hope he pulls through. cats are amazing creatures.
I remember that view well. Every time I drove through LA from San Diego, you'd see that brown fart cloud sitting over LA from somewhere N. of San Clemente. Pathetic. CP: you will not be climbing much anyways as a med-student. this is prolly true... however the mountains will be there after you are educated... i am so glad that erosion takes a long time
Thats tough. As I stated earlier, I think each situation is unique so I dont think there is one blanket answer. It makes me think back to this little boy I took care of for about 6-7yrs. He had a degenerative/fatal disease with no cure. I dont think anyone would have a child, hear his/her life expectancy would be in the teens and likely suffer quite a bit and kill the child because of the prognosis (which is what we do to animals). What you do, and what the parents and myself did was help him have the highest quality of life possible and love him. Eric spent the last month of his life puzzling everyone. The nurses and drs didnt understand how his respiratory rate could be so low and continue living. I spent many nights with him sandwiched between me and mom while we took turns counting his breathing and hold our breaths when he would stop. He was not put on any machines and his liquids/nutrition were kept at a minimum to keep him as comfortable as possible near the end. He was on serious pain medication as well. I was there when he took his last breath and watched the dr/coroner take him from his home for the last time. I guess to me,the process he went through,no matter how painful for all of us was very natural. It would have been selfish to keep him alive through machines (if that would even be possible). Yet after seeing his parents have so much difficulty going through the process of accepting the anticipated death, I can completely understand why some might fight and do everything just to make sure their loved one has a heart beat, even if they will never be coherent. Im probably not addressing your question. And if I am, its in quite a round about way. Sorry. In relation to pets, I see it similar to Eric. Do what YOU CAN and feel is in the best interest of the being. Give them the highest quality of life and love them until they are ready to move on. Each owner will have a different level of values and commitment, thus making different decisions than some. Neither I believe is right or wrong. that was a beautiful story C thank you for sharing it. *hugs* I think you hit the nail on the head with the, we all do the best we can and there is no "right or wrong" only right or left. I don't think we are judged by our actions as much as we are judged by the contents of our hearts. if you ask me your karma is in great shape :kisss:
nice to know there are weirdos around all the time. everywhere. all the time and as a woman that is something i never ever for a moment forget. besides my mom taught me that you never do anything in public you don't want on the front page of the paper... fortunately there isn't a lot i would freak out about
christ if i quit i think i would explode...
who the hell walks around climbing areas with a camera and snaps close-ups of strangers? and then posts them on an internet forum? sounds to me about one step away from upskirt photography. that happens at the collums all the time. I had someone i didn't know sit at the top of the crack i was climbing (you can hike to the top) and shoot pics of me the whole way up. he ran off before i got all the way up. so i didn't get the chance to catch him and kick his ass. likely i was the subject of someones photography project. I am not saying i love it or that it's fair i am just saying shit happens. get over it. having your picture taken in public is nothing to worry your head about. each of is is likely in a billion unintended photos. now if someone is taking pictures of you in your bed room then you have something to get in a snit about. oh i have had that happen too. i called the police but they couldn't do anything about it. it was some construction worker in the building they were building across from my apartment in college. i would bet there is shit like that all over the inter web coming out of city's like new york... where there is no personal space and you can't take a picture on the street with out getting strangers in the shot.... i am just saying.
you always say what i mean so much better than i do
I think he is talking about the 500 or so photo caption threds we have on this site. all photos taken in public and likely posted to this site with out anyones permission and then we proceed to make fun of the photo.
DUDE congradulations!!
i see where you are coming from in ways, i just think this whole tihng would have faded into cc.com obscurity had no one freaked out about it. sometimes ignoring ass holes is really the best way to make them go away. i certinly would not have heard of this thred.
there are men that are convinced that i do indeed have balls.... but then those are the ones that are affraid of me
the play pen is a great idea, those kelty packs have a stand on them that helps... thing 2 used to sleep in the pack just set up on the ground. sometimes just a shady spot under a tree on a blanket (watch out for bugs) i would be more inclined to have a tent made of mesh rather than a dark tent. i would think the dark tent would be too hot. kids will learn to sleep any where if you encourage them. i found that if i layed down with them they would fall asleep. it realy really helps to have a third who cares about your children deeply. that way parents can climb and not worry so much.
YES i can't get enough support with just one
i have never seen anyone bounced our of a bar for SAYING something. usualy they have to physicaly lay hands on someone for the person to be considered a threat. AND i have never asked a bouncer to remove someone from a bar. if i don't like the situation i remove myself and call it good. My rights only extend so far as they do not interfear with someone elses.
i think you need to learn how to read better. I didn't say anying personal about anyone other than myself and my oppinion. period. LIke i said in my post. the best way for women to deal with men who are ass holes is to put them men in a postion where they can not objectify you(us). although i am not sure how calling a bra top a bra top is objectifying anyone... thats what they are called.
YES "Order what you want, eat what you get"--back of a t-shirt of the line cook in a diner
i didn't see any lewd comments directed at the photo. but i came to the game late. i didn't see the thred til it landed in spray. however... people say lewd things all the time not just on cc.com but out in public walking down the street. you can't take that kind of thing personaly. i will say it again posting on cc.com is a lot like sitting in a bar. i can't control what ass holes say about me in a bar. neither can anyone else. do we help a young woman grow a back bone? do we help a young woman learn that what other people think of her or say about her are none of her business? or do we kowtow to peoples weekeness? i would encourage the young woman in question to post and state what is on her mind rather than letting anyone else speak for her. it is dificult for men to objectify woman who are PEOPLE that is why when i hear someone say something shitty about me i generaly walk up and introduce myself.
why didn't the girl ask trash to not take her photo if she had an issue with it? she smiled into the camera (from what i understand) that seems like a clear indication that taking the photo is okay. if it wasn't she could have said so or at least flipped him off or something.
ouch that looks awful i hope every thing heals up well!
okay well now thats just bragging.... rub it in why don't you? :cry:
heh, thats what i was thinking.