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Everything posted by sk
yep that is indeed R&D about 100 million years ago i am the one at the top of the photo.
here is the picture of my ass that was taken and posted without my permission. oh and someone stole my real name too
i think the topic is worth discussing.
I started climbing afterthing 2 was born. it was easier for me when they were younger and i certinly did not progress as fast or as far as the people i know who started climbing well after me with out children. but much of that has to do with just sucking on my part.
you are lucky!! i love to hang out with my guys too... they are intersting and amazing people. they just are interested in different things than i am.
IMHO thats why we work hard. no reason to feel guilty about spending our hard earned cash any where we see fit (i don't feel bad about not giving money to people spare changing.... i would rather give my time and money in different ways, and i do.)
Nookie? What's this "nookie" thing? Where can I get some? its that thing you have when you send the kids to the grandparents house for the weekend Lucky you. Grandparents that will actually *take* the kids off your hands for a while. Definitely lucky, it takes 30 something hours by plane to get to the grandparents house. So we just have to wake up early to get some morning 8D whatever it takes
harold and maude was one of the best movies ever EVER!!!!!!
Minx, I have 2 boys. one likes to hike and one is a totaly city boy. neither of them really like to climb. they would much rather (as Tweens) be at home listening to music and playing video games riding bikes and hanging out with thier friends. going with me to the crag is getting totaly boring. they used to be entertained for hours playing in the dirt, and i was blessed for years woth of climbing partners and thirds that loved my kids and were totaly willing to hang out with my kids. but my climbing has been droping off more and more. and now with my being sick, my partner being a non climber and the kids not really climbing, i almost never get out. I imagine the day will come, when I have time again... but right now it just doesn't feel like a huge priority. I miss it. I have days when i cry cus i would really rather be climbing. but it isn't worth it to listen to every one bitch because of what i want to do.
So would it be pointless to treat an 87 yr old for cancer, just because they are pretty darn old for a human? Some people do believe that any living being is equal (animal, human, plant, insect). In that case, I would take care of my cat with as much care as my 87 yr old grandma when ill. The process of the beings death is vital to its rebirth (not reincarnation). So, bringing your ill pet to the vet, hearing there is no hope, and pts immediately may not allow for a good death/good rebirth. Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead (or Tibetan Book of Living and Dying) for more information on the subject. In some cases, the above scenerio might be the best. I truley believe each situation is unique. There are definately those who stay too attached and have a harder time letting go. I struggle daily with my situation and whether its my cats spirit and will to continue in this life right now OR my attachment to her being in my life. What I do know is if I had her pts immediately (my vets advice) she would have missed out on lots of playing, good food, brushing, bird-watching, snaffle chasing, and catnip highs. Her overall quality of life seems to outweigh the current complications/treatment for her condition. I personally dont regret one thing I have done to help my cat - despite her being near 16yrs old. I would have regretted NOT doing something and wondering. And, yes, I do believe in another life she did or would have done the same for me - the best she could! Thats just my belief. I really do wish I could see the life of an animal as black and white as some. Sure would be less emotion for me to go through! carolyn, to me your first point is moot as i do not hold that animal life is equivalent to human life. If you feel that your cat is equivalent to your mother or grandmother, well, what can i say??? My guess is that you do not have children, they do a lot to "recalibrate" exactly what true value is. But to each their own... The rest, well, lets just say that we have philosophical differences... DeC to you man...you seem to have a firm grasp on nature and cycles... Minx...that's crazy! A DNR??? too stupid to comment on... much of my care for my pets changed after i had kids. before i had kids my kitty's were my family. after thing one and thing two were born my animals became animals and my children were my babies. with limited funds i realized i was more obligated to my children. that didn't stop me from taking care of my pets or loving them. it just changed my priorites. a large part of that was the fact that at the time i had VERY limited funds. right now i have a cat that has grand mal seizures if i take him to the vet. He is mildly diabetic and has some urinary issues. he is 13 now. i am stunned he has lived this long. he is getting really grumpy in his old age.
I have had a few pets over the years. but the one who meant the most to me was Brier. He was a white and orange striped kitty. from the moment i picked him out he was my cat. he slept in my hair on my pillow. when i was preggers he napped with me every day. he was my heart and the best cat ever period. he died on april 15th 2003. My ex had to take him to the vet to put him down. there was no way i could do it. but i knew it was the right thing to do. we had spent about 500$ trying medication and stuff and the next step was surgery and he just didn't seem to want it. He was 15, and he seemed to be saying he was ready to be done. I guess what i am trying to say is that if your animal is fighting to stay with you than it is it worth it. but they know far better than we do when they are ready to be done if we pay attention. Hidden somewhere i have this thing the vet sent me after Brier was put down. it has his little paw prints in it. Every time i come across is i am a total mess. I still miss him. *hugs* I hope you kitty is okay minx.
Absolutely! I think it would go a long way to break my spray addiction. why in gods name would you want to do that? how would you fill your non climbing time? Working? DUDE thats why i only spray in the PM now
sorry, thats just not my kink. I am not big on the sploshing thing
Nookie? What's this "nookie" thing? Where can I get some? its that thing you have when you send the kids to the grandparents house for the weekend Lucky you. Grandparents that will actually *take* the kids off your hands for a while. you need to make some good friends in the same situation. and then trade weekends once a month. that way one weekend a month you have extra kids and one weekend a month you have NO KIDS. i didn't realize how much i needed the time until i got divorced. now the whole 50/50 thing totally RULES. I think fewer people would get divorced if they had time to work on their relationships. IMHO.
Nookie? What's this "nookie" thing? Where can I get some? its that thing you have when you send the kids to the grandparents house for the weekend
Absolutely! I think it would go a long way to break my spray addiction. why in gods name would you want to do that? how would you fill your non climbing time?
ya i am feeling sad for some folks. My hunny and i had valentines day this morning. Morning nookie RULES. that way i am not worn out from the day.
i don't want to give up any of my bad habits. I just want to focus on them more intently i figure around 6 something i will be able to stop working and that will leave me even more time to drink, fuck, cus, smoke.
i am glad it works for you. I wont have that in my relationship. it just doesn't work for me. To each their own, Muff. It's just a couple of alliterative words to me.
i am glad it works for you. I wont have that in my relationship. it just doesn't work for me.
??? jmace, you married? Ever been? There's a difference between being led around by the nose ring by an attractive and available woman in the hopes of getting laid, and exhibiting behaviors toward your betrothed largely predicated upon matrimonial expedience and familial serenity. The difference may be minute, but it exists nonetheless. Put simply, I never cow-towed around my (now) wife when we were dating and/or engaged just to ensure that I got laid, but now I do things/have considerations for her that I never had before we got married. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder why she ever agreed to marry such a self-involved schmuck. Friends say I've grown since those days... One difference might involve the use of the term "penis pass". It's an oft-used coloquialism that many married folks use in conversation with "unencumbered" individuals to better explain the necessity of reaching a swift consensus on the use of said "pass." The implication is clear that the person holding the "pass" did not get it by groveling unashamedly or agreeing to a certain length of indentured servitude. i just don't get that. the whole concept of a penis pass... if i am with a man who doesn't want to be with me or can't work out compromises in an adult and amicable way, i would rather not be in a relationship. Muffy, clearly you missed the intent of my post. There is no issue of "being with", "not being with", or inability to broker compromises with someone when the reference to the "pass" is trotted out. At least, that's not my understanding of the use of the term. It's a construct of our times, due to the many demands on our time in our personal lives, and an amusing way to indicate to others that you don't have to watch the kids this weekend or whatever. Nothing to do at all with wanting to be with your mate/SO or not. to me it sounds like someone saying you are pussy whipped. the thing about jokes like that is that they are not all joke. there is an element of truth to it or you wouldn't find it amusing or in common with your friends. how we say things does make a difference. we become what we talk about. thats why negative language is so dangerous.
i don't think i would like being married to you. I don't think there is very much compromise there.
??? jmace, you married? Ever been? There's a difference between being led around by the nose ring by an attractive and available woman in the hopes of getting laid, and exhibiting behaviors toward your betrothed largely predicated upon matrimonial expedience and familial serenity. The difference may be minute, but it exists nonetheless. Put simply, I never cow-towed around my (now) wife when we were dating and/or engaged just to ensure that I got laid, but now I do things/have considerations for her that I never had before we got married. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder why she ever agreed to marry such a self-involved schmuck. Friends say I've grown since those days... One difference might involve the use of the term "penis pass". It's an oft-used coloquialism that many married folks use in conversation with "unencumbered" individuals to better explain the necessity of reaching a swift consensus on the use of said "pass." The implication is clear that the person holding the "pass" did not get it by groveling unashamedly or agreeing to a certain length of indentured servitude. i just don't get that. the whole concept of a penis pass... if i am with a man who doesn't want to be with me or can't work out compromises in an adult and amicable way, i would rather not be in a relationship.