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Everything posted by ivan

  1. that's why i could never figure why the "enterprise" show died - jesus christ, the hot vulcan chick was a slut and was whored out in practically every episode - has my hand just lost the grasp it once had on the pulse of america's teens, beguiled as it were by that logic-dominatrix?
  2. ivan


    god i miss bill hicks...
  3. the complete line is malcolm mcdowell (soren?) to picard: "they say time is the fire in which we burn" didn't know it's from a poem - kewl... they need to do the all porn star-trek - nothing but 7 of 9 doing the 69 w/ t'pol while dr. crusher looks on...yum!
  4. ivan

    Jims number

    at 60-some-odd years of age, jim ain't really that cute
  5. I like to think that I was born a dumb pussy due to an accident of nature, but worked hard, damn hard, to become an asshole for the specific reason of no longer being viewed as just another dumb pussy. One thing I never forget to bring to an emergency situation is the capability of CAPITALIZING the most poignant points of my posts. Finally, I'd like to POINT OUT that dying in the mountains is WAY COOLER than dying from, say, prostate cancer or a disease of the anus. Much as we'd like to pretend otherwise, there is a hierarchy of cool ways to buy the farm, with spaceship malfunction being pretty near the top, and a dog eating your face off while you're passed out from too much malt liquor after a meth binge being somewhere near the bottom. Some finer points: Motorcycle accident > car accident. Brain tumor > colon cancer. Lion attack > pitbull attack. Hit by train > hit by bus. Shot by a jealous lover > shot by your spouse. Don't ask me why this is, it just is. so where would this death go on the cool scale? nasa train carrying boosters derails
  6. ivan

    Jims number

    perhaps he took his tinfoil helmet off for too long and the black helicopters were able to triangulate in on him?
  7. the buzzing sound you're hearing right 'bout now is the brain flies who've recently finished consuming my cerebral cortex during their larval (maggot) stage.......
  8. ivan

    Mary Jane

    The content of your posts often define psychotic symptoms pretty succinctly. i prided myself on refusing to swing at this rather phat softball this morning...
  9. nice - probably going north this weekend but if i'm town i'll be 'round happy b-day pat!
  10. they don't seem to be taking the hint niether - the last one i left right in front of the door, all rearranged into a big, steaming
  11. i'm not a huge fan of the stuff - usually really high proof too - shit like that tends to turn me into a goddamn wild animal, and not in any sorta natural or good way... not bad if you consume it w/ carmalized sugar - take a tablespoon of sugar, pour some absinthe on it, light it up, let it burn a bit, then stir the whole mix into a shot and suck it down 5 or 6 of those in a row with the little bro and the wife'll find an excuse to go out shopping
  12. ummm maybe it wasn't attached but rather you had a hydrous form with the extra water trapped in the crystal structure? easily fixed by remodulating the emmiter array to pulse a tacheon beam
  13. beware of people like me taking shits near your ride in protest of the bathrooms being closed all night
  14. ivan

    Mary Jane

    "But even small doses of another component, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, produced temporary psychotic symptoms in people, including hallucinations and paranoid delusions, doctors said." thus, the old advice - "dude, chill out and eat a twinkie!" seriously, this article doesn't address the central issue: the government's job is not to protect us from ourselves (i kinda like mild paranoia - makes reading "catch 22" somehow more pleasant), but (in the case of drugs, food and anything else available in the market place) to ensure we are given accurate and complete information about the products we buy in order to make informed decisions. legalize pot. feel free then to chop the nuts off the dilly-fuck who gets so tweaked out on it he thinks he sees his dead grandmother crawling up his leg w/ a knife in her teeth and blows up a pre-school. tax it (reasonably) - then you can build an armored school to replace the old one - and buy stock in all candy companies
  15. ivan

    I planted a garden

    well, to eat all that frig'n roughage you're gonna need a hell of an appetite - mayhap there's something else you can plant to help inspire them munchies?
  16. First, agree only that nut jobs should be restricted. Fer sure. When I was up working at the VA Hospital, I worked with some Section 8s (ie "Nutjobz" in Ivan parlance) on and off here and there for almost 4 years. No arguement. Concerning the rest of your arguement. Nope. The oppression of subhumans was in full swing........note these 2 words: 2 words for the graduate. Warsaw Getto. Never forgive, never forget. Life free or die. how would gun ownership have helped in warsaw? as you no doubt recall from your childhood geography classes (back when pangaea was still intact ), warsaw's in poland - the nazi's didn't make a ghetto there until after they'd already subjagated the country through blitzkrieg - the poles had already fought as best they could and surrendered - so having failed w/ the biggest guns they had, how would little ones done much more than speed up the process of the "jewish liquidation?" for you nazi example, seems like it'd be better to look at germany proper in the 1930s - and how again would private gun ownership have helped? the jews became victims b/c not too many germans gave a shit about what happened to them - even if the jews had been armed to the teeth and violently resisted the nurmberg laws that began the process of stripping them of their civil rights or shot some of the brown shirts who trashed their shops on krystalnacht, how would that have changed a thing? it would have likely only intensified nazi oppression as a result of increased public support for the regime. the wehrmacht was a democracy, albiet one riddled w/ voter intimidation and corruption, but i don't see how the more judicious use of force would ever have saved that nation from the horrors it would inflict and endure itself over the next decade - the best solution would have been the use of the democratic process itself - germans standing up to the thuggery of the brown-shirts and rejecting the aggresion of hitler and his party at the polls
  17. pry them from their cold, dead hands? folks already have to register guns, yes? so go through the list and demand either the weapon or evidence of it's destruction/inoperability. if they shot at the census-man who comes to serve the paper, send in the SWAT team - they love that kinda shit, no? the scale of the bureaucracy involved to do this is troubling - perhaps pay for it by charging folks to see the giant statue of charlton heston you smelt out of the contraband weapons? carl's right, they already plow through everybody's shit lookign for the chronic. i wouldn't think it'd be necessary though in the case of folks who wouldn't surrender their weapons though - they can turn over the weapon or go to jail, right? i don't begin to humor myself that restricitng weapons to just an 18th century standard would be rapidly succesful - seems like it might well take a generation or two as there are so many weapons out there already - ceasing to manufacture a billion more a day would be a hell of a start though
  18. how would it be so invasive? the law would say you'd have to turn over any semi-automatic weapon - it could be connected to an incentive (a buyback program w/ a decreasing price over time to get them back sooner rather than later) - perhaps an exemption for folks w/ a family heirlom (the weapon must be rendered permanently inoperable, verified as such, and then be kept at home) - after the grace period's over, if you're arrested w/ an illegal gun, then the penalty would be assesed. existing records of gun ownership let you knock on doors or call or write for due diligence in informing the public. how would the enforcement of this law be different from any other? seems like a problem w/ previous gun laws though is they have often been shoddily enforced
  19. Your logic is flawless. Prohibit semi-automatic handgun purchases by people who have been diagnosed as being a threat to themselves and society at large obviously leads directly to zyklon-b chambers and government-sanctioned genocide. Anyone who tries to analogize nazi germany to modern America, or invokes nazi germany as some sort of precautionary instructive for debate on contemporary political issues has no intellectual credibility whatsoever. Left or right, it doesn't matter . . . you're fucking stupid. nah - he just wants to win the argument and has cited a bunch of other historical examples connecting a lack of guns to nazi-style results - i just don't see how a lot more guns woulda made the situation better - to use the nazi example, since it's the most familiar, if hitler had gone to move them to ghettoes and they'd had guns, they coulda fought back, but so what? they still woulda died under stuka and panzer attacks - no private militia can hope to stand up to a determined goverment. and if the jews had shot back, that would most likely only have solidified in german minds the value of oppressing the "subhumans."
  20. reasonable gun control = no guns for folks who're fawking nutz or felons & no multi-shot weapons for anyone except law enforcement/military that leaves me a round for plugging gestapo agent #1 who shows up to put me in the shower - wtf does it matter how many rounds i got though? the force of government overawes any weapons a private citizen might have.
  21. jim morrison could definetly have beaten shit out of paul simon, w/ or w/o glock and for chrissakes, for the 1000th time, gun control doesn't mean taking ALL the guns away - you can make a militia for overthrowing the gubbermint w/ frig'n muskets if need be
  22. Interesting that I was just ruminating on this fact yesterday. A dude from around here and some buddies decided to unfurl a banner (opps, free speech not allowed, nor are guns allowed in China) at Everest Basecamp, Tibet. They got lucky and only spent 15 days without regular sleep, food or water in a Chinese jail. The banner was only requesting freedom for Tibetians. It said "One World, One Dream, Free Tibet 2008" . Sorry, no guns: no free speech. Crime to think incorrect thoughts. news link I saw that on the news too. DC doesn't care he's a liberal freak with no critical thought. nonetheless, not giving credit where it's due on a quote is dishonest Is there a original thought anywhere on this planet? yes AP story Excerpt: Britain cracked down after gun enthusiast Michael Ryan massacred 16 people and wounded 13 others in 1987 in the rural English town of Hungerford. The slaughter led to a ban on semiautomatics like Ryan's Kalashnikov rifle. In 1998, two years after suicide gunman Thomas Hamilton used four legally owned handguns to slay 16 children and a teacher at a kindergarten in Dunblane, Scotland, Britain extended the ban to handguns. Today, under laws that make it illegal for private citizens to own anything larger than a .22-caliber and subject them to thorough background checks, Hamilton would have a difficult time obtaining the guns he used in Dunblane: two .357-caliber Smith & Wesson revolvers and a pair of 9-mm Browning pistols. "I feel very safe," said Marion Collins, a college lecturer in Edinburgh. "Virginia Tech happened because guns are so accessible in America. I don't understand why they continue to allow this situation." Britain has one of the world's lowest gun homicide rates _ 0.04 slayings per 100,000 people, according to the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey for 2004. That puts Britain on par with Japan, where the rate is 0.03 per 100,000. By contrast, the United States has a rate roughly 100 times higher: 3.42 gun murders per 100,000 people, the survey said.
  23. Interesting that I was just ruminating on this fact yesterday. A dude from around here and some buddies decided to unfurl a banner (opps, free speech not allowed, nor are guns allowed in China) at Everest Basecamp, Tibet. They got lucky and only spent 15 days without regular sleep, food or water in a Chinese jail. The banner was only requesting freedom for Tibetians. It said "One World, One Dream, Free Tibet 2008" . Sorry, no guns: no free speech. Crime to think incorrect thoughts. news link I saw that on the news too. DC doesn't care he's a liberal freak with no critical thought. nonetheless, not giving credit where it's due on a quote is dishonest
  24. congrats - if you dug that one then go back and do the reid headwall, it's better!
  25. ivan

    hey Ivan

    luckily, by the power of mao zedong thought, god willing, i have been cured - i will kill no more forever
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