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Everything posted by ivan

  1. sounds like i'm going to mt jefferson thursday ya'll - enjoy yer ersatz alpinismo!
  2. might could make it thursday - currently hoping my partner will rally from his recent alaska trip and go do liberty ridge w/ me starting htat day though - if not then jefferson, but if my parnters fall through on both fronts i'll just crag thursday and will be in attendance for the sick-film-fest!
  3. soloed it back in the winter - the coulior is easy, the face is very exposed but probably a lot easier when not covered in light snow and ice
  4. i'm outta school after tomorrow and can crag most any day i'm not recreating w/ the fambily or roaming up north - pm any day you're interested - i rarely have a clue what the hell i'm doing more than a day or 2 out
  5. nice - looks like it opened on the 3rd - teh interwubs werk grate!
  6. anyone have any clues on how much longer till the road opens?
  7. me n' josh's trip report of climbing the ne butt and descending the doug direct found here: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=484182 it contains stellar writing and hustler-magazine quality phots of the route and even a well annotated image of doug's direct
  8. WTF?!?!? Are you just an asshole, or what? i am, but perhaps you missed the context? - poster before said its common for folks who engage in a dangerous occupation to discuss the details of another's disaster in such a way as to reassure themselves that similiar things couldn't happen to them - i was agreeing. i prefer to think of myself as immortal and incapable of error, though i fear in the back of my mind i'm just as susceptible as the unfortunate folks in this disaster.
  9. That is because the ones that are currently being freed are freed for a reason. i don't care how pretty your flag is or how hot your bitches are on tv, if you detain me for 5 years w/ no trial and torture the shit out of me, i'm going to try to kill you and everyone who looks like you if'n i ever get out. Then you will spend the rest of your life in Gitmo. See how it works? fine - and in this hypothetical situation, where i'm innocent yet imprisoned and abused for life, i'm certain that all my relations and friends will be similiarily motivated to do harm to you and yours - are you going to lock up the whole innocent world? hey, i have no problem w/ locking up bad guys forever if they are in fact bad dudes - trials are the way civilized societies go about determing folks are bad right? and not after the damage has been done, 5 years after the fact. seems to me if you take guy on the battlefield who's been shooting at you, and you're choice is between imprisoning him w/o trail and just shooting him then and there, assuming you caught him guilty as hell, you oughta just shoot the motherfucker as that is the least hypocritical of the two options.
  10. That is because the ones that are currently being freed are freed for a reason. i don't care how pretty your flag is or how hot your bitches are on tv, if you detain me for 5 years w/ no trial and torture the shit out of me, i'm going to try to kill you and everyone who looks like you if'n i ever get out.
  11. this is why the good lord invented speed and distributed all throughout appalachia...
  12. jeebus
  13. broughtons was fine y-day - sheer stress rawks! man, wish there was a sweet crack like that at ozone.
  14. ivan

    A Riddle

    canuckian or amerikun?
  15. ivan

    A Riddle

    gollum would have eaten my ass sometime ago now i'm afeared
  16. or take a nice long hike in the dark and do cooper spur or sunshine - i agree the hogsback will be to be avoided, except for the brief times it takes to rocket down through the gumbies!
  17. maybe by august?
  18. after falling almost all the way into the fumorale i finally snatched my ice tool from the daisy and got traction right where the slope eases off into the steaming crater - i was a wee bit chagrined of course having done this in front of 50 tourons on the hogsback - the fun part was having to chope steps the whole way back up the top of the crater rim to retrieve my crampons! and yes, i did still top out
  19. i haven't done true grunt - is that the next one to the right of stephenwulf? and how in the hell is the last roof on da wulf only .10c!?!
  20. fwiw, the huuugest fall i ever took was b/c i took my cramps off due to balling - i'd just soloed the reid, emerged onto the west crater rim, deep, sloppy snow made me take them off near the very top, right where it's steepest - bad idea! was slipping so bad i leashed meself to my tools while trying to put the crampons back on, but it all went wrong and i was sailing head first downhill, face out, w/ just the crampon in my hand to arrest w/ and my axe and tool rattling down the slope w/ me on the fucking daisy-chain!
  21. looks purty - bet i don't get told where it is online, eh?
  22. and w/ the best climb of them all smack dab in the middle w/ nobody on it!!!
  23. sunday oughta be glorious
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