That is because the ones that are currently being freed are freed for a reason.
i don't care how pretty your flag is or how hot your bitches are on tv, if you detain me for 5 years w/ no trial and torture the shit out of me, i'm going to try to kill you and everyone who looks like you if'n i ever get out.
Then you will spend the rest of your life in Gitmo. See how it works?
fine - and in this hypothetical situation, where i'm innocent yet imprisoned and abused for life, i'm certain that all my relations and friends will be similiarily motivated to do harm to you and yours - are you going to lock up the whole innocent world?
hey, i have no problem w/ locking up bad guys forever if they are in fact bad dudes - trials are the way civilized societies go about determing folks are bad right? and not after the damage has been done, 5 years after the fact. seems to me if you take guy on the battlefield who's been shooting at you, and you're choice is between imprisoning him w/o trail and just shooting him then and there, assuming you caught him guilty as hell, you oughta just shoot the motherfucker as that is the least hypocritical of the two options.