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Everything posted by ivan

  1. if that bitch eve hadn't eaten that apple nor her fuckup son cain killed his brother, we wouldn't have any of these fawk'n problems!
  2. the best climbers are nihilists dude and lemme tell you, it's exhausting
  3. oh, i can assure you, there was no tent
  4. uh, so what's this argument about again? doesn't seem like anyone's saying unions have no place, just that, like every other part of the body politic, they need checks and balances, yes?
  5. Or, just give it to Ivan, that crazy bastard will use it for a few more decades! i make up for it by never falling the oldest i'm using these days are only, uh, 7 years i think? i just bought a dozen new ones though, so i can use the shiny ones when i'm feeling freaky
  6. capitalists should like unions - their use of the democratic process made a marxian revolution unnecessary and kept ya'll in bank w/ unslit throats (transferring a fair bit of the slime off you and onto the union machinery in the process)
  7. okay fine, but did adam smith really foresee just how far and with what force industrial corporations would thrust their vast thorny cocks up the ass of the working man? how would that oft-raped class be a single bit better had unions been broken in their infancy?
  8. nice - mostly a bunch of drunk assholes of course - you oughta fit right in will get around to figuring out something to do...
  9. I don't want to do any running, but am interested in Little Anapurna. Ivan, are you going this year? reckon - haven't cleared it w/ The Man yet, but seems propitious - gotta sort out an appropriate stupid route to do - probably will rope some poor pdx fool to roadtrip w/ - you gonna show ken?
  10. word - i'm in a union too - the cure for a disease is often nearly as deadly as the disease itself - i'm a rep w/n my union n the vain hope that i'll understand it beter and maybe minimize its shitiness. thinking that everything would just be groovy if the goddamned unions were never around is decidedly daft.
  11. 122 trip reports and a couple of decent guidebooks representing!
  12. ah, the annual challenge of the ropeup - trying not to epic so fucking bad you miss the beer and hot chicks... ah yes, and last introduced the new challenges of not passing out 10 feet from the shitter and not getting screamed at by senior citizens at 7 a.m.
  13. you can have them from my cold dead hands! goddamn i love those things - 1 year of heavy use has found them in sad, sad shape - shit, in fact, can you buy a set then sell'em to me for less?
  14. uh, but kev, isn't that the kinda thing you rant about on joe on a regular basis, just doing stuff w/o having gotten the nod from the great oracle? ditto on the not caring part - move it or not - it is an orphan now fo'schizzle
  15. Two men enter. One man leave...... hey now, don't have to leave the women out - bitches have rights too (talking 'bout 1 love!) - nancy pelosi vs anne coulter would be a fun one to watch, and you couldn't help but smile no matter the result
  16. clearly, the only way to resolve the dispute is thunderdome!
  17. I've learned and forgotten more than you have ever learned. a strange thing to be proud of seems like you forgot your common sense somewhere along the way too - pity, you might have had a use for it...
  18. fixed that for ya my wife can bench more then your fat lazy boy ass weights. I would watch it, as you might be called on it (she is reading this bb from time to time)- just a fair warning useful ability for when you pass out on top of her?
  19. Man, you are clueless. perhaps that's why i'm asking the question, numbnuts? man, maybe you shoulda actually WATCHED the speech you've been bitching about it - like the obama-lama said, asking questions is like, ya know, how people learn n' shit, so fire away unless you're a retard. no doubt it is silly to want to learn what makes folks like you tick though. for all your bitching about anything w/ the vaguest similiarity to socialism/communism, you sure act like you were raped by chairman mao and his little red book
  20. like cats i tell you! so long as i'm posing questions you shan't answer, KK, i add this: i assume you grew up in a communist system and were subjected to a lot of overt propaganda - was it really all the effective? my understanding was the vast # of folks clocked it for just what it was - bullshit - but because the system was set up such that they couldn't call it for what it was and kick it out peacefully, they had to be content to just ignore it to the best of their ability and go about their little lives.
  21. is that why you guys make so much fun of the "just say no" campaign? it was just not repeated enough to be effective? it's helps when the message you're repeating isn't inane if you think all drugs that are currently illegal should be (and thus should be said "no" to), you're a fool (not that you don't have plenty of company) you lose creditability when you toe the party line and mouth propaganda (odd that i should instruct you on this point?) only messages worthy of being repeated ought to be, and sure that's a judgement call, but i'm making it and it happens to be true which is what gives it that extra "oomf!" there is no history
  22. word - denali is the shizzle - you can still bike there!
  23. a message is more likely to sink in if its repeated, no? at any rate, when i was a teen i can remember as a general rule trying to do exactly the opposite of whatever my old man said to do. i liked the closing bit: "if you do poorly in school you're making uncle sam "
  24. ivan


    i crosstrained on dog mtn last spring - every 500 feet chug a pbr, every 1000 smoke a camel the summit was sweet - driving sideways fog n' rain n' snow - made it hard to get that last fucker lit!
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