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Everything posted by ivan

  1. they said it couldn't be done.
  2. but does he hate america or not?!?
  3. "i am not innocent. you are not innocent. no one is innocent"
  4. ivan


    dude, you won't be getting their amerikkkan empire from them unless you pull it out of their cold, bloody hands - good luck w/ that - on the positive side, i hear dancing w/ the stars has a new cast
  5. ivan


    at least all those guys leaving the military in a shit economy can find an employer looking for their skill-sets the american sforzas!
  6. ba'hai? zorastarians? rastafarians?
  7. anyone care to rank the world religions from most to least dipshit?
  8. there is actually a good rap setup for winnie's slide too - a buncha years back we used a snow bollard, but this summer there was a big long fixed rope extended back to rock to set the rap up on such that a 60 meter rope got us off the steepest part of the slide - not impossible to downclimb winnie's of course but sure was nice having hte option to skip it
  9. there are also multiple spots w/ established raps for all the hapless fuck ups who've gotten lost coming back down the chimneys or felt over their head on the downclimbs
  10. ivan


    the middle word in life?
  11. also relevant, it's no more a "mosque" than a ymca is a "church"
  12. can't imagine blackberries, once well established, staying out anyway short of round-upping the shit out of them
  13. i will if'n you wanna relocate to the spectacular BACON-WAND!!!
  14. out of school at a little past 2 - got next monday off - watcha wanna do?
  15. i've know several very cool muslims - all of them were at the same time great critics of the cultures that created them, as well as defenders of it - none were remotely close to being religious zealots - sure, islam seems deeply fucked, and maybe its even more stupid than jesus-anity (the horror! ), but its pretty hard for the cold, logical analysis of any religion/cultures deficiencies vis a vis your own not to quickly get carried away into proscriptions against said way of life, especially when the political crowd you're appealing too has an attention span insufficient to take on an entire "entertainment weekly" while standing, sweaty-palmed, in the walmart check out aisle, no? being nervous and instantly critical of srtident critics of islam seems to be an intelligent instinct. frankly i don't trust any religion as anti-alcohol and anti-decent fornicating as this'un! )
  16. you can't really appreciate shakespeare until you've read it in the original klingon
  17. watcha think steve, one column to the right - you wanna lend a shoulder cleaning all that bullshit out, right, right? looks like an equally fun blackberry to chop out at the finish, plus i piled a good bit of brush up there in putting in a path to grassy ledge, plus i don't think there's an anchor up top! (right joe? didn't see any old or new shit there)
  18. reckon's its gonna be harder to talk you into loaning those bashed-up bitches out again for dirty double overhang then steve-o? weeelll, guess you'll just have to come along then, and lead/clean your share?
  19. shit, if hairless monkeys have proved anything, they've proved practically anythign can be free climbed that said, yeah, a bunch of pins would need to be preset, and fuck knows about taking big falls on some of them, but i bet w/ further cleaning, lichen-scrubbing, top rope rehearsal, etc. it could be done at a max of 5.12? the climbing is very close to ground zero (hard 11 i recall), just much, much harder pro.
  20. small price to pay for bringing it to life though - i had several strong flashes of wishing i could be sitting around on that pimp belay seat he has n' soaking up the beautiful day w/ a headfull of sunshine and a fistful of central american doral-knockoffs it'll be considerably faster for the next party - the 2 pitches are both quite stout but i imagine a party well-prepped for the valley could do the whole thing in 4 hours or so - very little is freeable at a moderate grade and not many places to shortfix pure aid at beacon really is best for soloing w/ a big old stereo, it annoys fewer folks
  21. gesundheit!
  22. wouldn't be suprised if it detracts from their breaking pt, but i've never had it go wrong despite regulary knotting them as tie-offs and equalizing anchors - visual inspection shows when strands have been obviously broken, which is when i retire them, use them as funknesses or cut em up as hero-loops
  23. love, bill, love, 'das what holds it up the 'hawks are cool, already bent 1 of em of course by being a pussy - tyler says i need a dozen more - will have to go through the couch cushions to finance it of course they're not perfect however as i did manage to rip one out already - probably don't help that i weigh damn near 18 stones rawk'n'out w/ me kawk out
  24. turns out the illustrious kyle and nought to do but take pictures for a good long while... new anchor location perched mini-yeti on the attack! bat country! wee bit steep - as steep as ground zero, buts sans the many nut placements assorted iron-mongery in situ like ted danson in whoopi goldberg's vag
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