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Everything posted by ivan

  1. yeah, it might even be multi-functional
  2. no clue on the 5 bolt climb you're talking about - is it near the trail or closer to the old spike route? the stone soup: from the water fountain, take the trail into the woods and take the immediate left where it ramps down to the wall and forms a bit of a trench - there's an obvious, easy 5th class ramp heading up right, then a brushy crack that takes you up (noticed its growing back quite strong currently - i haven't done it since late spring), whereupon you go left across a steep slab - if you step back from the wall and look through the trees you can see a fixed pin about 40 feet up, and 2 of the 3 black bolts that are well above that, protectign the exit from a cramped pod
  3. nah, it's usually either/or - maybe friday, if not saturday - 'course, the in-laws are in town this weekend which enhances my ability to flee
  4. mike and i went back to the dirty ho y-day - i led the 5.8 first pitch, much fun and serious feeling too as the pro is not mindless and the climbing requires some concentration - put new webbing and a link through the 3 pins so you can rap/toprope from there - a c4 #4 lets you back the pins up, if you're so inclined top-roping from there lets you do a very stimulating climb left of the Dirty HO start - i cleaned it as best i could when initially working on the HO and it was good enough for the tr - would be a very wild lead, and probably is best as a tr, since the few cracks would get filled by the gear - figured since it's a tr variation of the HO, it oughta be called "my dog's bitch" already done as a tr in the past i'd imagine, but if so, declined into obscurity - .9 i reckon? sporty for sure, and it helps to be tall - bail right at the top of the column onto the ledge just below the 1st dirty double overhang anchor
  5. i might be there friday afternoon and should be there saturday - wild turkeys was on the list...
  6. Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? ? i was just being a miserable lowlife downlow mother-fucking grammar cop, kevbone-san - thought you might enjoy the comparision to W as part of the package
  7. If you bother having the discussion at all, you might as well answer to the point and make sure your readers see it. It's the bullshit artists that never answer the points brought up. its fine if your writing an essay or attempting a meaningful, managed debate, but the interwebs is a just a glorified bath-room stall
  8. Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?
  9. no sport climbing for you dunno...that great roof route kinda FELT like a sport climb golden eagles in their kingly cliff-forts are much kewler than peregrines, which are more like miniature avian republicans w/ wings w/ their charming mixture of aggressivness and sense of entitlement to everything they can see - that and they seem to have small dicks and a hard time getting even that up without feeling an intense need to go off and pout
  10. agreed - lame - but the quote/counter-quote/counter-counter-quote jerk-off cycles all ya'll tend towards are warning signs enough of Deep Mental Instablity
  11. choss! and indian paint brush
  12. don't goldens get a big closure at smith? seem to recall seeing really cool, giant nests walking back from the marsupials this summer 'round the monument area
  13. i made my plea for sanity on pg 1 i think and now am just settling in for mockumentary i like to think i've made my peace w/ bird closures everywhere, especially beacon, mucking around in the dank on the n side in winter/spring, pilgriming to the sun-splattered rocks of smith and points south, and counting the days before the coming zombie-apocalypse when we'll climb on the s AND e side of beacon in winter, afraid not of nasty birdies and their sharp claws but instead on falling into the swarms of flesh-obsessed undead
  14. good thing neither of us are politicians kev
  15. no Ivan, since their reintroduction in the 70's Beacon has been a steadily successful site. In several recent years the traditional scrape itself may not have been successful but subsequent attempts in those years elsewhere on the rock (location unknown) were. There is some debate as to the success of the 2008 season with David thinking they weren't successful and myself believing there was one fledge. yeah, i didn't read that question right at all - thought it was asking if they were good at shitting out their progeny and getting them off the damn ledge well before the july 15 date - sure wish they'd be more reliable on that!
  16. joe kev kev joe anyone tired yet?
  17. perhaps the beacon madness should be kept in the beatard quarantine zone? being right isn't as important as being powerful - the birds have powerful allies w/ alot more mojo than the beatard-nation, so take up knitting or some such shit in the winter, eh?
  18. kyle gets to spend plenty of time w/ that face on his look
  19. when you gonna take up the county highpt list boys? did the mighty, mighty sturgeon rock of clark county in the pouring rain friday - maybe the only time in my life i've done 4 hours of solid hiking with an umbrella in my hand
  20. dunno - has he climbed el cap?
  21. u should be yosemite with plaidman right now if i've learned any lesson down there its go w/ someone STRONGER then yerself
  22. if i lived in seattle i'd probably shoot everything that moved
  23. the topo shows a top anchor - how's that?
  24. goddammit knew i shoulda been out there today - did it rain at all?
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