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Everything posted by ivan

  1. posted this one last week in the oregon climbing history thread, which is chock full of such nonsense - the totally bomber tent-stake-as-piton on the 2nd pithc of the turkey monster
  2. fuck'em if they can't take a joke - why is it every fundementalist of every stripe the whole world over couldn't strap a bomb to themselves and make The Big Plunge on the same goddamn day so we could get over this dickhead hump?
  3. from last weekend, a pop-top on bubbas in bondage/picnic lunch wall route
  4. sounds like we have actually
  5. yeah, bubbas to the uncreatively named picnic lunch wall route i read that same description of course, which is far from encouraging - still, if you placed nothing but long, fat bolts, i suspect it'd be okay - sport aiding!
  6. no - the bivy covers it all - think you might need to leave your ride parked there though, and so have to walk the crueling couple hundred extra meters
  7. i managed to capitalize on the 4 hrs of dry and sun y-day course...it seems to have come w/ a fresh coat of poison oak, so maybe the rain is really rather good for me?
  8. but...but...but...i want to be indignant about something!
  9. ivan

    Spray is Gone

    pretty certain spray can't be killed - not entirely certain what the translation is for these 17,000 year old paintings, but wouldn't be suprised if it was along the line of "grog should eat a bag of bloody dicks"
  10. ivan

    Spray is Gone

    viva la revolution!
  11. is it me or are you trying to come off as a classic pacific-northwest passive-aggressive dick? while my text tends towards the obtuse to be sure, it wasn't that hard to comprehend that this was my first time climbing the route above the 3rd pitch, and that i had no idea it had been rebolted in the last year - it was not my intention to commit a hate-crime against the cheese-tuff, quite the opposite, and as the tr said, i didn't put in any pins, and the few that did go in this trip could be avoided in the future w/ a stickclip agreed - future parties should bring just their exotic clean gadgets - however, till it becomes widely known (and hey, my tr wasn't THAT good , i'd hold back on the hostility for those who roll up to the base w/ metal - the ospray, for example, would have been well in his rights to throw his poo at his detractors raging hangover this morning, combined w/ a fine fresh coat of poision oak too, so excuse me if i was reading you wrong
  12. chicken heads
  13. ivan

    Spray is Gone

    seeing iz believing
  14. wait! i heard they shotcreted city park today AFTER jacking all the giant blocks off!?!
  15. wait, wtf? there's republicans in maine?
  16. i'm afraid "gratitious profanity" could well apply to ever fawk'n trip report i ever wrote, including the one that was just pictures
  17. "i like you dude, i like your style. but there's one thing...do you have to use so many cuss words?" "what the fuck are you talking about?" "alright, dude, have it your way." wanna provide some fucking examples so us uncreative types can have a sense of the boundaries?
  18. but come on, no shameless plug of oregon high?!?
  19. so modest, man! why no flexing of them thare sick guns of yours? kudos, sir - an enjoyable couple of minutes - i like the book you walk by in the archive that clearly has the spine half ripped off, blowing in the breeze the aforementioned sick video
  20. if you want help i'd love to be in on that wayne as it's worth doing twice for me too - shit, set up a sweet tyrolean while you're at it?
  21. eiger sanction touching the void the north face (german film) that tom brokaw narrated documentary on yosemite pretty much everything else is total shit
  22. we seized 32 billion $ of libyan assets already - maybe that'll cover the nut?
  23. i was too awe-inspired by his tr to be that witty thanks for reminding me i should NOT write off the entire continent...
  24. a taun-taun's all you need! well, that and a nice liter vacuom bottle of piping hot brandy
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