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Everything posted by ivan

  1. what/who are the danes afraid of currently? the kalahari bushmen? the red goddamn chinese? seems like most folks in most eras have their boogey-men.
  2. hello hyperbole!
  3. ivan

    live music

    i'll promise to come if you'll play norweigian wood so i can drunkenly bray it completly out of time and tune
  4. holy shit you musta been eating yer weedies this morning old boy?
  5. liar! the one true grail belongs to me!
  6. wish more folks would admit this - i don't think its so rare as you'd think, certainly not looking at the fucking news - you don't have to be a monster to do something monstrous.
  7. perhaps if you were to provide a racehorse play by play?
  8. wish i could be so placid in my handling of emotions - the first years of both my kids lives were like tours of duty in vietnam it felt like
  9. coolness - looks like 45 degrees? i was so in danger!
  10. if you can be around a screaming infant and not start feeling pyscho you're a far better man than me...i feel bad for any unhappy asshole in that position. it's not some shit that some men are well-evolved to handle. infanticide is damn near ubiquitious throughout the mammalian world. maybe we've evolved less than folks would want?
  11. that looked safe hard to imagine crafts so dorky-looking could actually be used in a dangerous pursuit
  12. my magnus opus on that side of the hill that time of the year: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=365727
  13. ivan

    OBL Photos

    i thought this was going to give me a virus?
  14. the rest of the animal maybe, but camel TOES have never gone extinct in north america! holy shit, was gonna put in a pic but instead let me implore you to never google said term
  15. broughtons was nice and dry yesterday! alas, tonight i must serve as taxi-driver to small people
  16. article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2002/nov/24/theobserver the top of the list of demands: "(Q2) As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you? (1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam"
  17. would have to do an exhaustive intrewubs search - i do remember reading one of osama's rants from 2002 that did include a call for the usa to adopt islam - it must be in the memory hole somewhere
  18. being an agnostic type guy, i reckon i'm in that trap you describe - in the grand sense there is no right and wrong, just weak and strong - it's a fucked state of affairs that really is best dealt w/ though a combination of strong drink and wilderness wandering obviously there were other ways to get the usa's attention beyond the 9/11 approach - i don't know if any of them, including the 9/11 way, would work. certainly 9/11 was stupid and ultimately pretty damn counterproductive for the evil-doer's aims. tvash, you forgot osama's demand that the usa accept islam as well while the 2 demadns you listed sound reasonable enough, i don't think homeboy was the type that could much have been reasoned with, do you?
  19. Really, you can't tell the difference? I get your point about "how do you really know who is right" and it's a fun philosophical dead-end that leads to all sorts of logical games, but in this one case, I think there should be enough data to give you at least *some* idea which one is most likely right. remind me who was cheering on 9/11? pissed off saudis for us supporting hte absolute monarchs who rule over them? iranians who remember us doing the same in their country? palestinians who notice the "made in america" brands on the helicopters and tanks that have shot them up? again, i'm not saying i'm on their side, just that i understand the source of their anger and see it having the same validity as ours, and that i'd like all of us to move beyond the hairless monkey dynamic we're so impossibly hard-wired into.
  20. there's plenty of skepticism out there, just not too much from americans it seems, or at least americans being interviewed by fox most of my students yesterday said they thought it was fishy and wierd that the body was dumped, but didn't jump to saying it was b.s., nor do i, mostly b/c i don't care - dead or not, osama had become a footnote in history - if he's still alive (and not making music w/ elvis, tupac & jim morrison) i'm sure he'll have a new diatribe ready for podcast in a couple days i liked the random paki i heard interviewed on npr y-day - he said he didn't much believe the annoucment b/c he'd heard it before, and that it didn't matter b/c regardless there were still plenty of violent jihadi dickheads in his country, and that the usa would go on violating paki soveriegnity b/c there was fuckall they could do about it
  21. just playing the devil's advocate, mind ye, but our august country has routinely destroyed innocents in the pursuit of the greater good as we saw it - trail of tears, sherman's march, the 8th air force leveling every town in axis europe, hiroshima, agent orange, yadda, yadda, yadda - the actual people we've killed on these occasions we've justified just as quickly and easily as those joyous dickheads in the street a decade ago the defintion of a "just society" is inseperable from the culture that produces it - from the vantage point of the pro-9/11 crowd, which obviously takes a psycho-conseravtive view of islam, the twin towers and pentagon were appropriate targets as symbols of an imperialist empire that routinely killed innocents in iraq and supported governments hostile to their one-true-interpretation of islam, which is not as crazy as more than a few other things folks seem to accept w/o blinking an eye, like the existence of invisible beared men in the sky hanging out in bathrobes and fuzzy slippers again, not looking to shed tears for osama - just agreeing w/ the basic point that its odd that Modern Men would be dancing in the street over the taking of any human life - is it a colonel kurtz thing? "You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us."
  22. feel like it took me a damn decade to finally get his name pronouced right - betcha had to look up the spelling though! the big v was a damn site more sympathetic figure for sure.
  23. not saying you (we) don't have a reason to have a beer and reminsce on the osamas of yesteryear, but you are missing the moral relativism element - the folks who cheered on 9/11 were as convinced as you are that the murders de juor were justified - who's actually right? who fucking cares. whoever's left standing to make the movie of the week out of it i reckon.
  24. "civilized" never has meant much - the romans were civilized - they woulda made certain osama lived for obama's triumph - christ on a cracker, we spend a trillion dollars catchign homeboy and can't make a quality reality-tv event out of it?
  25. careful there, lest you get sucked in and spend the rest of yer climbing life stuck in your etriers!
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