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Everything posted by ivan

  1. just hang a long draw or two from the nearest piece of pro to french on - if the second has a fifi hook on their belay loop it's easy for them to rest too after getting pumped stupid
  2. screw-job? nut-case?
  3. ivan

    Carter Redux!

    who's yer ronnie reagan to onseat him? bible spice? it says much of you and yours that you villify carter so - a geniunely decent human being w/ rational views on life?!? hell no!!! city on a hill!!! buy, mortimer, buy!!!
  4. where's the via ferrata? holy shit that'd be annoying to haul past overhangs...
  5. ivan


    Like cyrofrozen billionaires, we're just supposed to hold on to it until humans invent a way to deal with it. Sound good? No, not really. encasing waste in glass and putting it in the bottom of a very, very deep hole in the middle of fucking nowhere ain't that bad of a solution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yucca_Mountain
  6. ivan


    no doubt wisconsin will see to it public workers will see their pay appropriately docked
  7. ivan


    the jap-o's need to get this boy on the case! i suspect he would advise some sort of tacheon-beam solution
  8. ivan


    looks like an update of the kid classic "candyland"
  9. ivan


    store it in nevada - worst/best case scenario it explodes, making the entire state an uninhabitable wasteland till dog walks the earth again
  10. ivan


    or oil-sands firfuksakes?!?
  11. ivan


    what about when windmills chop up pretty, pretty birdies? when dams keep the fishies from fucking?
  12. ivan


    it would be a mistake to think of me, or practically any other person, as a rational being
  13. ivan


    i always carpool in a prius w/ lesboes w/ hairy armpits - we climb on cruelty-free gear too
  14. ivan


    easy to sympathize w/ them - depend on oil that you import or nuclear energy you make yourself (well, w/ a little bit of help from the round-eyes)? the current nuke disaster should be understood vis a vis the recent bp gulf debacle i think - both industrial accidents, and both the result of an insatiable need for power for modern industrial economies - compare and contrast? would, for example, you'd be more or less nervous if the boys of bp were in charge in japan at the moment?
  15. ivan


    also a worm moon!
  16. ivan


    i've settled for several sake bombs
  17. ivan


    luckily them boys and girls have a lot of practice cleaning up after total fucking disasters, man-made n' otherwise
  18. ivan


    china's recent giant quake caused plenty of new buildings to fail b/c of corruption sidestepping gov regs
  19. ivan


    Yes, I had to do a double take on that flaming debris. it'dve been even more biblical if a screamign horde of frogs and locusts was riding the front edge
  20. ivan


    never waste a crisis, ivan? i'm an atheist to be sure, but hardly a crusading one as that'd be...uh..retarded. ya'll are free to draw your own conclusions, so long as you leave me out of them
  21. ivan


    Yup it's always nice to be reminded there is no god, or that, if there is one, that he's a bit of a bastard
  22. ivan


    never waste a crisis, j-b?
  23. ivan

    This just in....

    Just thought that the hipster beard and heavy-frame vintage glasses were potent visual signifiers of the transition away from the trade unionists of yore. uh...okay...doesn't look so different from this union guy or these auto union guys or him you seem atypically mean-spirited on this...
  24. ivan

    This just in....

    he kinda looks a dali painting too when you gonna come up here and climb the n side w/ me larry? shit, i ain't got nothign to do but get real wet this weekend...
  25. ivan


    fucking madness "i hate the sea, and everythign in it"
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