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Everything posted by ivan

  1. "because drug dealers don't ID" nice billboard
  2. ivan

    Republican debates

    chicken or the egg? who's worse, the audience or the candidates? to my mind, the candidates are more the thermometer showing the fever that's burning through the body politic than the actual virus causing the disease...
  3. ivan

    Republican debates

    talk about historical ignorance - didn't our last two presidents from texas more than earn rhode island a couple of chances in a row before the lone star state gets another crack at the white house?
  4. ivan

    Going under the knife

    holy shit 8-ball! makes me paranoid about getting the baby cyst i recently discovered growing on my hip looked at you're too grumpy to die man, so stay strong! let us know if you need some help - i'm sure the beacon crowd would be more than happy to find you a blackmarket spare kidney, if need be
  5. "The poverty line in 2010 was at $22,113 for a family of four." no wonder pbr is so popular...
  6. usually a fine time for smith rocks and the like... congrats on resisting the bail-demon
  7. ivan

    We remember

    i remember goign to the gym that afternoon - each treadmill had its own tv - i was watching the news coverage while running - at some point i looked around and noticed most of my companions were watching sports center
  8. ivan

    Union Thugery

    but how does that square with "the causes for the labor movement are things of the past with modern labor laws?" even if you just mean the general dirtiness of the slaughterhouse, not the treatment of workers in it, it still is a testament to the fact that no problem stays fixed for long i'm pretty active in my teachers union, and fwiw, have been plenty vocal and active in getting other union members who are dead weight to get the hell out... reckon steelworkers are rough dudes regardless of wether or not their unionized?
  9. ivan

    Union Thugery

    you must not have read "the jungle" plenty of folks out there who have been out of work for a long time now who have a good attitude and skills.
  10. ivan


    even trippier is the fly by video here: http://www.tecca.com/news/2011/03/15/saturn-fly-by-video/
  11. ivan

    Union Thugery

    nice - gotta like his will, written shortly b4 his death by firing squad: My will is easy to decide, For there is nothing to divide. My kin don't need to fuss and moan, "Moss does not cling to a rolling stone." My body? Oh, if I could choose I would to ashes it reduce, And let the merry breezes blow, My dust to where some flowers grow. Perhaps some fading flower then Would come to life and bloom again. This is my Last and final Will. Good Luck to All of you, Joe Hill
  12. gonna be hot in town, might be a good time to check out bill's fairyland in da hillz pm me.
  13. ivan

    Total conspiracy

    all the evidence points now to john wilkes booth killing osama bin laden in order to sleep w/ jackie o and thereby get even w/ marilyn monroe - if you look closely, you'll see no shadow of the plane as it crashes into the grassy knoll!!!
  14. give'em to jim opdyck next time you're out there and he'll find the Rightful Owners soon enough
  15. i've lost 3 already, so i feel the universe wants me to have this one
  16. 10 years and 6 posts? thank god you finally came to spray to fix up them stats, steve-o!
  17. no, like a number of other religions, the religion of islam is largely centered on racial groups, most notably the arabs. as walter will tell you, non jews can be jews too, but still, most jews are jews
  18. iowa's good for more than just ruining presidential politics from the git'go
  19. the lamest wedding i ever went to was a muslim one, even though oliver north was there never been to a fundie christy wedding, but they sound lame too...
  20. Why? For posting it or believing it? Because just because I post does not mean I believe it. Some of it is funny though...... "I'm not actually an ignorant racist, I just like to repost ignorant racist hate-speech on internet forums. Because it's like, funny. Y'know?" shit, hate to be figured on the bone's camp (sorry dooood), but i'm nice n' liberal and even took several history classes on the mideast and islam and would have to admit said list is pretty fucking funny and not entirely off-base. have you forgotten laughter is the cure for most of our ills?
  21. your love of the halflings leaf has clearly dulled your mind
  22. george carlin recommended only having tortoises for pets for this very reason...for my part, i try to stick to fish n' snakes, and rename it each new one the same as the last one fond memories are better than tears - i'm sure you'll be right as rain before long good luck.
  23. but could you please stop crowding out all the quality hood tr's though, dood?
  24. ivan

    Little Larry

    sounds like little larry will need a swing by the in'n'out after the what-have-you
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