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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    Crazy talk

    always nice when parents figure out how a power drill werks dunno - based on my results, i don't appear to have learned shit yet
  2. ivan

    Crazy talk

    Ummm... can I see that list? You know, the list of all the "great democracies" that "committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded"? I mean, right now there's, let's see, how many "great democracies" more than 200 years old? The US and, uhhh, who else? Oh, and Iceland, I guess. So that means that all of the older "great democracies" completely collapsed and just disappeared? Wow. I'd like to learn about some of those events - it must make for some pretty compelling reading. Any idea where I can go to read about all these 250-year-old "great democracies" committing "financial suicide" to the point where they vanished from the earth without a trace? Or is that assertion just a pile of completely fabricated bullshit? attempting to reason folks out of a position they were never reasoned into is the first step on a long, long road to unhappiness
  3. ivan

    law question?

    i've definetly had wierder my fav was the 85 lb chick who became a military mortician and regaled me for years w/ stories that would fucking turn yer goddamn hair white!
  4. pretty miserable forecast for an alpine sport climb...
  5. ivan

    law question?

    i do now - generally i try to ignore the soap-opera stories beyond being familiar w/ the details in the headlines
  6. ivan

    law question?

    i don't understand this story: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/15/2408652/casey-anthony-must-pay-law-enforcement.html chick is found not guilty of a crime, yet has to pay the police for their investigation???
  7. likely not, having previously rejected cool glow-in-the-dark condoms
  8. ivan

    Crazy talk

    it's always nice when grandparents figure out how email works
  9. penis colonoscopies?
  10. we gotta elect this guy - w/ him and chuck norris as vp, this recession shit with be over in 3 days
  11. a decade of decadence? hemingway made it sound so bitch'n!
  12. on the plus side though, if yer koch is broken, they did figure out an army of drugs to fix it, and soon (?) to be generic!
  13. i always wanted to live in a lost decade
  14. ivan

    Union Thugery

    such is life, what can ya do? not sure i buy your whole analysis, jay - ultimatley, yes, consumers care most about price, but unions don't have to make things more expensive.
  15. my poor pants...least my nose has finally stopped peeling from that good n' thorough burn
  16. damn, putin sure has some pretty fingernails!
  17. ivan

    Union Thugery

    corporations, like governments for that matter, are as washington said, like fire - useful, but dangerous, and requiring zealous oversight and tending, which is a major function of a union, no?
  18. i thought we were a republic?
  19. ivan

    The Brazil Syndrome

    sounds like a continuance of the tradition of fearing and ostracizing hiroshima and nagasaki survivors. gotta feel bad for the japanese - nuke power makes sense for them, but the price of a single fuck-up is steeeeep.
  20. how is it again, devuska, that you don't have swarms of hardcore (single male) climbers buzzing about you at all times looking for partnership?
  21. dude was absolutely badass! enjoyed a collection of his writings very much. "wise king do not grieve it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for everyone of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark"
  22. ivan

    The Brazil Syndrome

    sounds like japan's (and brazil's) problem?
  23. ivan

    Union Thugery

    seems to me pro-union folk have thus far been more prominent in this here thread than t'others?
  24. ivan

    Going under the knife

  25. looks like he's ready for justice league membership, 'ccording to them thare pictures?
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