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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i hate snuff porn before noon!
  2. And this another issue. I don't think any healthcare system will ever work here, unless you start regulating food industry with a heavy hand: that includes use of hormones, gm foods and school lunches. in 2004 Group Health study showed that an average teen in the US consumed 1200 calories in the form of soft drink a day. The most served food in a cafeteria is a pizza and french fries. No wonder kids of age 9 or 10 have cholesterol above 250. And the answer of AMA is to start prescribing Lipitor. good luck getting voter enthusiasm for giving The Man the power to tell you what you can eat and drink (having already banned what he can smoke though, i'll admit it's not outside the realm of His possibilities)
  3. ivan

    RIP Steve

    I was referring to Ivan. the problem with most philosophers is they're dead steve jobs was a man like anybody else, his death reaffirms that basic fact - he doesn't need to be hero-worshipped - he made more contributions to the modern world than most for certain, and his life will be remembered long after my own has gone, and i can be enlightened enough not to be jealous about that wonder how long the battery in his iTomb will last?
  4. ivan

    RIP Steve

    good link - wow, some amazing stories in there - i really didn't know much other than his name, guess us 'mericans like to keep things simple, so mlk and, at most, malcolm x were about all that could fit! reckon his story got downplayed abit b/c he was a billion years old and folks just kinda expect them to keel over eventually
  5. ivan

    RIP Steve

    meh. sure, he'll be a thomas edison type figure for the future to revere, but i'm not certain that his contributions haven't had some drawbacks - the whole iLife, propped up by endless iGadgets, leads to a lotta self-obsessed motherfuckers i'll forgive him for the starry night ap on those goddamn phones though - that thing is fuckign cool! A living example of an inhabitant of Plato's Cave. i do spend a lot of time thinking about chairs
  6. ivan

    RIP Steve

    meh. sure, he'll be a thomas edison type figure for the future to revere, but i'm not certain that his contributions haven't had some drawbacks - the whole iLife, propped up by endless iGadgets, leads to a lotta self-obsessed motherfuckers i'll forgive him for the starry night ap on those goddamn phones though - that thing is fuckign cool!
  7. ivan

    RIP Steve

    for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark
  8. at least he wins a prize!
  9. fork yeah! wanna go back this summer?
  10. ivan

    Republican debates

    i've never been a fan of one set of rules for citizens and one for the rest of the world, at least when it comes to basic questions like "do you have the right not to be blown the fuck up by yours truly for whatever reason i want" seems to me all humans should have the right to simple things like that and habeas corpus...
  11. ivan

    Republican debates

    the attempts by the clinton administration to kill osama after the kenyan embassy and uss cole incidents would be considered extra-judicial killings, right? and wouldn't the past decade have been better if they had been successful? it doesn't seem like the whole concept can be universally taboo - the rabbithole of the "ticking timebomb" in 2003 never seemed to get closed for good, despite the shit outcome. i guess some folks are still claiming victory in vietnam too... in the end, good governments just about killing the right people, right?
  12. ivan

    Republican debates

    what is a "direct threat?" this recent fella doesn't sound like anyone much crying over, who was eager to use violence to kill our citizens - what on earth can you do but kill such folks when they're in godforsaken lands in the pursuit of those goals? the lack of judicial review is definetly disturbing, but, if the choice must be between whole-sale occupation of unstable foreign countries and the selected assassination of the various dickheads who are showing true promise and potential in killing americans, this one seems the wiser. what in your mind would be required in order for it to have been justifiable? where's the line that homeboy didn't cross?
  13. ivan

    CC.com Turns 11

    whole country went to hell after harry pi disappeared... THANK FOR TO ALLOW PERSON TO POST!!!
  14. ivan

    Martini Thread

    yeah, roofies just don't dissolve well enough in anything else!
  15. ivan

    Soccer fans

    Serious bidness, this. billy the kid would no doubt have failed miserably in this modern culture of ours
  16. ivan

    Soccer fans

    fwiw, while cliff was definitely dorky, he was ultimately a good guy and a likable character - kk might in fact be going way too far then on the comparision
  17. ivan

    Soccer fans

    dude, you're goign too far when you start dissing on "cheers!" what could possibly be MORE american than a show about a buncha pissed off workers spending every evening of their life getting tanked in the same bar?
  18. ivan

    Soccer fans

    i thought footie was australian rules football?
  19. ivan

    Martini Thread

    the best a martini can get: step 1 - make ANY martini per usual step 2 - add a handful of road-apples (horse turds) and stir step 3 - pour out the martini step 4 - swallow the turds
  20. it did last year...an intense blowtorch or similar kinetic solution is all that's required to subvert it though
  21. ivan


    funny, my wife's a screaming liberal and currently home-schooling our kids, maybe we can balance out them damn iowans?
  22. ivan


    Try reading the article next time, dumbass. i read an article that said much of the area had the name niggerhead - offensive or not, folks who live in a place a long time don't generally change their geographic habits in an eye-blink - i betcha he don't call it that anymore, eh? but the bottomline is, who gives a shit what word he used in the past or the present, what's he going to do as president to help out black folks? i bet there's more than a few such folks out there who would gladly excuse him his racial language in exchange for an end on the war on drugs, badmouthing welfare, improving spending for schools in predominatly black area, pumping up a prison industry that chews through black folks like fat kids through doritoes, etc., etc. etc. not that they'll be likely to get that from a republican anyway, which is why hardly any black folks vote for the elephant, and why, ultimately, this story is pretty goddamn irrelevant!
  23. ivan


    feel free to scribble my name on there - make sure its completly illegible so they're sure it looks like my real one
  24. ivan

    CC.com Turns 11

    i miss the pub clubs - gotta get those fired up again...
  25. ivan

    Soccer fans

    goal! oh what massive, penetrating goal!!!
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