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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Yeah but if you get stuck somewhere and have to eat your shoes for sustenance, that dye could stain your lips!
  2. I see a big problem with those shoes already. Color. Why do shoe companies make black shoes? Are they stupid? I suppose they sell well to gym climbers (fashionable black), but if you are going to be climbing in the summer, especially all-day-alpine-exposed-to-the-sun stuff, you DON'T want black/dark shoes. Why do they even dye them at all. Just leave 'em au naturael I say.
  3. Hey, does anyone want to buy a watch? It's brand new in the original box! Nice watch, only $120. Nike Timing Triax V10 Watch - (originally $198.95)
  4. According to whom? What do YOU think?
  5. I've got about 30m of >10mm I hauled out of the Enchantments last year. You can have it, but I'm in Seattle.
  6. Pardon me if I answer this question somewhat seriously. I've heard NOLSEY is an alright chap in-person. However, I think his online personality is pretty pompous and that pisses me off. Thankfully his pomposity has been tempered recently and we haven't had any "well you ain't shit if you haven't taken XX number of alpine Lamaze classes while working in outdoor retail" stuff in a while. Anyway, I met the guy once before he was much of a regular here I think, buckskin vest and all, and didn't think he was an ass, so maybe its just an online thing. Necronomicon translation of the above:
  7. Yeah! Fuckin' weak! It's like when the grocery store pays some guy $27 cents a pound for brocolli AND THEN HAS THE GAUL TO CHARGE ME 54 CENTS A POUND!!!! FUCKING CAPITALISM!
  8. Most folks probably would throw a gender qualifier in there, but ......
  9. Nice to see some ice pictures from Valdez. I've only been there in the summer.
  10. Videos of Basejumping Cats p.s. DAMNIT! Scooped by (appropriately) Faster_Than_You.
  11. Sorry, that image was just too great to not post. Here is an illustration that is a little more serious: You can read some drama-queen gear wanking about the "deathX" HERE
  12. And don't forget that those little nubbins' are mighty polished after the 46,312th ascent. If memory serves, I think the commander and I did that route on the same day!
  13. And I'm sure all PDX climbers are waiting breathlessly for you to do this for them. HOW HAVE THEY SURVIVED WITHOUT YOU!?!?! We're counting on you NOLSEY!
  14. Let the armchair/monday morning quarterbacking begin... I think he was stupid for venturing out on the glacier solo. Impressive effort up to the part where he fell in a crevasse and endangered his friend's and rescuer's lives. I wouldn't be too proud of the "achievement" if I were him. Discuss. p.s. BTW, there was some previous discussion of this event after a posting by CBS I believe. I'm too lazy to look it up.
  15. I just did birdlands about three weeks ago after LanceGranite's recommendation and I agree that it is . I don't know if you are still down there, but in the easy multi-pitch trad vein I also recommend: Johnny Vegas, Frogland, Ginger Cracks, and Crimson Crysallis (very crowded). I do NOT recommend: Beulah's Book, Lotta Balls. I give Tunnel Vision a mediocre rating. One unique and odd feature, but overall not that interesting of climbing. That campground (and it's hosts) suck some serious ass and are the worst part of the RR experience in my opinion.
  16. [trumpet]Wah waaaaaaah......[/trumpet]
  17. OMG!!! Maybe he is serious! He hasn't replied to my PM in the last 2hrs!
  18. Apparently he is sick of this website and sick of all of you. He will never post here again.
  19. Did I micturate upon your rug sir?
  20. Alpinfox


    Holy shit! Bon Jovi died!?!??!
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