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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I have the Benson/Green book that you are welcome to borrow, but Dru says its not as good as the Elaho guide.
  2. LINK TO CHEAP EYEGLASSES I've ordered glasses from them and they were great.
  3. Amazing. Were you carrying a GPS with waypoints to track your times or were you just writing them down? Were you a cross country runner or something? What is your marathon time?
  4. I'm thinkin you could score a pretty good C2C time on Infinite Bliss with that rig.
  5. There is a big difference between backcountry/climbing/interpretive rangers and the law enforcement rangers that you just encountered. Sorry to hear about your experience; that's really shitty. We increasingly are living in a police state.
  6. I second that emotion. The one on Lake City Way is good too, but expensive. Andy is less expensive and does a great job and will hit on your girlfriend.
  7. WOOHOO! Let's keep the atheism train rolling: LINK TO GOOGLE VIDEO
  8. JayB is right. You won't get into UW PA school without at LEAST 2yrs of full-time, hands-on, patient experience. Other schools are different.
  9. I had a similar situation not long ago. Indoor cat with no microchip or collar went missing, we pasted neighborhood with missing cat flyers, visited all the shelters, etc. Three agonizing and painful days later we got a call from a neighbor that our cat was up in their tree. Poor thing spent three days up there right before Christmas in horrible weather. I had to aid climb up the ice-covered tree to get her down. So, my recommendations: -Make a good flyer with pictures -Cover your neighborhood in flyers -Walk around your neighborhood frequently looking for him -LOOK UP IN TREES! -Talk to your neighbors in person about the cat -visit the local shelters and look for your cat -give them a copy of the flyer -look on Craigslist lost/found -Put something that smells like you (dirty shirt) outside -Provide some kind of shelter outside your house if you don't have a porch or something -don't give up. Good luck! p.s. When you get your cat back, make sure you microchip it and consider keeping a collar with identifying tags on it. It is very inexpensive and obviously "indoor-only" cats can get out occasionally and when they do, are more likely to get lost.
  10. So you registered an account on this website just to badmouth this company? At 1 o'clock in the morning? Sounds like you have some legitimate gripes, but also seems a little fishy to me.
  11. Post your address. I'll take care of those extra raspberries.
  13. Alpinfox

    Quadrant Homes

    THIS look at the last 12 months.
  14. WOOOHOOO! I figured it out! So I got Quicktime Pro and used the File>Export>Mpeg4 function to shrink it down. That worked OK, but I couldn't figure out how to add music, stills, text, etc, but I did figure out how to do that with Windows Movie Maker.Anyway, here is a video of a training flight I took with the Port Angeles USCG helo rescue team yesterday. These are the guys who rescued the climber with the broken leg off the summit of South Brother in the Olympics a few weeks back. Made with Windows Movie Maker: dyO1W74ySNs edit: Here are a couple videos of them rescuing folks off of the South Brother: Sd3S9nsWsik -agdGYP8c_o
  15. I'd like to learn how to do it myself.
  16. Good news: I was able to shrink it down using Windows Movie Maker. Bad News: WMM split the file into two pieces, one 34secs long, the other 29secs long. Is there some way to avoid that?
  17. I've shot a few videos with my Canon sd800 and would like to upload them to You Tube but they are too large. I need to shrink them down. Anybody have any recommendations? The current file I'm working on is .avi, 1min and 4sec, 640X480 pixels, 30fps, 101mb, and 1622kbps. I'm using Windows XP. You Tube's max upload size is 100mb, recommended 320X240 pixels, MPEG4 format, 30fps. Is there any decent freeware that will do what I want? I tried "Squared 5" program that Olympia Climber recommended, but I got nowhere with it.
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