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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Those are mountain goats. Dall Sheep are only found in AK and Canada.
  2. Holy crap! That's great (and very surprising) news!
  3. Alpinfox


    cuz muffy can't remember how she spelled the password.
  4. Alpinfox


    I am one of Olympia Climber's avatars.
  5. Alpinfox

    George W.

  6. Alpinfox

    George W.

  7. That looks like good fun Ken. Are those banana trees?
  8. Could you elaborate on this please? Are you saying someone did this? I repeat my question again. Did someone smash holds on a rock climb? I don't really care about this FFA bullshit (I think its a juvenile pissing contest), but if somebody smashed up a rock climb, that is extremely upsetting and I want to know about it.
  9. Could you elaborate on this please? Are you saying someone did this?
  10. Alpinfox

    RIP Les Schwab

    Holy crap. That is spelled correctly!
  11. Alpinfox

    Just awful

    Here's a question: What is the point of thinking/reading/reporting/dwelling on "news" stories such as this? There is nothing that anyone can do about it (except the folks prosecuting this animal) so it's just a morbid story that fucks up our day and gets stuck in our head for a while. Yuck.
  12. You were 16 days off. Not bad! LINK
  13. I'm in love Are you saying you agree with the asshat comments? Because your next post: ...directly contradicts what that guy said. I'm confused. So are you an asshat who believes in "IQ tests for prospective climbers" and "charging climbers for rescue costs" or not?
  14. My point is that punishing drug addicts with incarceration/fines/seizure of property/whatever has been shown to be an ineffective deterrent to future drug use, whereas treatment programs ARE effective at getting people off of drugs. Treatment is the solution, not punishment.
  15. why do you need to "punish" a "self-destructive crackhead" at all?
  16. I'm surprised to hear ashw_justin advocating keeping drugs illegal since, if I remember correctly, he went to Wee.... er, Reed College.
  17. well I can say that as a junior high/high school student I neither felt nor expressed any desire for a nanny state. Quite the opposite. All of my friends felt similarly. Apparently kids are thinking a little differently these days?
  18. This is very depressing.
  19. I can't offer any advice about the pros/cons of various kids harnesses, but if you live in Seattle, this might be a good deal: Craigslist ad for kid's climbing gear p.s. The ad is not mine, it's just something I came across while shopping for Jerry Falwell memorabilia.
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