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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. MMMmmm.... Hot springs..... Sounds great, but maybe a little snowy. WTA link
  2. I'm looking for a backpacking and/or scramble trip. Two days, one night. Doesn't have to be to the top of a mountain, but should be fun, scenic, enjoyable, etc. I've been considering the loop from lake Ozette to the beach (anybody know about camping options there?) or maybe some mellow peak like Mt. Stone. Doesn't have to be in the Olympics, but I'm kinda leaning that way. "Snow camping" is not an option.
  3. I believe that there are perhaps as many as two more short pitches after the 5.6 chimney. AlpinFox, correct me if I am wrong. I haven't actually done them. Somebody ought to come up with a name for it. It's like a big clam. The chimney is fun on lead, but less fun if you are following with a pack. there is one pitch after the chimney, which is IMHO part of champagne...hard to believe Fred (FA?) would bypass a chimney and go down. doubt he would remember though. SCW ridge traverse is sweet, would like to do it again someday. I have a terrible memory for routes, so I'm gonna guess that Szyjakowski is correct. Perhaps Bug will chime in on this thread and clarify, but he hasn't been around in a while. I haven't climbed a lot of chimneys, but that one on Champagne was fun and protectable with small cams & nuts. Great smoking ledge at the top of the route and then the fantastic SCW ridge traverse (not to be missed!). Regarding the nasty approach gully - yup, it's nasty and when I did it we roped up for a few moves as well.
  4. The doctor's presciption is: Two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
  5. Dustin, How far did you go on Champagne? Did you go to the top of SCW? The traversing along the top of the formation there is awesome. What did you think of the route? I got some great pics of MattP, Dryad, and CBS on OS when Bug and I did Champagne at the last Leavenworth rope up. I think I posted one or two on here. BTW: George Dubya is an evil dumbass. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  6. Squid neglected to tell you about the ticks, horny goats, fat tourists, hordes of neophyte "Mountainears", the lack of decent camping, and the annoying Ooompah music pumping 24-7 through the Icicle Valley. My advice? Go to Smith.
  7. There are rap anchors all the way down. The first anchor is about 40ft to the left and well below the OS topout. It looks like it would be a little intimidating to get to the first anchor from the top of SCW, especially since that spot can be a little dirty, but I saw some folks do it last time I was on OS. I don't know why people dislike the walk off so much. It's really not that bad.
  8. Great adventure! What route did you descend? How long were you in AK total? Did you climb anything else? Where did your original line go on the photo? Congrats!
  9. Alpinfox

    Insert Caption

    "I wore this thing to the Ani DiFranco concert, and the crowd went wild"
  10. Hey Olympia climber, Wanna go climbing in Squamish next weekend?
  11. Hey, Congrats on living another year. Here are some images to keep you from being too homesick on your special day: This last one really tugs at the heartstrings:
  12. Alpinfox


    Here is the last time someone used the word "Tittayz":
  13. Alpinfox


    I sea from You're profiel that you like to raed mountainering books. That's special. Keep it up.
  14. Well the bells are easy 5th. Nice views and fun easy climbing on so-so rock. Be prepared for hordes of tourists. If you are sporto, Rifle is supposed to be the shizzle. There is someplace called RMNP that may have some climbing. You should check it out. My sister lives in Aspen. Tell her I said hi.
  15. Holy shit! Archenemy is a chick???
  16. I seem to recall a couple hotshots passing me and Dave on Infinite Bliss. But seriously, I don't think my post was pompous at all. It's a fact if you go slow on a popular route, you are going to piss people off and that isn't fun for anyone and should be avoided. I have never held up a faster party. One time on Diedre we had some dumbshit ask to pass me when there were parties at every belay station and I was right behind another party. I just laughed at the guy; his partner looked embarrased. edited Oh and to add to the pomposity, Who ever said OS was a testpiece? It easy for "alpine" 5.9.
  17. I can't believe I'm posting on this thread. Anyway. Hey gumbies, look, yes you have "just as much right" as anyone else to be on any route and you can aid the shit out of it and piss everyone off if you want. You certainly have that right. Just don't be surprised when people get pissed off at you. I don't believe in RULES in climbing, but I do believe in etiquette and I think it was rude of you to take 17 hours or whatever to climb one of the most popular routes in WA on a busy weekend. Go climb some single pitch 5.8/9 stuff in the icicle and some two pitch climbs like Givlers Crack and get the multipitch shit dialed before you step up to SCW. edit: Midway and Saber on CR are other good options for easy multipitch. You'll cause and recieve a lot less grief that way, you'll keep yourself safer, the world will be a better place, the ozone layer will heal up, and endangered Laotian snaffles will find room to thrive in this crowded, polluted world. Everything will be great. And Selkirk, orbit and champagne are certainly not "dirty pieces of shit". Apparently you don't know shit. Alpinfox out.
  18. Hey! What is with you dumbshits thinking you need a $4000 carbon fiber bike with fancy "I'm a racer" handlebars to commute to work? You aren't in the Tour de France on the Burke Gilman you pretentious fuck! Oh, you are sponsored by Raliegh or USPS or whatever? Yeah right. You are mediocrity personified - quit acting like you are some world class athlete. Jumpin' jeebus you people make me sick and even with your 14-color spandex unisuit, you can't keep up with me in my levis. Pathetic. Thank you for allow rusty, squeaky, $8, thrift store, girl's bike rider to pass your overbranded ass and post on pedestrian website. ON YOUR LEFT!!!
  19. Post Office Tavern. Saturday night. Squid is going to be performing, "You make me feel! You make me feel like a natural cephalopod."
  20. hey Hey HEY!!! My name is Alpinfox! I'll probably be in L-town this weekend Fern; you up for some karaoke!?!?!? w00t!
  21. "When On Mountain, No Girlfriend Thinking. Must Focus Only Mountain." -Da Ngima
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