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Everything posted by Bug

  1. That is all very interesting but I was inquiring about the cuttoff for "older climber".
  2. What is the cuttoff Matt? I still solo peaks and recon trips regularly. I love going out and finding places where it seems no one has been in a long time. The allure for me is the solitude and the ability to change plans on a whim. If I ever need to be found, I'll be screwed. That realization is at the front of my mind with almost every dangerous step. It is my last vice.
  3. What can you tellme about snow conditions? Soft, hard, alternating, where? Where you postholing? How deep? etc.
  4. Dork. It's OK for Republicans to screw around. They're sanctioned by God.
  5. No.Porter. Its totally different from letting Haliburton rake in the profits from Cheney's war. He holds stock in that corporation. Gregoire is not allowed to hold stock in an indian casino. But don't get me wrong. Gregoire and the Dems of King county are as crooked as the day is long. They spent $1,000,000,000.00 on the studies for RTA and didn't turn a stone. A billion dollars! Where did it go?
  6. I think the supreme court will strike down forcing churches to marry gays but I do think they will uphold the right of gays to marry. As for me, 2. Love your brother as you would love yourself. You Christian bashers are going to have fun with that one.
  7. I am surprised that you are not willing to address this comparison. I might even accuse you of being closed-minded for thinking that there is some fundamental difference between a 'right to join in holy matrimony in a place of God' and a 'right to smoke.' Or did you mean to imply that the government's restriction on a church's freedom to marry who they please is even less legitimate than its restriction on indoor smoking, because there is not even a health issue involved? No, probably not. ...except for the freedom of religion part. You didn't really address the idea that forcing a church to accommodate the marriage of someone that they don't want to is a denial of that church's freedom of religion. I am just thinking fairly here--if we are talking about constitutional rights, this is fair game. As much as I despise the hand of religion in politics and government, I think it is important that we do not over-correct. Yes. He did. Re-read.
  8. Derek Hersey used to do that. But Derek always stopped to chat a bit.
  9. What is really pathetic is that we are all posting here and trying to argue when anyone from another country would see us as almost cloned. Our freedoms are taken for granted too often.
  10. I used to solo up to 5.7 on a regular basis. Mostly alpine. But now I am just not practiced enough.
  11. I think yours is the popular beleif system over the broader society. Hetero males, especially hetero christian males who respect gays and lesbians are probably way outnumbered by those who do not. I cannot imagine those gays I have known, willingly going through the taunting and humiliation our society subjects them to. It just is not something I can beleive. No science here. Just my observation.
  12. Answer my question. To answer your question there was no decision for me. I am normal. I love my wife. I am male and she is female. 99.999% of all homosexuality is an abnormal learned behavior. I will concede the smallest percentage that might actually be genetically messed up. But for the most part homosexuality is an abnormal learned behavior. This seems like mis information. I have lived and worked amoung the "stricken" and without exception, they suffer almost daily for their sexual orientation. I do not beleive it is a choice. Count your blessings that you are in the majority persuasion. I would be interested to hear what your source for the 99.999% figure is.
  13. No trips planned. Thanks for asking.
  14. Bug

    "it is what it is"

    we want to see couloir's avatar's, but not yours Amen! Whiners.
  15. hey, now... Just imagine if they were the ones bivying on the summit... irony: look at Bug's avatar, then his comment. My avatar is designed to gross out those who post soft porn as their avatars. I have to shut off viewing avatars at work so I don't get dinged for viewing pron. The option is available to everyone. Enjoy!
  16. Bug

    "it is what it is"

    You ca turn off the Avatar viewing in "My Stuff". I live without. Youcantu. Nothing personal.
  17. Bug

    Cindy McCain

    "All bets are off" just means, people get shitty for awhile. They still have to be held accountable. I have a former best friend out there somewhere who started on pain meds. Last I saw of him, the needle had control. It sucks.
  18. Bug

    "it is what it is"

    well....that's cool and all, if your into cocks... Hugh is. Since I don't have the inclination to show him mine, I post a diagram for him. It gets his keyboard sticky. Actually, I can't view avatars anymore because I will get busted for Hugh's Pron at work. So I posted the penis in prostate, I mean protest. Do you like it? Hook up with Hugh.
  19. Don't be diss'n man boobs. I'll change my avatar.
  20. Bug

    Cindy McCain

    Hey, scott, how about the whole quote? Just to be fair I don't like her much but I will say this. If you ever have back pain like what you get with a ruptured disk,you will be quaffing drugs too. Once you start, good luck NOT getting addicted. Once you are addicted, all bets are off. I would look carefully at her success in staying off the drugs but commend her if she does/did. I don't like McCain because of who he is. Anger management issues make him a dangerous man to have in the White house regardless of the rest of his policies.
  21. I need a road bike to pedal from Redmond to Issaquah every day for work. Cheap second hand, with the forearm pads to save my wimpy wrists. Who's got one hanging in their garage?
  22. Bug

    "it is what it is"

    It is your life on drugs.
  23. Bug


    All great advice so far. One more thing. The air blowing off the Pacific is very humid and cold at high mph. I always take a neck gator to pull up over my nose in strong winds.
  24. Nice! Thanks for the pics. Matching pants, gators and hats. hmmmmm.
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