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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Obama's Speech

    Ivan? , .... where to start? If he were teaching my children, I would join the PTA for the koolaid. Somehow I think we will see more TR's from these two libtards than from the whacko right. That doesn't make them right but on a climber's board, it suggests substance.
  2. Bug

    Obama's Speech

    Tvash has no scruples. He claims none to my reccolection. He uses racial epitaths and condescending horseshit till the cows come home. He probably does cows. I don't know. Most of his horseshit isn't backed up by anything but his assinine style of presentation. And he sucks in many other ways. But I do not remember him whining and claiming that he had been wronged in spray.
  3. dude, bug, the drug thing is what created the gangs in the first place! it is their driving engine - after the gangs reached walmart size though they, like any other business, figured they needed to diversify and so they expanded into other lucrative black-market ventures, like kidnapping - get rid of the drug engine though and the police corruption will dissappear (well, at least it'll just be that sweet corporate-take-over-of-government kinda corruption that every red-blooded american can get behind) - kidnapping is not going to be so profitable on its own that you'll have these monster criminal organizations powerful enough to buy off an entire nations law enforcement but again, drugs make the baby jesus cry... You don't know Jesus. He created drugs. But that's a different arguement. Second, are you talking about the US or Mexico? Because there are different gang scenarios in the two places. Mexico and Latin America have been corrupt sice your grand-daddy was a squirt. What they have is what Bush etc want. A few rich, a few middle class, and a whole bunch of poor. Teddy Roosavelt was one of the really strong proponents of that system loaning military might to governments to enforce the corporate takeover of lands that had been held in peasant families for generations. There was no law. Only power and greed. That is what drives that country's politics today. The rich will not give up any of it and use the drug trafficing as an excuse for violence that the peasantry says is being fomented by armies in uniform. In the cities, being poor is the norm. Being bull-dogged by the police is what happens if you stand up to a rich person. Practically speaking, drugs are legal in Mexico. Without drug wars, the Mexican elite would have nothing to hide their violence behind. Meanwhile if you are rich and you need a new kidney and you have two choices, die or kidnap a peasant, what are you going to do? You do what any good facist would do. You survive. Because you can.
  4. Kevbone standing up for the left. Fairweather standing up for the right. Now that is balance.
  5. Bug

    Dirty Politics Inc.

    So you are in favor of having hatred monopolized by republican campaign managers? I guess that is not surprising.
  6. Sorry to hijack this thread away from legalizing drugs (which I support), but the issue here is violence and police corruption. Not all of that are directly related to drug trafficing. In fact, why would drug trafficers kidnap kids anyway? Organ donors perhaps. Those rumor have been floating around for awhile now.
  7. Bug

    School's Starting!

    I had a friend who did not like biology. Biology class was on the third floor. He lept up and yelled very loudly "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" and ran full speed to the back of the class and dove headlong out the open window. The teacher just froze, too freaked out to even move. Jeff, of course, had planned the whole stunt and lept into a tree and climbed down. Then he came back up to class and said "I feel better now." The stunned teacher just watched him walk in and sit down. He taught for a few seconds and then left the room. Jeff sprang back up and said "watch this!" and climbed out the window onto a 3" ledge and started climbing from one window to the next. The teacher and vice principal came in while he was outside, one hand grasping one windowsilland the other grasping the next. Then he pulled himself through the window, jumped to the floor knocking a microscope onto the flor, spread his arms and said "TA-DAAAAAA!" Both the teacher and the vice principal pointed out the door and sternly said,"Get out!" in perfect unison. It was right out of the movies. But I definately prefer the mind-f you put on the teacher Sobo. That had to be a freakout. And tastefully subtle.
  8. Bug

    McCain's VP

    Regardless of what she "could" do based on experience that clearly lack an exposure to the world stage, she superficially represents everything McCain has attacked in Obama. Presidential races have a LOT to do with superficial appearances. I am still trying to figure out why they picked her. I am even wondering if this is a set up and the Republicans don't want the presidency. It will be fun to watch.
  9. Bug

    Obama's Speech

    Biggestes ISSUES for Bug. Campaign Finance reform. Both candidates talk the talk. Lets see how the next president walks. War against Terror vs terrorizing voters. We need an assertive military now that we have screwed teh pooch and given birth to a new generation of US haters. We also need to follow through on our commitments - find and prosecute Bin Laden (Republicans blew their whole mission here), Leave Iraq in a way that they approve of, Stop propagandizing al-quaida - THEY WANT US TO PUBLICIZE EVERYTHING THEY DO. We are empowering them on many levels. Bring the deficit under control and turn the dollar around so gas prices will decrease and we can breath a little. The high gas prices have the same effect that higher taxes have on an economy. WE ARE BEING TAXED BY THE RICH. Now that we are breathing, shift our focus to conservation - carpool incentives, light bulb efficiency, simple energy usage awareness. A little bit by everybody goes a loooong way. Now that we have the economy back on track, spend some billions on new energy sources. DUH.
  10. Bug

    School's Starting!

    When a science teacher poured salt on a slug in my step-daughter's class, she was roasted alive in the email thread and the parents demanded and got greif counseling for the students. True story. BUT, one of the happiest days of my youngest daughter's life was her first day of kindergarten. Do not underestimate the importance to him/her and you will be a super-dad.
  11. Take you moot points to the moot point forum.
  12. Bug

    McCain's VP

    In a whiney, Leibermanesque voice; "I just wish the arAbs would get on the peace bandwagon."
  13. From here I went straight up in the direction Paul is facing. This put me on top of the point directly above LJT. It was easy hiking, 3rd and a tiny bit of 4th all the way to the notch at the base of the main summit pyramid. I went n of the ridge until dropping toward the notch and then dropped a little bit to the s. So I was on the other side of the ridge on the LEFT side of this frame a lot of the time. I may have crossed over and back a couple times. Looking at your pic, I went left of the ridge and came onto your red line at the bottom of its left most point. Then I pretty much followed your line.
  14. West Ridge of Stuart TR. recent
  15. As a Celt, you are one of us. Europe was pastoral 5K years ago. Archeology finds farms, and tool. very few weapons. No fortifications. Then everything changed and fortifications started popping up all over. The original Celts were farmers and hunters but not warriors. Once WE moved in and conquered them, WE adopted many of their Celtic ways but retained the thirst for combat. "Celts" are mutts. And I are one.
  16. Wow three parties hammered by weather on alpine routes in one week. Note to self, pack hand warmers.
  17. The Germanic tribes swept across Russia, and Europe. From there we educated everyone and gave them weapons. Then we almost conquered Rome. Soon after that we took America and claimed it for various governments based on traditional Germanic warfare priciples. Yes. I am a proud warrior of germanic descent. My people conquered the Native Americans. I am not one. Don't even fart. We will find you and force it back in. Because we can.
  18. Bummer. Dropped gear. Hope they are OK.
  19. As in White elephant. Get it? Oh never mind....
  20. Yes. I took a pole with me last summer for the first time in 20 years and caught a few trout. Coos coos was good. So was Spanish rice. Better yet was the Merlot and trout.
  21. Uh huh. Where is that emoticon with the indian throwing a tomohawk? You're a whitey and I'm a whitey. And if you go talk to them, they'll point out the apples. Red on the outside, white in the middle. A little racial pride isn't such a bad thing after a hundred years of repression.
  22. Everyone born here is a Native American. LOL!!!! Go spend time on the Blackfeet reservation whitey. Or RockyBoy. Let em know that you're a Native American. Post a TR.
  23. Bug

    the rats are

    FYI, I pulled out of two jobs due to "events beyond my control". As it turned out, I could have weathered both storms and been a hero. But at what price to one's sanity/quality of life, is the operational question.
  24. Yeah, northern montana is mostly low metamorphosed sedimentary rock. Not a lot of high quality rock climbing to be had.
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