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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Palin will torch herself. Too overconfident, deceitful, and with very little loyalty in her wake. I would love to see her as the next Republican poster child.
  2. Maybe they will assassinate each other without realizing the damage they are doing to the party. God knows they've already done that to the country.
  3. Bug

    Wealth Redistribution

    Here is a breakdown for those of you who are still confused.
  4. Bug

    I feared this....

    I fear no man. If you are such the brave one, why not come with me on my next go 'round? I will save a 'chute for you. Don't worry; packed it myself. There are many who would trust you to do that, myself included. But with all due respect to your convictions and actions, your politics are old-world. Reaganomics does NOT work. It has been proven by Reagan (record deficits,)GB senior (still higher deficits), Clinton (who did NOT use supply-side economics and ended his last term with a huge surplus), and now GW in a blazing economic tailspin and a 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit. Deregulation was the worst economic disaster since the great depression. Taxing the middle class at a higher rate than the upper class ($250K and above) is economic suicide. The last 40 years have been spent trying to build up the global middle class to ensure a stable economy. Japan, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea and on and on, are great examples. GW and his crew tried to take it back. No, they did take it back in oil tax give-aways, corporate loopholes, executive branch defunding of education, infrastructure, and economic developement. That is why almost every state in the union now has a deficit. GW is taking the money from the middle class and putting in the pockets of the rich, multinational corporations. That is not socialism. That is theivery. Socialism would be if he gave it back to some other part of the same society.
  5. Bug

    Wealth Redistribution

    ...but Biden said it was $150 K. But then again, Obama said $42k not too long ago. We'll see what the actual numbers are I guess. I have been watching TV and reading several newspapers and periodicals and I have not seen anything but the 250K bracket. Please enrich us with the source you are quoting. Oh, and quoting something Palin claims Obama said is NOT an Obama quote nor does it reflect anything on the Obama platform. It is just another lie.
  6. Let's see... Troopergate? Shoppinggate? Ted Stevens? Palin's a small town girl lost in the Big Bad City. I can't wait for Monday. I have it! Palin is going to arrange to meet Obama, get in a private sitiuation, and then accuse him of molesting her. Classic "black man does white girl" scenario.
  7. "They're stealing your vote, but you can steal it back. Here are some steps you should take to protect your vote. First, avoid the November 4th minefield. Voters, wherever possible, should vote early and in person. Where feasible, avoid mailing in your ballot, many are rejected for flimsy reasons, and first time voters in many states must include a photocopy of ID. However, if you have a mail-in ballot, don't throw it away. Follow directions, use the correct postage (that's an error that cost a hundred thousand votes last time) and, if possible, walk it in to your elections office. At the polling station, should you find yourself one of the 2.7 million purged, or your ID rejected, then do your best to resist a "provisional" ballot--one third of which are not counted. Return with proper ID, or call 1-866-OUR VOTE for legal assistance. And never just walk away discouraged. That's just what they want you to do. "
  8. Bug

    I feared this....

    We have National Guard fighting in Iraq. When they come back wounded, they get none of the long term benefits that regular military get. They are literally left to rot. Meanwhile we have regular military deployed inside the US. Good system eh? Who thinks up these nightmares? At least socialism thinks about society as people. Our government could not give a rat's ass about people. Not even soldiers. It is about fiduciary responsibility. Sold out to the biggest wallet. Communism is something all together different. Communism is where everything is put in the pot and then redistributed. The main problem with that is the same problem we are experiencing with unregulated financial markets. Power corrupts. Without that little quirk the Soviet Union would still be alive and well and Greenspan would still be a hero. It pains me to know that people like Scott who really beleive in what they are doing, are being used as pawns in a money grab.
  9. Bug

    I feared this....

    Yeah, like when people resort to calling Obama a "commie" I thought that was a compliment. You guys are confusing. You are funny. Really. Too bad you're so ignorant.
  10. Fred said "God is dead." He went on to create a "religion" of the Ubermensch. Superman was a distillation of that concept. Celts were a Matriarchal society. Witches held the wisdom and were revered for it. They set themselves apart to study and teach their craft leaving the men to fend for for themselves for long periods. Who can say what happened in those warm piles of man-flesh.
  11. Interesting rendition. PORTERRRRRR!!!!! Fix the quote thingy.
  12. Really? What did Fredrich have against prostitution? Hmmm. Before religion it would not have had any weight outside the immediate company. I am not sure it would be wise to call a gender an institution. You must be Celtic. Before "religion" there was no money or government. Religion is beleived by many to be the first institution that permeated broader societies (beyond the clan group). But I am sucking the fun out of this aren't I? I'm not following you. Sex for money has always had a certain weight, regardless of religious opprobrium. Prostitution is also in no way a gender, as even a cursory reading of the back end of The Stranger would assure you. It's most certainly an institution, the "second oldest profession" as it were.
  13. Harsh. But would catagorize him with the Gingrich republicans. Reagan stood for something and took stands. I agree that his stand was misguided but he saw it as a "return to old ways" which is another tendancy of humanity. Gingrich introduced the concept of campaigning primarily on character assassination in mass, real or otherwise, rather than on the real values and beleifs of the opponent. The Clintons played along and played well. This was not new as a individual concept but it was new as a mass party "modus operandi". It destroyed statesmanship in campaigns and worse yet in government. It led citizens and elected officials to beleive that the other side was morally wrong not just "getting there by a different means". It threatens to destroy the system of checks and balances. It appeals to the ugly side of humanity. We inadvertantly foster it by using it against those who use it against our beliefs. Someone has to take the higher ground. I think Obama has done that better than most.
  14. Somewhere sometime in the not so distant past a couple of dudes were trundling rocks in a very remote area and killed someone. They were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and did time. A friend and I happened to be out in the bitterroots with a group of highschool kids that same weekend trundling rocks in a very remote area. We had to call all the kids and explain how wrong we were. Donuts.
  15. It ain't over. With Palin comes the most ruthless of tactics. Watch for a headliner Monday evening.
  16. Bug

    Bold New World

    Actually, in the past, when a dem president is elected, the following election swings congress back to the republican side. This has given us some good governance in the past (realatively speaking).
  17. Really? What did Fredrich have against prostitution? Hmmm. Before religion it would not have had any weight outside the immediate company. I am not sure it would be wise to call a gender an institution.
  18. no, but as a fellow kraut, it does mean i'm depressive and alcoholic, character traits which are well re-inforced by my irish half Aye laddybuck, n ahm 1 part Scotish so yu'r buyn th beer.
  19. Bug

    A Blue State Nation

    Nope. Alaska wins on that count.
  20. Regardless of our agenda, they have to stay where they are and live with their neighbors. Strong words are part of diplomacy.
  21. "Get Gov off the backs of business." was a Reagan line. Funny how he failed to mention that it meant big business and he proceeded to drive small businesses out of business at an unprecedented rate by giving huge corporations huge advantages in tax structure and monopolistic tactics. One example was the formation of the Farmer's Alliance which directed funds to lobbyists who pushed corporate farming legislation. The small family farmer all but went extinct under Reagan and they voted for him, sent him their money and probably still think he is the greatest president ever. Propoganda is great stuff.
  22. Hey I am a German by heritage. The fact that we dot every 'i' and cross every 't' does not mean we can't obliterate things.
  23. Neitze proposed the abolition of the world's oldest and most fundamental institution. There is nothing conservative about that no matter how deeply you agree with the need.
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