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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Colorful language aside, I have to agree.
  2. i thought that was just true for this guy? Isn't that Carl Rove?
  3. I use my jetboil year-round around here. I use MSR canisters and some that mrs Bug got for .50 each at Bartell's. Both have to be kept warm or they do not perform well. I put one undr my pillow at night and next to my back when I pack my pack. Even when I use it, I hold it in my hands to keep it warm. I don't know anything about other types of fuel cannisters because mine always work. But I have NOT been in real cold yet with it. In that case I might have to hold it in my crotch. Be sure to trim the pubes if you try this. And don't try to say I said it would be a good idea.
  4. Bug

    gay nazi shocker!

    Sounds like someone likes to be spanked.
  5. When you get angry, he wins. That is the Republican way.
  6. You bring up some great points here Tvash. I always like the way you (often)present your opinion with clarity even if I do not always agree. It would be good if more people would do this instead of just spraying non-sensical boring BS. I think the reality of the gun situation is that, the more controls and limitations you put on honest citizenry, the more dependant we are on the police. I don't like that. Regardless of what I like, criminals will continue to have guns just like they continue to make meth, import heroin, kidnap children, etc.. I have personally been in a situation where I was facing the probablility coming face to face with a certified nut job who had broken into my house and had previously stated that 5 evil demons were telling him to kill his own son, my step-son. I knew he had been on the streets for a year and guns are easy to get ILLEGALLY. So I was comforted by the fact that I was able to lock and load in order to defend my wife, two infant daughters, and stepp-son. If you think gun control would have kept this whacko from getting a gun then explain to me why he is able to buy other illegal substances. As it turned out, the police got there and scared him off. But a few seconds later could have made a huge difference.
  7. Should your idea apply to the First Amendment too? I don't completely agree with Bill or live under any illusions about small arms being effective against a tyrannical government. The real power lies in data bases and the government's ability to deny you a job, credit, health care, the ability to drive a car, etc. But let's face it: If the government did their job and protected law abiding citizens from the dregs of society--the same criminals that liberals seem so hell bent on keeping out of prison or off the electric chair--then this argument would be largely moot. My guns, for the most part, are to protect my family from the people my government refuses to lock up. The cuts to fed funding of state Crime prevention and Capital projects under the Bush administration were the largest single cuts in prison funding over the last 8 years. As usual, you swallowed his rhetoric and gave him another standing ovation. Sorry buddy but I think you are pathetic.
  8. Ban the bannonators and let kaos soar. The inequalities of the board will correct themselves through free interactivity.
  9. OK try this. List the weapons that the British military has at its disposal now that it didn't have 225 years ago. How would a rag-tag band of patriots with hunting rifles fare against a modern military? So your point is rediculous. Second, are you in favor of keeping a strong, unbreached posse comitatus act? Bug. What did the invading units in Afghanistan have that the Soviets didn't have at their disposal? They rode horses and shot Kalashnikovs for Christ's sake. Ever hear about Roger's rangers? Unconventional Warfare is a motherfucker man. Don't underestimate. Realistically, you would be isolated and ineffective. How many US citizens do you think are going to join you? How will the news coverage go? Your machismo is misguided and your effectiveness overestimated. A Gahndi style approach coupled with the internet would have a better chance of success imo.
  10. OK try this. List the weapons that the British military has at its disposal now that it didn't have 225 years ago. How would a rag-tag band of patriots with hunting rifles fare against a modern military? So your point is rediculous. Second, are you in favor of keeping a strong, unbreached posse comitatus act?
  11. "It's not America as we've known it before. It's changin." Thank you GW for standing up for our gun rights. Just like you managed our economy.
  12. It is about to happen again. The voting machines are still in Ohio (51 electoral votes) and Florida is still in the grip of the Republican machine, not to mention the fact that it is a southern state and, dare I say it, Obama is black.
  13. I am encouraged by the fact that Obama has proven himself to be quite intelligent (Harvard) and socially concerned (social work in the hoods of Chicago). He also came from a hard working family. I think he has way more to offer than we have so far seen. The difference between a half-wit like GW and Obama being in office will be demonstated in more wokable long term policies. GW et al, had no sense for the long term. Just look at the economy, Iraq, Afganistan, and the fact that Osama is STILL out there somewhere. We were suppposed to be in an out of Iraq and Afg. We were supposed to go after the people who attacked us on 911 "regardless of borders or governments". We were supposed to be able to invest our Social Security $ in the stock market to reap the benefits of de-regulation. DOH! Bad President. Bad party direction.
  14. If GW decides to cancel elections in teh name of a financial crisis or an attack from Iran, your handguns and hunting rifles aren't going to be worth squat. Stand up, get counted, and get shot. Then be forgotten. Just like the millions that Stalin and Hitler killed. That being said..... Banning guns is not a good idea but it is very unlikely to happen anyway. The political capitol required to push it through both houses would not be worth the toll on capitol needed to pass other bills. It is similar to GW using the Religious Right to get elected. He really didn't do anything for them. He just said he would.
  15. Just mix Crystal Lite with a cheap wine and don't tell your climbing friends.
  16. I voted last night. Pro-Obama. It is my hope that people who cannot tollerate differring opnions will be banned from owning guns. But that has nothing to do with Obama and his agenda. Gun control is a waste of time if no one can afford one anyway. If you really want to discuss who is or is not in touch with what Palin calls "real America" look at who wants to continue taxing the lower and middle classes at a higher rate than those making $250K and above. I cannot fathom how anyone can still support someone like Bush. Why is that relevant? Because Palin will make Bush look like a moderate Democrat. Let's see, what was McCain's voting record on taxation? Oh yeah, 98% along party lines. Schlepps.
  17. Climbing is stupid. We should all stay in town, eat out, drink Miller light, and buy chips with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil to eat while we watch the game on weekends. Drone on.
  18. Still in the afterglow phase.
  19. Yeah. Sorry. At my age that is not a pretty visual.
  20. Rome, Sicily, Istanbul, Athens, Naples, Pompeii, and Florence. Should have taken rock shoes.
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