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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    You don't know Matt. You are making a fool of yourself. Whether or not you agree with Matt he has done more for the cascade climbing community than the vast majority of the people on this board put together.
  2. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    Go easy on him Matt. He needs his dad's approval.
  3. Bug

    Right on target!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Disenfranchised right wing mudslinging. Where were you when GW was caught in lie after lie? So far all you have is suspicion and a record for being wrong.
  4. Bug

    Auto Industry Bailout

    I note your fasicious retort and regard it as funny. Along THOSE lines.... Too bad Toyota, Honda, Subaru, and Nisson didn't share some of their research with Detroit.
  5. I believe that it is illegal to bare children these days, under current law Then stop drueling on your keyboard and type.
  6. Bug

    Auto Industry Bailout

    I took a 1960 Ford Falcon van and put in a slightly larger Ford Maverick engine and taller tires. It went from getting 14mpg to 27mpg. And Detroit can't do this? Only a damn fool would think they didn't carefully choose this path of consumption. I feel for the workers but I don't want to subsidize sub-par technology that nobody wants. The F150 has been the most popular full sized truck in America for decades. And they can only squeeze 19mpg out of it? 16mpg if it is a 4x4? Somebody on the Ford board owns stock in an oil company. We have been subsidizing their dividend checks for long enough.
  7. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    Go get em Akhalete. I understand attacking the people who gave us 911. I also think it was unwise to let the buildup in Pakistan continue for so long. We should have been in there in the first year. Certainly before invading Iraq. We would have had the backing of most of the world. Now we have spent that diplomatic capital in Iraq and have a much bigger and better entrenched enemy in Pakistan.
  8. Bug

    You missed a bullet

    Did somebody say something? Never mind. Probably just more whimpering from the far right.
  9. Bug

    You missed a bullet

    Well it won't be worth reading your posts from now on. L
  10. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    Barak has spoken that he supports tax and cap to the extent it will shut down the Coal industry. If he does that fait accompli, and electrical prices rose in the ensuing vacuum, then the gov't would step forward to support poor folks and the middle class and business's would be both taxed to pay for it AND be paying higher prices..... this will have left a lot of folks behind somewhere, and not on the boat which is sailing away into a not so rosy future.... You have a pretty selective memory on that one Eeyor. You left out the part that uses the incremental tax to pay for developing alternative energy sources. Why do Republicans eliminate that possibility? Is it because it does not shore up the biggest corporations - oil?
  11. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    Its just like my middle. Formless and ever expanding and contracting.
  12. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    BO rocks. The joke is so last administration.
  13. Bug

    Positives of Bush

    I care. You should too. Just like I did the last eight years. It's the opposition party that usually finds the mistakes. FW, you need to grow a pair.JMO.
  14. Bug

    You missed a bullet

    Interesting take. It reminds me of how badly people understood Reagan and his agenda. Propoganda is king. I would like to see sources for many of your claims. They seem outrageous. But unlike the Reaganites and Bushites, I put nothing past ANY person who wants to be President. Please do share more with sources listed. We all need to be watching our elected officials. Especially now that marketing is so highly developed and effective.
  15. Bug

    You missed a bullet

    Uh, look at the red states. It would be interesting to poll those states to see how many of them know that Africa is a continent. They are not going to care about "all that hoity-toity stuff". They like her. Reagan got his material from Reader's Digest. This is how I spell S-C-A-R-E-Y. Meanwhile, the republicans try to portray a man who graduated top of his class from Harvard as "unprepared". It is a war of propoganda.
  16. Palin has exposed behaviors that exemplify everything that is WRONG with the new Republican party. Having read alot about who she is, where she came from, how she got there, and reports from people who worked under her, I have no doubt that she would be leading the charge against a Democrat in her situation if she were not so vulnerable herself. Her former collegues agree unanimously that Palin is out for Palin and will stop at nothing. I found ZERO reports from people who worked with her and felt any loyalty to her. She will self destruct.
  17. Campground!!??? Did you see the picture? I'm guessing they get their pick.
  18. Why don't your ask the founding fathers? I find it ironic that those that utilize the rights garnered by force are the first to demonize the necessary force that is sometimes needed to obtain/retain freedom. Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum my friend. As long as there is freedom, there will always be those that wish to take it away. Fact of human nature and existance. I will maintain myself always prepared to stand for freedom. Whether the assault against freedom be from Uzbeck insurgents, Timothy McVeighs or Villanous men obtaining office in our government. I truly hope the latter never comes to fruition but if it does, know that there are those that are ready to take action. Dude. We just had the most villanous, treacherous clods in the whitehouse we are likely to ever see. WHERE WERE YOU!!!????
  19. More specifically, I beleive that Obama has inspired people of minorities to re-evaluate their stake in our country and its politics. He set the bar as high as it goes and acheived it. The race is over. I am talking about how we will get there from here. I remember my mother, who was raised in south Chicago, crying at the end of Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech". I asked her "why?" and she said it was because she was so tired of the hatred and anger that she was raised in. And that she "WISHED" that MLK could see his dream come true but had little hope. She cried bitterly when he was assinated. She never spoke of politics again. Literally. I am going to call her today.
  20. I beleive 6 months from inaguration was the intent. Maybe not but I remember taking it that way when he said it. I think it is less of a threat than Biden said. I think Obama will be taken seriously and be given a chance to make some effective changes or screw something up.
  21. Most of Reagan's highly publicized events were fabricated. He even hired throngs of people to show up at his early rallies to be filmed. He was Hollywood. Too bad it was not just a bad movie.
  22. Politically Correct or not, I do not beleive anyone but an African-American could have brought so diverse a constituency together. It truely is a great time to be alive!
  23. Wow. You must be taking this really hard. No insults or anything negative. I hope you feel good about this new turn for America within a few years.
  24. I have a pair of Scarpa Frenies, size 11, still in good shape I would make you a good deal on. These are the favorite leather mountaineering boot for many who have narrow feet. I do not. I also have a pair of Dynafit MLKs same size and also too narrow for me. They are a great plastic mountaineering boot with the Dynafit binding mounts. Put a pair of Intuition Liners in them and you would be golden well into sub-zero temps. Even if you are not interested in MY boots, these are what I chose after decades of climbing and gear wars. Just my 2 cents. I have used fairly light boots on Rainier and got slightly cold feet. A lot of the cold comes up through the sole so find a good insole regardless of what you buy. I find that lighter boots are great for WA cascade climbing and Montana climbing (down to 20F or so). If you are climbing really cold in CO, you may want more than one boot. Other than Rainier in a storm it just does not get that cold here for the most part. And I assume you would be doing other climbs in WA?
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