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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    OMG you guyz

    Yes. It happened to me too. Bill?
  2. Caught in the undertow of a dissipating wave.
  3. Bug

    Wow, The Obama Speech

    Same as it ever was, Same as it ever was. How did I get here?
  4. Yes poor. But the democrats are going to work to reverse that trend in the middle class.
  5. The hard core right wing is firmly entrenched in our security infrastructure, our military industrial complex, and the Judicial branch of the government. We have a lot of dangerous hard work ahead of us to bring the parties back into balance and back on the task of governing.
  6. Reagan was the first president to appear publically in leather since Teddy Rosevelt. Reagan did so after he invaded that huge communist enclave in the south that was threatening our national security, Grenada. How dare they hold democratic elections and elect someone we do not approve of!!!! Reagans Propoganda minister played Reagan as the Hero Cowboy. It played well to a voter populace that was old, and from the TV era of the classic westerns. Most of Reagan's so called accomplishments were bi-products of his larger mission of weakening the middle class and small business. Huge corporations grew in size and in politiacal power as Reagan used his popular support to dismantle lobbying regulations. He thereby opened the floodgates for big industry to buy poiticians both before and after they were elected. Reagan will be seen as the gatekeeper for one of the most corrupt periods of US history.
  7. The revolution is dead. Long live the revolution.
  8. "Thank God almighty, FREE at last!"
  9. Thank God Palin has no idea what God is about.
  10. This is rich stuff. Think about it from a historical perspective or an anthropological perspective. When else or where else can you watch the next people to hold the most powerful position in the world, go through an excercise that is common to all. Look at their faces, their body language, their eyes. I see fear in Palin's eyes. I see depair in McCain's. I see dread in Obama's, and I see glee in Biden's.
  11. Now look at the Palin and Biden videos. Is it just me or do old white guys hate to get too close to people?
  12. Go out to http://www.cnn.com/. Watch the surroundings. Who gets close? Who is moved away? Listen to the SS in the McCain video. Listen to the SS in the Obama video.
  13. But wait! It gets worse.
  14. I was 4 years old when Kennedy was assasinated. They pinned it on Oswald but anyone with a first grade education can see that he could not possibly have fired two of the shots. The Warren commission rule it was Oswald acting alone. Ford was on the Warren commission as were most of the rest of the Beltway elite when Ford was president. Cheney and Rumsfield became friends in the Ford Whitehouse. http://americanhistory.about.com/od/geraldford/ig/President-Ford-Images/Ford-with-Rumsfeld-and-Cheney.htm Why should they have any more respect for the law than their machevelian mentors?
  15. Is Ivan working on a Robin suit? Now that needs to be posted on the internet.
  16. It WILL be a great day. Sorry to be an Eeyor but........ I never would have guessed we would have done a lot of the things this administration has done. Keep your head down Obama.
  17. We have not heard from FW lately. He must be out celebrating with K.
  18. Bug

    GO VOTE!

    I voted weeks ago. I reccommend it.
  19. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. I am not comfortable today. I put nothing past Bush/Cheney. Not even assasination.
  20. "To all of you ungrateful curs"?? What is that Bill? A justification for Bush's mistakes? "It could be worse" so vote for another republican to find out? Are you saying we should shut up if we do not agree with everything our government does? Not sure what your connection is here.
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