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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Hey Sobo

    Did anything fall off. I need to know for next year.
  2. Do you have any pics of the left facing corner from its base, or on it, or on top?
  3. What you typed is wrong. Books don't crackle.
  4. You people are wasting a lot of money that could have been spent on climbing gear.
  5. My start was in Montana with my father and three older brothers. We went out in the mountains most weekends and kept doing steeper and steeper climbing. Finally we bought a rope and made diaper harnesses with seatbelts. We did a lot of top roping and got really good with mountain boots. I finally met a lead climber (Alex Lowe) who wasn't really interested in taking on "another" beginner but hooked me up with a guy who was starting to get good after climbing with Alex for a couple years. It was a springboard. I never looked back at backpacking or my brothers and father for years. By the time one of them expressed an interest, I was leading 5.10 trad in EB's. Climbing has bee very good to me......
  6. Bug

    Pet Dinosaurs

    That may actually be what killed off the Mammoths.
  7. Extemporaneous existential testosterone.
  8. Grock! Stop playing with your food!
  9. That's stupid. Who picks Fred Meyer?
  10. Bug

    Pet Dinosaurs

    Not so far from the truth if you consider that Genesis is a collection of nearly undecipherable echoes from the past. The last ice age was only 11k years ago and there is pretty good evidence that there were people in eastern WA when Glacial lk Missoula dumped (aproximately 104 times). The ice age would have caused similar floods in other parts of the world. Floods that came from far away in many cases just like the glm floods that innundated eastern WA. When that old dried up guy was found in eastern wa several years ago, I was wondering if he had been a victim of the Missoula floods. But he ended up being dated over a thousand years later.
  11. The answer above is very good. I would add that there are a lot of really great boots that are just as durable and warm and dry as classic light leather boots but weigh much less. So you can have a very light boot that can handle hiking in wet snow and still be light enough to wear in warmer climates. Consider how warm your feet stay. What kind of socks you use. Gators help a lot. For me, I wear a light summer hiking boot on Rainier with gators and my feet just get a little cold. If I wear a heavier boot on a short trip up there, my feet sweat so much that my feet get cold the next day anyway from wet boots. I use vapor barriers sometimes and that might be another consideration for you if you decide to go with a lighter boot. There are also really good wool/nylon socks and liners out now that just bake my feet. Liner, vapor barrier, heavy sock, boot, gator. You can get slippage if your boot doesn't fit well so experiment.
  12. Set your cell phone to vibrate and post your number here.
  13. Yes. You smell funny.
  14. ...you can't please everyone ... so let's permanently imprint my opinion on the landscape so everyone has to deal with it.
  15. Yur lucky I was in a good mood when I typed it.
  16. Now you know why brides are always smiling in their wedding picture.
  17. Sick and twisted reporting. Common decency was pissed on. The reporters should be expelled, the journalism teacher fired, and the school district should provide adequate alternatives for the affected parties. (Where can I get a copy).
  18. Bug

    Blackwater Question

    Exactly why the battlefield is obsolete. China is positioneed to conquer us financially if they have the patience. They are rising just like Japan did in the 60's. The saber rattling of today is an echo of the past as we are all so intrinsicly involved in each others' economies. Only isolated backwaters are subject to military solutions. Any major invasion will at best be a temporary thrust destined to fail for financial reasons. The Soviet Union proved this.
  19. You have to look at who is who in the current administration and how many of them came from the boards of banks that will profit from this royal decree. Basically, they used their positions in the treasury dept to hand themselves billions of dollars. On the bright side, they will retire from public service now. This whole bail out package is another huge money grab just like Iraq was for Halliburton et al, Katrina, etc. These boys will watch us go down in smoke while waving to each other from their respective penthouses in Dubai. My take, Obama should make his first order of business to be shutting down Dubai as a sanctuary for ex-Bushites.
  20. HungryHorse Montana. Grew up in Missoula. Moved around after highschool. Tacoma, the Valley, Kodiak, JT, Homer. Then went to college in Missoula. Moved to West Seattle in Dec of 89 after watching my wilderness district (yes, I was a tool) burn to the ground. Figured it was a good time to start my carreer in computer dev.
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