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Everything posted by Bug

  1. When do the Enchantments deregulate for the winter?
  2. OK. I propose we reserve the group site at Bridge Creek for the 5,6,7th of September for the kid's ropeup. We could also do another one later since we don't have to arrange a keg or raffle. I would probably do another one if it were a couple weeks later. I will also be taking my girls (5 and 7) to the full moon ropeup. I will bring kid things like light sticks and candy for my girls to hand out to "break the ice". Since there have been no negative responses, I will call Leavenworth tomorrow, Tues, Aug 5 to reserve a site.
  3. Nice TR. I was up there playing hooky from work and wife in late April. I was going to do Persis, Index and back from the south basin under Persis. The bushwhacking directly up the south west slope of Persis was slow. I found tracks of someone coming down that way. There were also a lot of tracks up on the traverse and down into the basin from the gully in the east headwall. Next time, I will take the west ridge trail or probably better, go up the creek bottom in the south basin to the headwall, up right on brushy slab, and up through the talus to the north east to gain the ridge between Persis and Index. Return by the same route. This way would save a lot of time but you would miss scarfing that used 80' rope. I have a 60m 7mm for trips like that. It has been useful, nay, ass-saving many times.
  4. Sounds good to me! Hillweasel, David Parker, Spacely, and Kitten, Does this date work for you? If not, suggest another.
  5. How does Sept 6&7 work for everybody?
  6. My girls and I are in unless it is the weekend of Aug 23-24.
  7. But if they stop posting on CC.com it won't be anywhere near as much fun.
  8. He is definately off his meds. The police are very sympathetic but can do no more than harass him unless he steps out of line in which case they throw him in jail which sets off a whole new wave of stress and halucinations etc....... Don't worry. He is my stepson's father. I have no intention of shooting him unless he is coming up the stairs inside my house with a weapon and clearly wants to do some harm. If he doesn't have a weapon, I have no problem spanking him and calling the police. It's just that there is that off chance he will get his shotgun back. That worries me.
  9. Yeah. Saw that thread. I need something to pack though. Hi honey. Im home. Just let me hang this assault weapon over the door and I'll come give you a big smackaroo. Handguns can be concealed from the kids. My wife's stress level is going through the roof already.
  10. Doh. I was running to a meeting and got hasty. I need a creep-stopper. 9mm handgun. Weird story about a paranoid Schizoid hearing five demons telling him to kill my stepson. Life is stranger than Hollywood.
  11. Mountain Hardware Absolute zero, size L, Black. Brand spankin new condition. OR FF down pants Volants, size L, purple, brand spankin new (+$). Need a good working 9MM. All haste would be appreciated in executing this transaction.
  12. Just buy mine. $10 with Platypus pack. PM me.
  13. Probably chewed on by a mountain goat by now.
  14. DO you mean Beacon Rock or the marmot?
  15. Actually, it predated the milk van as a outhouse/dope smoking shelter. The iron door was installed to prevent blowing a train off the tracks in the event of a methane explosion.
  16. Decided not to go to Sqamish after all eh?
  17. Halfway across North Dakota on I90 there is a ten ton block up on four pillars at a rest stop. You have to chimney up btween the pillars and grab one of the bore hole grooves that are now horizontal to pull up.
  18. What was the smartass comment.
  19. Where is Forbidden? I know it is in the north Casscades but I can't find it in the Becky guide. Looking for approach beta on the west ridge.
  20. What's wrong with bugs? So it sounds like that gully goes pretty easy. Did you take a rope? Climbing shoes? Was there lots of opportunity for off route scrambling with safe bailouts?
  21. Bug


    Indian Canyon 1982. Ricki and I are parked near Newspaper Rock sorting gear in his van when a nice lady in a Winnebago pulls up. She gets out with her Poodle Fifi and walks up to the van. She nicely asked Ricki, "Are you rock climbers?" I smiled while Ricki politely replied "Yes". "Are you headed for Colorado?" I snickered. Ricki looked at me and smiled at her and said "No We are climbing here." She was a little put off with my snicker and announced "There is no rock climbing here?" I rolled on the floor of the van howling. She quickly added "The rock is too unstable." Ricki is now loosing it. She proudly announces "My son rappells. He knows." We were in stitches for about fifteen minutes. Lady, wherever you are, Thank you very much. The world would be a duller place without you. And I hope your dog isn't constipated anymore.
  22. Bug


    The first time someone tried to sue the government for the actions of a wild animal was in jellystone. A french guy wanted a pic of a buffalo bull and set up his camera very close. When he was ready, the buffalo turned it's head away. After a few futile attempts to get the buffalo to look at him, he walked up to it, grabbed it by the horns, and yanked on it's head. In full view of his wifem the naughty animal ripped him a new asshole big enough to store a minibike. He died a few hours later. If only it would have been a running video camera.
  23. I've always been a bad climber. I just want some pretty girl to spank me.
  24. Just hate to see this go unnoticed if there is someone out there who needs one.
  25. Croft definately started by free soloing the direct north ridge of Stuart including the gendarme. That alone is a pretty respectable climb.
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