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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    Did this work???
  2. Bug


    I did that, but when I posted it it came up with all the url code and there was no image displayed. Craig Yeah. Me too. So I was told to add the name of the image to the end of the url. Can't find the name of the string on this board. I rename them from mine because mine are all "image 009" or whatever. I should have lept a list.
  3. ....even without bivy gear our packs seemed too heavy......
  4. Bug


    I resent that blatent attack. I am a liberal and I enjoyed Trask's input. I would like to add some disclaimers but it would just be no fun without Trask here to defend himself. Meanwhile, you are a weak substitute. bug - I have trask's proxy to speak for him. fire away my liberal brother. I could make some comments about the University of Stihl and Kenworth College having granted you honorary PHD's but the point is I disagree with most of your stances. I am a liberal in many ways. But your gut-shoot em mentality makes me howl.
  5. Bug

    Good Government

    anecdotal evidence is irrelevant. especially when presented by sensationalistic media and conservative gun totters in need of being reassured because they have an irrational fear of death (or fear of everything different). nothing short of statistics will do. here ya go press i am afraid this is not a fishing expedition (or at least i am not doing the fishing). you'll have to find the statistics supporting "being attacked by black kids on the streets of Seattle (plenty of those around)". until you do so convincingly (since you appear to take up greg's gig), i'll consider it as irrational fear mongering. Go for a nice little walky poo in the Central District this Saturday night about midnight. I'll provide a statistic the next day.
  6. Bug


    I resent that blatent attack. I am a liberal and I enjoyed Trask's input. I would like to add some disclaimers but it would just be no fun without Trask here to defend himself. Meanwhile, you are a weak substitute.
  7. If it's really a possum you can teach him how to play the banjo. If he won't do it, he's a nutria. Which one do you have?
  8. A man of steel who has not bathed in years?
  9. Yes yes, I know , you are a visual kind of guy. That is a really cool shot of a mountain and I would hate to be deprived of pics like that. But I'm talking about the people who climb them and their idiosyncrasies. Take you for instance, Dru the enigma. Great pics, bountiful posts and rumours of exploits in the mountains. How would a picture capture your dubious intrigue?
  10. My main interest is in the stories. Photos are nice too but they usually don't convey the flavor of an outing.
  11. I reverse stack two stoppers for expansion and the move goes at 5.8. Why did I bring all these heavy pins? Alberto is getting restless.........
  12. Bug

    climbing w/kids

    Borrowed these from Syjakowski. ROTO WALL (5.3-5.8) Mad Meadows PLAYGROUND POINT/ARNICA GLEN (5.4- 5.9) X/Y Cracks (5.5 -5.10) LARGE slabby boulders to the right (east) of Alphabet rock/z-crack- tr'able (mounties set up here) Large boulder uproad (west) from Bolt rock- couple tr's MOUNTIES DOME
  13. An old friend of mine got dinged on rappel on the north face of the Grand. No knot at the end of the rope. A rock hit his head and he bounced two thousand feet. I thought about that this weekend when we were rappelling off the base of the gendarme on the NR of Stuart. Little rocks were whizzing by now and then. I tied a knot for myself and clipped the rope in for Greg. Maybe someday, remembering Marvin's fall will help prevent another accident. Careful out there guys and gals. My condolences to the family and friends.
  14. Good plan. There are lots of times I would pop out for a climb on a whim. Check your PM's.
  15. We could just print all the posts on CC.com deleting all the spray and chestbeating. Oh wait. Never mind.......
  16. From the report two posts above, "We bypassed the Gendarme to avoid hauling [...]". So was there any rime or icy shit up there? I've heard the bypass can be more nasty than the Gendarme. We were back at the car at dark:50 anyway. But that is why were avoiding the gendarme with two 30lb packs. The gully was dusted and then filled in on the smaller ledges but the climbing was still easy and the pro was no worse than usual thru there. Very doable. Watch for the pins when you are first getting out of the gully. One is up about 30 feet, the next is 30 after that. The climbing around the snow went at 5.5.
  17. I strung wired hex's together and made a long enough cable to lock my trunk shut after it had been jimmied.
  18. Greg_w and I went up the NR of Stuart via the glacier last weekend. The weather was cloudy Friday and we were not sure if we would wake up on Goat pass to climbing weather or not. The stars came out about midnight and it continued to clear the rest of the night. We got started about 7am and other than my falling on the water ice before we put on crampons, we cruised the glacier and ridge with our bivy size packs. We bypassed the Gendarme to avoid hauling and were on the summit about 2. No speed records were broken but we had a great mellow weekend of clean granite in alpine terrain. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=2093&papass=&sort=1&thecat=504
  19. Bug

    kids ski gear

    Look up the Lake Washington Skii Association. They have a swap in Redmond every fall. There is another one in Issaquah. and another at the highschool near crossroads.
  20. I'll bet it's that new climbing area by Skykomish.
  21. I tried but I still have not figured out how to post a pic in a thread. It seems to be priviledged information as no one will explain it to me. So just imagine the south face of Stuart with alpinegloe on the top half and pretty green trees on the bottom third of the frame.
  22. I spend $45 plus gas for a day of skiing. It allways kills me to leave a cam. So I've only done it twice. In 1975 I left two hexes and a biner on a route I was working on in the Bitterroots. I didn't get back for 16 years and they were still there. Since it was under an overhang and in the shade, the slings still looked good. It didn't take long to decide to cut them off tho. I still have those hexes.
  23. I'm going tomorrow. The Stuart Lk TH is closed. We are going in over goat pass from the Ingalls TH. Have a good one. There are a few good Nridge threads in the Alpine Lakes forum.
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