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Everything posted by Bug

  1. The kids ropeup came and went. Mostly a "went" kind of thing. I would bring my kids to the ropeup but would be prepared to answer some tough questions from her kindergarten teacher the following week. Maybe the kids could be there just long enough to win a raffle?
  2. I have been attacked by several bears. Five of them, I had to escape up a tree or down a hidden draw or to a group of people. One charged right up to me in the middle of a clearcut. Since he was young and about my size, I stood up to him and he backed down. It was touch and go. If I wouldn't have stood up to him, he would have chewed on me a bit. He was probably just kicked away from his mother and very hungry. If he was bigger, he would have known it and I would be a dried up turd in the Yack river drainage. Now that I have kids, I am looking for a 45.
  3. What the fuck does this mean, asshole? Take your meds Fairweather. This is a discussion not a battle. People die when CIA operatives are revealed. If someone is guilty of treason, the traditional high court punishment is death.
  4. If you ain't singed the short ones it weren't a real fire.
  5. Isn't time for Hinkley to get out on parole?
  6. Go to the ropeup in Leaven worth Oct 10-12. Find someone to show you around a little.
  7. Here is scientific evidence that we liberals have been right all along. Fairweather
  8. Yup. But your Koflachs will suck to ski in so get shorter skis than usual and take a few test runs before you commit to a back country frolic with a pack on. Since I love to ski, I have pretty much given up on the "mountaineer boot to ski and climb in" dream. I have gone back to tele whackers and carry my light plastic boots.
  9. She's a hottie I know Sooooo. Is she single or not? I was present for a bulldozer opening a gartersnake ball one spring in Montana. There were thousands of sluggish snakes inching away for all they were worth. Smelled like a hot day in a sewer.
  10. Fairweather. You didn't read my post. F on reading comprehension. Here, let me spellit out for you, from a liberal; Ted Kennedy is the worst scourge to hit polotics. He was never as smart as his brothers and only got by because of his last name and continual pork barrelling in Mass. Without him, the Democrats would have a chance of forming a true moderate left. Clinton was the only Dem to get around him in a long time and he has a long list of faults. Funny how you never mention his sale of our best computer technology to China. Bush is near the bottom of the barrel of his side too. No need to beat a dead horse. POINT; our political system is in trouble. We rely on TV for our news (according to a few polls conducted over the last few years), and make decisions about world event based on sound bites. This is not a party problem. It is everyone being lazy. We all know how bad TV is as a source of credible information. Yet that is where our political decisions are made. That is our problem. As long as we have a balance of power in this country we will be OK. Right now, mass media has too much power.
  11. Just struck me as an interesting comment, because I have heard it before...'youre female so you shouldnt have any problem'. In my experience Ive been more limited at times because of being female. I dunno, it probly all equals out in some wierd kind of way in the long run. -c Hmm. Maybe it's a skewed perspective on my part. But the examples of male climbers' behaviors on this board seem typical of what I have witnessed at many popular climbing spots. Another male climber shows up and nobody looks twice. A female climber shows up and everybody gathers around and starts sniffin. I do not intend this to be any more crude than the reality I have witnessed. For example, you Carolyn are rumoured to be cute ( I married-not fishing or sniffin). Now why would anyone bring that up? I sure don't know how any of the males on this board rate. Nobody talks about that. Anyway, this is getting into spray. Just wander into a group of climbers and let them know that you are looking for a climbing partner and I think you would have better luck than I do and it usually works well for me. My guess, and that is all it is, is that you are reading men wrong. A friend of mine (male) was working out at a gym and he noticed three guys walking by looking at him like he was some kind of asshole. Then he realized they were looking past him at a gorgeous girl on the machine next to him. It seems males may look like they are hunting when they should be looking more approachable.
  12. Sorry to be so anal but I am tightly scheduled. What time might this event begin. I mean, actual slides and climbers present? I need to arrange babysitting.
  13. I have always packed as tho I were going to be soloing or doing all the leading. I have always gotten in lots of climbing that way. This includes multiple trips to JT, Re Rocks, Mt Lemmon, etc. There will always be a day or two where nobody steps up (well I'm not female) and I still want to climb.
  14. Bug

    Dark Ages

    Yo Trask, Dwayner and Chirp and anyone else out there who are shaken by the heavy handed moderating on the cc board, why don't you just go start your own site. You can verbally trash anyone you want and not worry about being moderated. It would be interesting to see how much interest the general public would have in your opinions and tactics. I for one would check in occaisionally but would probably not subject myself to a steady diet of the stuff.
  15. Hopefully conditions will not create a huge complex. That is a possibility. But if the rains come before the fire gets too big, it could be a good thing. Fire has been supressed for decades as something evil but it is a natural part of a forest cycle. If it does not burn a huge area, it will serve as a detterent to a huge fire in that area in the future and could actually be beneficial to our uses in the long run. I am crossing my fingers the rain or cool weather will come back soon.
  16. Lizard (formerly Aries?)at Index. I remember cruising that route long ago. Then I had kids, desk job, blah,whine, hem, haw,,,,,,, I thrashed on the fist section, and backed off the thin fingers. Seconding it was like a cake walk. Ohhh I have so much to relearn.
  17. You are all fools to think this is a "Democrat" or a "Republican" issue. The issue is that Americans do not care enough to do their own research and vote accordingly. Or even vote. If they did, we would not have half the half-wits we now have on both sides of the aisles. Which one was more dispicible, Bush or Clinton? SHit you fools, we have been sold down the river by all of them. They are counting on us bickering over their CONSTRUCTED press barrages and not one of them can be counted on to tell the truth about ANYTHING. Think about what you would have to say and do to get the Presidential Nomination of either party. Most of us would get arrested. It is time to stand together and clean out Washington and Olympia for that matter. The only difference between thte Democrats and the Republicans these days is which corporations are spend the most money on them. The only stuff that is worth reading are the boring details that do not sell. You will not find those in the modern press. There have been no great presidents in modern times. Only media moguls. History will bear this out as we look back at the errosion of our constituional rights under both parties leadership. It will be through boards like these that a revolution will take place. Flame on.
  18. In 1977 I was building grain bins in eastern Montana with a friend and one of my brothers. We had just finished one 8-8 and were 3/4 done with a second 8-8 when we looked out over the prairie and saw a huge storm headed our way. We figured we had about 1 hour before it hit. We scrambled around the bin setting stakes with rebar about six feet deep. After we had about a dozen 600 psi wires strung back and forth we tied my 9m climbing rope to the anchor of an adjoining bin and strung it over the bin and down to our 28K gross truck loaded with steel panels. We stretched the rop out and got out to watch. The first gust from the storm was about 35mph. It lifted the bin up about four feet in the air with the 600psi wires snapping and pinging and zinging all over the place. After all those had given way, the 9m rope stretched to it's max and finally snapped at a bend in the bin. The bin raised anothe four feet and smashed into the bin behind it. We salvaged about half of each and made one bin. The 9m rope was confiscated by the Missoula police department during a protest of oil and gas drilling leases in the Bob Marshall wilderness. It had been strung over Broadway to support a large tree hugger banner.
  19. Bug


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