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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Anyone game for "putting your face in it" on the 17th, 18th? Or are you all going to be waterskiing?
  2. I am hoping to get the 17th and 18th off. I have thought about Chair peak, Colchuck, Stuart, Rainier. Let me know if you are interested.
  3. Tell him that his support of offshore IT (primarily India)is the single reason I will never vote for him again ( I always have so far). If you think I am disconnected, think it through.
  4. You are coddling your stupid dog. I had a mutt who weighed 22 pounds that went almost everywhere I did. Grndma knitted him a wool sweater that he loved. Albert would have kicked you dog's ass and eaten his backstrap as a snack. Get up and go. If he follows, he is worthy.
  5. Might stop him from wandering tho.
  6. I wonder why more women don't post here. It is puzzling. Perhaps it because there is open hatred toward women on this site. Just an observation. If you left and took all the women with you, most of these guys would get more bored than early winter. We can't help it. Well not all of it. It's just too easy to sit in this chair and plink away with no repercussions. Without spray, this site would be too boring. Without a few women, we would all resort to crass injustices without controls or buffers of any kind. Consider yourself the police of the internet and all men criminals. More importantly, do not underestimate the influence you have on this board. Watch it spray.
  7. I knew a guy, Klause Lockshavitz, who was born in an Austrian village. When the Nazis came, he was drafted into the Nazi army and sent to the Russian front. The Russians captured him and sent him to Siberia. After a little more than a year, he had learned Russian and escaped. He walked back to Germany and was almost home when he was caught by a Russian platoon. He was able to pass himself off as a Russian so they drafted him and sent him to the German front. He was captured by the Germans and sent to a concentration camp. I'am not sure which. He was rescued by the American army. When he returned to his village in Austria, it was burned to the ground long before. He left his family history with several people in the area and went to America where he became a Zoology professor. 29 years after he was taken by the Nazis at age 16, one of his sisters found him. The Nazis took all the men in the village, letting them wave goodbye to their families. They were told they were fighting for their families. According to the sister, as soon as the men were out of sight, the women and children were gathered up and the village was burned. They were sent to a factory somewhere as slave labor where she watched her sisters and mother die.
  8. Well there some truth to both sides. When I was in instructor clinics we spent a fair amount of time on the bunny hill and intermediate slopes doing "perfect" snowplows. If you can do it slow, you can do it fast easier. So, you will learn how to turn on a bunny hill but you will have to use the mechanics of the equipment correctly. If you don't, you will just get frustrated. The bunny hill is a great place to get used to the feel of the skiis and boots. A lower intermediate hill will probably be an easier place to learn how to turn. Try to get a rythm going. Don't go home until those thighs burn. If you are looking for a date, I am married.
  9. Bug

    Rope for glacier?

    hmm... 6mm static. strength difference. if it is 7mm static... no worries about breaking strength, but back breaking strength when you ty to arrest a crevasse fall. i have a 7.9mm 30 meter that kicks serious ass for quick glacier travel in relatively safe areas. sucker is sooo light! What kind is it and where did you get it?
  10. Only a trad climber can go out into the mountains, find a new line up an alpine wall, and climb it in the same day. That is why I like it. Maybe I am not as strong as sport climbers but I enjoy the scenery and solitude more than the scene. That is the difference between trad and sport for me.
  11. When I was in college in Missoula, a bunch of us used to go out, get stone and do first ascents. Freshman year, I knew I could only climb 5.10a so that was what I rated a new climb I put up that seemed really hard. When it was seconded, it was upgraded to 11.b. Doh! All of a sudden, I was making it up 5.11's.
  12. It's only when you are with a girl friend that the damn things fail.
  13. I went to highschool with Alex. He was not well known but liked by those who did know him. He was always pushing into the Bitterroots to places no body had been to climb. When I started to get serious, he was full of suggestions for projects. I did a lot of them and so did he. His always seemed a little more serious than mine. It's funny that most people from that class still have no clue who he was. Anyone who didn't play basketball, football or murder a bunch of people, just isn't worth remembering in Montana.
  14. First time I climbed Shoshone in Blodgett, 1976.
  15. I met a guy in Icicle canyon a few years ago who wore a T-Shirt that said "I fell 120 feet on an ice screw" and he had. It was bent at about 45 degrees. He fell off a vertical pitch. All he did was gash his forehead with his pick when he cut loose. Momma mia!
  16. Erik your quips about the Sierra club are so much spray. Don't you ever look in the mirror? Your ignorance on forestry is clearly exposed in your shallow treatment of the bill. It opens up roadless lands that the forest service recommended as RAREII. This is prime habitat in it's pristine state. There is very little of that left and we have demonstrated that we can sustain sufficient cutting levels on already opend land. The amount of timber left in roadless areas is so small it has no bearing on anything but a small logging town economy and very very few of those. It just does not make sense to give it up to developement when we do not have to to make a profit and maintain supplies.
  17. At the first GoodWill Games they hired Ronald Reagan to be the keynote speaker for the opening ceremonies. There were colored tagboard placards in all the seats so at the MC's signal, one side or the other would hold them up and make a mosaic. They also made good megaphones and when Ronnie walked right past us we BOOED him as loud as we could. I thought the crowd was going to kill us.
  18. I'll take the crampons. Check PMs.
  19. If they nest on one of the climbing crags it is toast. Otherwise, probably no impact.
  20. I have used glucosamine for abot two years and have had really amazing results. Here is where I get mine which is the cheapest I have found. If anyone knows a better source, please post. http://www.a1nutritionals.com
  21. All my wisdom was shot in the following thread. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB18&Number=274168&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
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