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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Here's a tip; "Get a real job!"
  2. I ran away with an extra MSR pot grabber. I left Sunday AM when Porter, Beck, Matt, and others were still hanging around the table. If anyone knows who's it is, ping me.
  3. My daughter changed out of her soccer uniform Sat Oct 7, in the outhouse at the Snow Lake trailhead and left her blue and white soccer uniform in the outhouse. It has the number 12 on the jersey. Please call Keith with any info. 425 785-2806 Thank you.
  4. NOOOO. From Seattle get to 405 then 522 east to Monroe where you can pick up highway 2 east. It will save you 45 minutes.
  5. I'll bring a larg tarp. I think it's 12X20.
  6. Damn leberals. Why don't you understand Reaganomics?
  7. Bug

    Return to Rainier

    Oops I PM'd Snug, anyway, I go up Rainier once a year or so and would tag along, lead, help, whatever you want to call it. I am not a guide and not talking about charging money although I would expect that we would all share expenses. I would say Dynomite is in the minority for thinking there are not climbers willing to share knowledge/time. There just happen to be a large number of voiciferous a$$holes. Anyway, PM me. I don't put too much energy into putting these things together because they usually fizzle. Show me some energy and I'll be ready to climb Rainier.
  8. Bug

    humbug spires?

    Just don't tell anybody about it.
  9. Bug

    Return to Rainier

    Do you check your pm's? Private Messages. Have a look.
  10. Ouch. My brain hurts. Shouldn't we be out climbing or something. Your wife wasn't in on it. I was married once. No, twice.
  11. David, Nice of you to be honest. It is very frustrating to get up on a mountain and find out that your partner has been working out at Starbucks for the last six months. Free advice, don't put your cell on the internet.
  12. Fairly good stab at logic but your anger clouds your reason. Get over it. " no bfd" is the only part you got right. If you read the thread you will see that I am responding to the notion that we shouldn't "re"- name peaks. Absurd. That's my point. Thanks for backing me up. Even if you did distort it almost unrecognizably. Try cutting back on the coffee until you get laid.
  13. Seriously though, isn't it obvious? Beckey's Tooth. Then Pandora can still call it the Tooth.
  14. So much for my proposing we rename Liberty Cap 'Pandora Monz'. Actually, the original inhabitants had names for most of the mountains and rivers around NA for at least a few thousand years. Then we "discovered" them and put our names on them. It is pretentious for us newcomers to name any of them. But I guess we'll rename half of Iraq before we are done too.
  15. Rename the Tooth 'Becky's Rod'.
  16. I have climbed Orbit a few times and have never clipped a bolt on it and I think the natural pro is great. Take tricams and three small wires for the moves around the "Blank" corner. Other than that the pro is straightforward. "What difference would two new bolts make?" It would never stop. After a few more adventure climbs you will learn to love them.
  17. So do any of you have beta on the Tooth?
  18. This is fine if you are ready to weather a storm. Just don't go beyond the summit to the North.
  19. Beta; From Ingals cross over to Stuart on the ridge and continue up until you can cross over to ANY of the gulleys and head up until you get bored of climbing 3rd class. Then cut right until it gets steep and head up through 5.4 and 5.6 to the notch east of LongJohn tower. Continue East finding the weakest line which will be pretty damn obvious. Have fun.
  20. Bug

    Return to Rainier

    Or you could post here and see if anyone is willing to "tag along". You might Buy him or her dinner if they pull you out of a crevass.
  21. Adams is a great place to start. The South ridge is crowded but safe and steep enough to give you good crampon experience. If you ski or ride, take em along. You're tent should be alright but but I wouldn't leave my wallet there. There are crevasses as soon as you get off the summit to the north. If you stay away from there you do not need a rope. Enjoy.
  22. A friend of mine took a fall like that when we were in Highschool. She slid down a snowfield and dropped over a series of steps for at least 800 ft. We all thought she was dead and took a little extra time with the guy she hit in the face with her feet when he tried to stop her. He was bleeding profusely from a broken nose. When we started down, we couldn't see her. As we got lower and she came into view, it was surreal. She was sitting on a rock at the very bottom of the alluvial fan at the base of the obvious gulley. She had taken her pack off and was brushing her hair. No broken bones or bad cuts. Just bruised over about 80% of her body. She never climbed again.
  23. Fun read. Nice adventure. I especially like the finish, a bikeride to Peshastin.
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