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Everything posted by Bug

  1. man, seems like someone gotta little too much starch in their collar/shorts...sheesh... You really need to ask for some formulaic quote to repeat to your God? Personally, when i speak to my God, i prefer to use my own words and my own thoughts...kinda like personal, you know...and i certainly don't go spraying on an internet bullshit site about what i said to Him... you need to grow up/lighten up and not wear your faith on your sleeve around here...its kinda offensive... Bullshit. Mix it up. What's offensive Rudy? Not being more like you? Are you asking a moderator to censor his God fearing post? I don't care what you say nor do I advise you to change. We would all be scratchin our butts if he hadn't posted. Instead we are having a deeply intellectual debate. Doh! I for one, feel that prayer is the only thing that gets me through hard leads anymore. I used to get into a Zen-like state where I would pull move after move and not remember any of it afterwards. Now I would pop a tendon getting my fat ass up that stuff. But to answer the original question seriously, I think it is a contradiction to ask God for help getting through something I chose in order to challenge myself. There is that whole theological train of thought that says we should be letting go of our will and letting God guide our lives. I do not totally disregard that but I ask only for the guidance to find a range of acceptable choices. If we were not created to be individuals who can achieve a relationship with God then I don't get the point. Take responsibility for your own actions and weigh for yourself how they fit with a plan God might have. And another thing... Before one of you lemming God bashers accuses me of being a creationist, I use the term loosely. The Bible is a snapshot of an anthology of mythologies at a particular point in their history of being interpreted by the editor dejouir. There is over 5000 years of human wisdom stored there in one form or another. It clearly isn't a roadmap for every action we might take but it has a few good points to make. Some of the best writers ever born contributed to it. fuck off bug...he's the one that got his panties in a twist when some people made light of his post...fuck you again... sheesh...and i never said i didn't have my own faith...i just don't need some bible thumping zealot to post on an OPEN forum and then get all hot and bothered and start preaching when some folks make light of it...deal with that... he finds it offensive when folks kid around...well, i find him and his preaching offensive (along with just about every motherfucker that tells me "how to find god" as if they know ) So...how's 'bout them apples? Thank you Rudy. My only regret is that I went to bed thinking I had not stirred something up.
  2. man, seems like someone gotta little too much starch in their collar/shorts...sheesh... You really need to ask for some formulaic quote to repeat to your God? Personally, when i speak to my God, i prefer to use my own words and my own thoughts...kinda like personal, you know...and i certainly don't go spraying on an internet bullshit site about what i said to Him... you need to grow up/lighten up and not wear your faith on your sleeve around here...its kinda offensive... Bullshit. Mix it up. What's offensive Rudy? Not being more like you? Are you asking a moderator to censor his God fearing post? I don't care what you say nor do I advise you to change. We would all be scratchin our butts if he hadn't posted. Instead we are having a deeply intellectual debate. Doh! I for one, feel that prayer is the only thing that gets me through hard leads anymore. I used to get into a Zen-like state where I would pull move after move and not remember any of it afterwards. Now I would pop a tendon getting my fat ass up that stuff. But to answer the original question seriously, I think it is a contradiction to ask God for help getting through something I chose in order to challenge myself. There is that whole theological train of thought that says we should be letting go of our will and letting God guide our lives. I do not totally disregard that but I ask only for the guidance to find a range of acceptable choices. If we were not created to be individuals who can achieve a relationship with God then I don't get the point. Take responsibility for your own actions and weigh for yourself how they fit with a plan God might have. And another thing... Before one of you lemming God bashers accuses me of being a creationist, I use the term loosely. The Bible is a snapshot of an anthology of mythologies at a particular point in their history of being interpreted by the editor dejouir. There is over 5000 years of human wisdom stored there in one form or another. It clearly isn't a roadmap for every action we might take but it has a few good points to make. Some of the best writers ever born contributed to it.
  3. Stephenson's bags are great. Just not cheap.
  4. The summit is $8 for kids under 9. Youth is 9-16 or something like that. Kids used to ski free at Crystal.
  5. Dear God, Please help me climb safely and keep my underwear clean.
  6. I bought Stephenson gear (2 man tent and their two layer down bag) in 77 and loved it for use in Montana winters. I stayed warm anad dry. But it seem like over kill for 3 season use. You could get started for a lot less money using a lighter cheaper bag and wearing warmer clothes in it if you have to. Down is great for light and warm in cold dry conditions but not all that great for extended trips, especially not in wet spring or fall months. I love my polarguard 3D bags and paid under $100 each on sale (Sierra Trading post, Campmore). Also watch REIOutlet.com Another word of advice, I am 46 and have learned to respect the fact that my body is not making cartilidge at the rate it used to. Heavy loads will trash your hips, knees, and ankles very quickly if you are not careful. My father was a marine and tried to "tough it out and run it off". He was virtually crippled at 60. There is A LOT of really good light weight gear out there. My pack is rarely over 35 pounds anymore unless I have to take a larger rack for a bigger face. For a summer overnight, 25 max.
  7. The coverage Sat was OK at W Summit. By the end of the day they had four lifts running. Not much of a crowd and they were mostly season pass holders. It cost $34 9-4 adult, and $27 for youth. They got more snow Sat night and all day Sunday.
  8. Thank you. Olivia will love it and I don't have to spend much.
  9. I'm thinking about taking a daughter up there but I don't want to pay top dolooar for one chairlift. Does anyone know how many lifts are open and how much they are charging tomorrow, Sat, Nov 12?
  10. I went over Prussick pass Sunday. There was about 2 or 3 inches of powder over the Enchantments from about 6500 up.
  11. What a pussy. You are banned from chestbeating for three days. Go to your room. Thanks. I was thinking about doing that this weekend.
  12. Bug

    Fall cleaning

    Pics in the gallery under 'Bug Sale'
  13. Marmot Gortex ski jacket size M $25. 2 Layer Gortex snowboard jacket size L $35. REI Expedition Pack size L very adjustable, $35. Eddie Bauer super Gators. $15 2 wet suits size XL. Farmer John and long sleeve shorty. $25 each
  14. I'll take the intuition liners. Check PM's.
  15. With nothing definate and no takers, I decided to go paddling on the sound Sat and peak bagging Sun. Sun is open to any interested parties. Now going REALLY light but probably no higher.
  16. Going peak baggin this weekend if anyone is interested. Going light overnight with bivy tent and pocket rocket. Not sure where but probably off I90 this side of the pass.
  17. Cool. And wet it sounds like..... Gotta love thoese days of silent runing
  18. As I pulled my gear together from various corners of the group site I couldn't help but notice all the wild animal scatt. There were piles of all colors and consistencies but every one of them had one thing in common- they seemed to have been thrust upon the ground at great speed. It was as though a very tall creature were scatting from on high. Or perhaps there were a few of them since there did seem to be many different colors. Some had chunks of burrito. Others were more like hot dog chunks. Still others were unidentifiable having the (apparent) consistency of applesauce and gravy. Did any of you notice any wild animals that night. They may have been climbing trees.
  19. Cheap and heavy (Used Raemers on an old pair of downhill boards. Use your ice or mountaineering boot of choice.) Expensive and light (Dynafit). If they are approach skiis and you want to focus on the climbing aspect of your boot, Find the boots that really rock and then think about how they would be to ski in. Most of them suck more or less but it is doable. I have a Dynafit system I put together off this board for $675 all brand new. It would have been about $1200 retail.
  20. craigslist.com Seattle/Tacoma/free wood
  21. Bug

    First Ascent - How?

    "Leave something boltless" - how kind and generous of you. How about keep it simple, don't bolt in the wilderness and especially don't "safely connect" lines. No doubt the initial rationale for Ignorant Bliss Simple again, don't turn alpine climbing into "sport alpine" by creating alpine sport routes. Here we agree... I could not disagree more, there are already too many "climbers" who are totally unself-reliant and wholly dependent on purely bolted lines. Bolting rock to sustain their consumption and the relentless transgressions of a small percentage of their very large numbers is the problem with land use policies. More climbers cause the problems, not solve them. I like your extremism. I was once quoted as saying "There should be no bolts west of parkinglot wall." That would have closed off over fifty multi-pitch lines that each take one to five bolts. I placed three of them on a twelve pitch route. I put up or helped put up a couple dozen other lines that took all passive pro. But that splitter up the south face of Nez Pierce and the 15 foot roof crack 2300 ft above the creek were just too enticing to stand. There was one spate of rampant bolting in Blodget but for the most part, the "hand drilled bolts on lead" ethic stood,- even on Parkinglot Wall. I doubt that anyone would say even that is grid bolted though they are all sport routes. Anyway, I respect your opinion. I don't totally share it but there is a need for a few of you around......
  22. RE:gear swapage OR Bivy sack like new. Miscelaneous stoppers. This n that.
  23. And to follow up, the is a proven-effective deterent that I learned about in my Montana History class. 777
  24. Rat would not be that bad if you knew exactly where to go. A friend and I went up there this weekend and thrashed through windfall down low on the way up. On the way down, we avoided almost all boulder fields and windfall. Basically, stay left and look for the very occasional cairn.
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