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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    Any rating guesses yet? 5.7b?
  2. Bug

    First Index 9

    Ouch. What did you catch?
  3. I'm looking for some ice/mixed climbing boots. I haven't bought new ice boots in ten years so I know what I want, I just don't know who makes it. My crampons are M10's and I have a pair of Cobras so I need a pretty good performing boot to keep up with my other gear. I have Dynafit MLK's and they perform pretty well but they are too narrow in the toe and too wide in the heel. The Alpha seems to get good reviews. My feet are generally warm so the lightness doesn't bother me. My main concern is that my feet are wide and European boots tend to be narrow. Damn those French and their fine bones. What is a good wide fitting boot for ice/approaches/mixed?
  4. After that post I'm asking the moderators to dock your post count by 2000
  5. Bug

    First Index 9

    It sounds super fun. Shall we replace "super fun" with "Rob job"?
  6. Remind me not to borrow your rope.
  7. I know "Dueling Banjos". Maybe I can get my brother/father/sheep to come and we can do a duet.
  8. lots and lots and lots.....the company that make the ropes has to (for insurance reasons, and to SELL MORE ROPES)put a limit of falls on there literature. I have taken dozens and dozens of falls (mostly little ones) on years worth of ropes. While there is a lot of imperical evidence to support this, the fall ratings are set for a near-worst case scenario. Ropes do break sometimes. Don't be too cavalear. Unrelated to the above quote, Jamin has asked a legitimate question in a respectful tone in the newbie section. Let's not scare him off for doing something right.
  9. I always set up for holding a hard upward jerk regardless of the partner. I was pulled off the ground to the end of my sling by a 160 lb leader and I weighed 190 at the time.
  10. Another "Beckfest"? I am not apposed to it but prefer the small disorganized, keg-standing antics of the dregs of society. Pull up that thread. As I remember, there was a lot of negative response and Beck was tarred and feathered and thrown off the top of Snow creek wall.
  11. Now I can't eat my breakfast.
  12. Ropes are rated for their fall factor. It should be in the literature that comes with the rope. There is a thread on this if you search.
  13. OK you are a dick. Just kidding........... Read those retail service manuals more closely.
  14. Go to a registered merchant to be valid under UCC 2-205. Otherwise, no-one gets any guaruntee of excellent service. Best effort has to be moderated with reality. This guy has offered the tricams for free to make the guy feel better. Obviously far from being a dick.
  15. When I eat polyunsaturated fats and partially hydroginated vegetable oil I get the.......... SUPER RUNS.
  16. Superfun, Awesome, bitchin, rad, phat, cool, freakin a, groovy.
  17. I buy and sell a lot of stuff on boards like this. Buyers who say they will buy are just as likely to bail as anybody else. It's a Bird in the hand thing.
  18. How much free beer will be there?
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