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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Thanks. But I was talking about the other way. I saw a couple guys on it as I was leaving Sunday. Looked fun.
  2. Bug


    Golly. And you made so many good points. It must have taken you all night to come up with all those facts. You are what you whine about. Cheers!
  3. Is Sabre the 5.8 to the left of jello tower a couple lines?
  4. Excellent beta by the way. I liked the howling dog.
  5. Wecome Kelster! It's a slippery slide now.
  6. Bug


    political realities, and foreign threats are a reality, irrespective of the party in power. unfortunately, the myopic Bush-haters are incapable of acknowledging those facts, preferring instead simplistic attacks and slogans. Well, the first part seems true enough but Bush seems to be in the Whitehouse for now. Kinda puts him in the spotlight. I mean, if you compare lying to Congress and the entire country about wmd's to lying about getting a blow job, the whole political pendulum does seem to swing in favor of the Republicans over the last couple decades. So I don't feel sorry for Bush. Or as Dick Cheney said, "Go fuck yourself." Just quoting the guy. What would the religious right have said if Al Gore had acted like that when he was VP?
  7. I didn't sound rude did I?
  8. I used to climb in Leavenworth quite a bit but only visited Castle Rock twice because it is right on Highway 2. I found it to be excellent rock well worth playing on in spite of the noise. Be sure you have your signals worked out with your belayer. There were times when voice communications were not adequate. This would get worse with more parties on the rock. When we left there were six other parties starting routes.
  9. Whoa. Remind me not to hang out near Mike during lightning storms.
  10. Dude. Just buy her a red helmet.
  11. Would that be the same guy who called us unfriendly? I guess you gotta know the secret handshake. That's as friendly as I saw him get all weekend.
  12. Just because somebody from ELLENSBURG shot out your tail light. Why is Pax always present for the shooting incidents?
  13. Is it just me or do white helmets make people look cuter?
  14. Mid May-Mid June. Statisitics used to be on the Rainier web site.
  15. I did some really easy stuff in the canyon and even easier stuff on Castle Rock. Midway for the first time. It was good to get out again after a long two years of tendon issues. That IPA really loosens up the joints. Met a few cc.commers for the first time, Sherri and Kelly (Come out of the loft Kelly), Eric, Steve, and all those blurry people around the fire. Thanks Porter, Ketch, and the wood bringers.
  16. That's my sausage in the upper right. Perfection like that was found all weekend. Now about this shit about us Seattlites not being friendly?! No way. I laughed at two of your jokes. It was fun to see everybody there.
  17. btw, all kidding aside, there were a couple people who were interested in climbing easier stuff this weekend. I got your PM's and just went back to see who you were but I have too many PM's and couldn't find you. I am 5'10" with brown hair with a little gray in front. I will probably be wearing a yellow Sundog baseball cap. I am happy to share what I know. It is dated compared to a lot of guys on this site but it is time tested and safe. I answer to Bug or Keith. And I don't really drink or do drugs while I climb.
  18. Matt, I'll only climb with you if you carry the beer and give me lot's of tension on the cruxy 5.8's
  19. Everything I climb with is made in Montana. My underwear is sheepskin. My rope is woven wool sheeth over Horse Hair core. My cams are made from the flywheel of a 1958 F150. I don't use caribiners. I tied knots with my teeth.
  20. Don't shut up. We love a willing victim. Feel the love.
  21. Your assumption here is wrong. I happen to be friends with the lead person that BD sent over to set up the factory in China. He worked for BD and lived in SLC ever since graduating (we went to college together). After completing the factory set up, he decided that rather than come back to the US, he'd stay in China. He had to quit BD to do it--even though he loved that company. He is a top notch engineer and an awesome manager (as well as a great person). So take your assumptions about people, their motivations, and their abilities and shove them up your ass. The only assumption that he got wrong is that he thinks china has less disregard for its people than our Bush puppet does……Nobody has less disregard for its people than Bush does…… BULLSHIT! You're and idiot. You forgot about Dick Cheney.
  22. Yvon bailed out the Badger-TwoMedicine Alliance in 1987 from his own pocket. We used the money to pay some lobbying debts and fund the next rally. We ended up keeping the Forest Service and BLM from drilling for small pockets of oil laden with Sour gas. It would have been a major loss. The Badjer Two Medicine is the area immediately south of Glacier Park. It winters the largest wild elk herd in the lower 48. It is prime Grizzly habitat. It is Sacred ground. Without that money, we would have been pissin in the wind. There are more stories like this about Yvon.
  23. If the bride isn't pregnant her mother is.
  24. I remember the days before friends. Bring on that R&D. Oh sorry Bill. That is what brought on the desecration of a couple thousand pristine cracks in Indian Canyon. I should be more respectful. Im just playing with ideas. Don't punch me at Ropeup.
  25. Yeah. OK. I'll be swingin a wet one.
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