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Everything posted by Bug

  1. And what about the fuzzy old fat guys?
  2. Ban Raindawg for being too funny.
  3. I will be leaving from Issaquah Friday after 1:30. PM me if you can leave that early and need a ride. I will be climbing 5.9 and easier and will be looking for partners.
  4. Just a trip down memory lane.
  5. Eat shit and bark at the moon.
  6. I have a small 16 foot sailboat with a swing keel. It sits low and does not have a motor. I need to store it for the winter. A side yard within 100 miles would work. Just someplace that it is not likely to get ripped off or vandalized. Normal risk is understandable and I would take full responsibility for any damage to my boat or trailer if there was any vandalism. This is an easy $250 if you have the space.
  7. Maybe he was purposely cryptic so that we would discuss it for 15 pages.
  8. Sum it up. Blake knowingly violated the permit law. Blake got caught. We only have Blake's side of the story about what happened between he and the ranger who issued the ticket and there are very few details. Some people on this thread believe this one ranger stepped out of line by issuing this ticket. Blake went to court by choice. Blake admitted to the judge that he knowingly violated the law and explained in detail why he decided to do so. The judge slammed Blake for knowingly violating the law. Blake thinks this is unfair. Some people on this thread are mad at the judge for imposing a larger than normal fine on Blake. Some people on this thread think there should be no consequences for not following the permit laws. Everyone agrees that the park should remain open for our general pleasure. Some people on this thread believe the NCNP rangers are exceptionally good at what they do. Some people on this thread say there has been a large turnover in Park Ranger personnel. Did I miss anything?
  9. The $250 fee isn't really excessive - it was simply the judge factoring in his time, his bailiffs time, his clerks time and his court reporters time. All together this easily adds up to more than $250. If you plead guilty just pay the fine; the judge has better things to do then listen to climbers explain why they shouldn't have to get permits. If you feel strongly about it, try and get the law changed on the legislative level - don't try and argue with a judge. You know what - no one is guilty until proven innocent. You have a right to have your case heard. The judge does not have "better things to do". The judge is there because hearing cases is what he is supposed to do. Penalizing someone for exercising their right to see a judge and plead their case is directly counter to the intent of the law. Only if you click your heels together and say "I want to go back to Kansas....."
  10. In Missoula, I was a local boy and saved the life of another local boy who was the son of a man who became chief of police. The two times I needed a favor, he called in a local judge who simply dismissed everything without even reviewing it. The same judge was known for exceedingly stiff fines unless you totally kissed his .... He rarely listened to everything that was said. He just went by attitude. He was very old and had been a judge since before I was even born. Maybe there is some wisdom to his ways....
  11. Now this made me laugh. Well done. Exit 38.
  12. You will find some snow but not much. The larches are probably just past their prime but may still have some needles. The most common route is to start at the Ingalls Lake trailhead up the north fork of the Teanaway R. Go up and over Long's pass and down into Ingalls crk. Go downstream a little ways and turn left up the Cascadian. Continue upwards forever. At the snow field, stay left and then veer right over the top of it. You want to end up on the highest point to the right/north above the snowfield. From there follow the ridge or just below it to the true summit.
  13. My family shoots things. I only eat them.
  14. I'm bringing another tarp Friday afternoon. We can use your lead rope since you are just hangin. I have a little firewood. I can bring part of a dead antelope.
  15. I need a place to store my boat from Oct 20 through Memmorial day. It does not need a garage. Just a place to back it in and park where it will not get bumped, moved or ticketed. I will pay $200 (negotiable)
  16. Bummer dude. Meanwhile, if your car gets broken into while you are in there "there is nothing that can be done" even if you have pictures of the a holes doing it. But, on the other hand, we could be living in North Korea or Utah and in need of a beer. Pass the hat at Ropeup. I'll put in a dolla.
  17. I like the looks of the Scarpa Frenys but they are too narrow. If you have something in your garage that isn't diseased, PM me.
  18. 42.5 is his size from another post. That is 10.25 US. http://www.i18nguy.com/l10n/shoes.html#adult
  19. More like Tuscon. Mt Lemmon is great tho.
  20. No fires above 5000 is correct. Just don't build it on a bed of pine needles and don't leave a giant rock monument (fire ring). Disperse the ashes and chunks, spinkle some needles, dirt, rocks, grass, sticks, whatever, and most people will not be able to tell there was a fire there.
  21. Nasty hardman stuck it out to a graceful end. Well done. RIP.
  22. Amber, it has been suggested that you are a male posing as a female looking for assistance in the climbing world in order to lure unsuspecting verile males into making fools of themselves online. I hereby volunteer. Seriously though, regardless of who you are, there will be people at ropeup willing to give you a crash course. Wether on climbing or internet etiquite, you will find what you need. If it is climbing, PM me and I will try to help you feel welcome with pertinent information although most of it is in this thread. I have set aside Sunday to climb with newbies if anyone is interested. Also, there are usually other competent climbers taking newbies out on Saturday. Bring your own shoes and harness. If you do not have your own, you can rent from REI or the Climbing shop in Leavenworth. It is a small shop on the left just beyong the Best Western (which is on the right). Kayaks in front. You can't miss it.
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