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Everything posted by Bug

  1. When I was returning to N Kahiltna Base, we were hiking up the N Kahiltna and came over a rise to see a plane upside down and pointing uphill after an obvious flip. When we got up to the landing strip, we found out that it happened the day before in soft conditions. We were next in line when we got up there. One of the people who was in the plane when it flipped sat next to me. She was tense. The thumps as we bounced off the snow were REALLY hard. I was glad it was before noon. That was early June.
  2. I read a story about some folks doing an ascent up there in the early days. The plane was one of the first to use skiis. They landed on the glacier and when they came to a stop, the plane sunk intothe snow. They had to dig and jack and frantically work the plane around to a spot where it could get a start. It had a lot of trouble getting its speed up and droppedoff the end of a glacier and out of sight. It finally pulled up and circled and informed the climbers they were now on their own. It was a long hike out.
  3. Guides need to make money. That is where you come in. At ropeup this year there were at least a couple guides hangin with rest of us. And while they are good climbers and totally respectable, I would not consider them to be a cut above many of the other climbers present. So, what Feck says is true. Climb. Find a compatible partner/partners and get out there. As for the Himilayan seminar on Rainier, I am sure they know what they are doing. Altitude tollerance is probably not a big part of the seminar I would guess. However people who are very sensitive to altitude will find out on Rainier. There are a lot of other things to learn about techniques, styles, and logistics. What better place to learn?
  4. Bug


    Tell us more.
  5. Should always. Never know when the slimeball won't show or can't go. So you don't ever do long alpine routes that require careful packing? Nope. Can't convince me that this is the answer.
  6. Bug


    I have not had it but a few friends in the Bitterroot have. They were feverish and week for extended periods. All except one had diahrea for a week or more. They all continued to decline and were convinced they would die if not treated. They knew they were seriously sick. They all went in during their second or third weeks. The medication escapes me. It is harsh and the directions for drinking water etc MUST be followed or you risk destroying your kidneys and liver. The sooner you get it diagnosed and treated, the less chance there is of organ problems. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giardia Good luck!
  7. Bug


    Doesn't this post belong in the feminism thread?
  8. Obesity is often associated with depression. Depression can be addressed and mitigated in many cases and I am not talking about a pill. I resent obese people who refuse treatment to cure the problem. They insist that it is their right to be fat and then demand special treatment. They get handicapped parking while pregnant women are denied it. Insurance covers transportation costs when their joints collapse. Diabetes is statistically higher by a lot. There is more. I feel really bad for these people but at some point someone who cares, or all of us, need to stop facilitating this so-called disability.
  9. Well, after your post on the other thread, I have to admit that I am not perfect, I don't have multiple orgasms. Maybe I'm just not feminist enough?
  10. this may be the most accurate statement ever made on cc.com i'm shocked it came from KK. go figure. right wing nuts like sex too. i never would've guessed You know, the "people pigeon-holing" gets real tiresome. I've got plenty of positions to differentiate myself from the run-of-the mill right-winger. take off the blinders. No one said you were a "run of the mill" right winger.
  11. I am living proof that altering genetics can lead to a perfect specemin. My father was 1 mile from ground zero in an open trench at the Yucca Flats atmospheric hydrogen bomb test. Then he went home and had kids. And they told me LSD would mess up MY genes. Sheesh.
  12. You reaaaaallly know your livestock. Ahem.
  13. Bug

    t-minus ? to war

    Oh, I thought there must be some reason they were gassing each other all through the 80's.
  14. Bug

    t-minus ? to war

    Actually, Muslims around the world do have some issues with Persians in general. Islam prohibits the drawing or sculpting of anything alive. Persians tend to stretch that rule a little bit. Hence the burning of Jimmy Carter in effigy.
  15. Bug

    t-minus ? to war

    I dare you to call a Persian an Arab. Is "rag-head" OK? I thought I saw that used here a time or two. Oh, and thanks for the tip. Barbara Boxer is my new hero.
  16. What! You are people? I thought my computer was talking to me
  17. Yes. I did mean Hillary. Who is Barbara Boxer?
  18. Bug

    t-minus ? to war

    Here we go to "LIBERATE" more arabs.
  19. I just post an exagerated TR on CC.COM.
  20. 90% yes. Then it became clear that he had his intell fabricated. Then he exposed a CIA operative and endangered many others in the process. Then he said he would fire anyone who was found responsible. Then he backed Scooter 100% and commuted his sentence. Bush committed treason. Firing a CIA operative is OK. Setting them up for death and setting up their former contacts over a 20 year period endangers the lives of every contact she had. 20% seems high. Good marketing.
  21. I agree with you that what to do is obvious. I am just wondering what Kevinoregon meant. Not trying to spray. Just curious.
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