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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    Whoa. Fruedian slip. "technuques"
  2. Bug


    Actually, the time it takes to get through the really hard part is getting shorter and shorter with the growing global economy and better transportation for heavy equipment and improved training technuques.
  3. Bug


    SEE!!? There is no paragraph. Check yourself in dude.
  4. Bug


    So how do you get an industrial complex up to your standards without incremental steps?
  5. This would be a good time to call your congress people.
  6. Bug


    Porter, maybe you should continue this conversation with ourself offline. Because you are missing the main point. These people had NO hope before they were being "exploited". Now they have hope. You select an arbitrary point in our industrial development and say we should hold other governments to acheiving what we could not - skip the hard part where people work for pennies a day. Would that it were possible. Japan, Mexico, Brazil and so forth went through this and in some parts are still going through it. Painfull yes. How do we get past this point without walking through it? Figure that out in your discussion and get back to us.
  7. Keep em loaded brotha. They're comin fer bothvus
  8. When I climbed with a friend and some of his gym friends a few months ago, they used the gym terms and I didn't know them so they assumed I was not really an experienced climber. That worked out OK since I can't climb anymore but I have wondered when a death will occur because of this new system. It is just another itteration of the differences between gym climbing and trad climbing. We are now faced with the "majority" using gym terms. I try to learn new things once in awhile just to keep my brain from atrophying. But this one has been particularly hard to swallow. Why do these newbies get to tell ME how to signal "correctly"?! The answer is simple. We suck
  9. The trick is to find "Peace with honor."
  10. It is a huge blow to admit to being taken by a big lie. Most will follow the big lie to the bloody end. Or to quote Ananda Coomaraswamy, "If you convince a man that you are right, he will likely believe that he was wrong."
  11. Truth was the first casualty. As Goebels put it, "People are more easily taken by a big lie than by a small lie."
  12. You are an enemy of the state. Prepare to be dissiminated to waiting organ recipients.
  13. MattP, No. C+. Sorry. Bush is not the dictator we need to worry about. Facism is far more wide spread than that and these people are brilliant. She pointed out the the Fed Prosecutoras that were fired were all in swing states. This is similar to the process of electioneering in Florida and the tazing of the Floridian student. She went on to say that the next president can be hand picked by the Party. (Juilianni is swaggering around like he has already won.) (I chose not to call it the Republican Party because that has been and will again be an honorable party.) This is about controlling the elections not about keeping a specific person in office. Yes Bush may try to suspend the constitution but he/they know it cannot last long. Just long enough to put more apparatus in place.
  14. She does though, early on in the video. She speaks of Stalinist Soviet Union, then compares how this administration is using his play-book. And you know what? This is fucked up. It discredits LEGITIMATE complaints about executive priveledge, end-arounds by-passing constitutional constraints, etc., everything this administration is GUILTY OF. It reeks of the same FEAR-MONGERING that these people accuse this FUCKED UP administration of DOING. AND IT SUCKS. I understand the fear of this administration, I share it myself, but the discourse must remain contextually balanced and free of the same hype that this administration is accused of, or else we are in the same fucking pit. I'll count this as my "odd-bedfellow" moment of the day. Actually, SHE DOES ACKNOWLEDGE TERRORISM in the US. She goes on to say that it is used to hype up the threat so as to use it against innocent people. It is the use of the same terms and the progression of events and the steps taken by the Administration in Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, and Bush's America that she points to. There is a real terrorist threat. She aknowledged that. Using that threat to destroy our constitutional rights is what she says is the danger. Look at the whole discussion she makes. Not just one sentence. We are really in trouble. I have been saying this for years as have many others. These are brilliant marketers at work here. They are not Republicans. There are many GOOD Republicans and WE NEED both parties. It is Facism that we have to identify here. Not Party politics. Facism does not care about parties. It cares about power and wealth.
  15. Deitrick Bohnhoffer was considered to be on the fringe in Germany. Like it or not Fairweather, historically speaking, those of you who support Bush and the corporate takeover of the US government are the true fringe.
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