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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    I think Kadidasky likes you.
  2. Bug


    Kids who get their parents' attention in positive ways are going to do better then kids who don't. No mystery there. Kids who feel like they fit in tend to behave better. Kids are resiliant but there are limits. Gay aprents can do a great job but they are starting from a deficit due to the prejidice of society.
  3. Bug


    i'm through with the gay/hetero - who raises kids better slant Yeah. OK. I didn't think I was feelin the love.....
  4. Bug


    have you ever gotten called to jury duty? did you avoid it? just wondering... also, btw, the problem seems to be more about the way suspects are identified in this (and many other cases), and how readily a victim or prosecutor makes/forces the identification. totally fubar. Yes, no, not used because brother and wife in medical field.
  5. Bug


    They had almost the same story the other night on 48 hours. Except the guy get out of prison innocent and goes out and commits murder. It was a weird story. Seems like most cases like this were before DNA test. Hopefully DNA test have cut this out. Not all crimes include DNA. And after a few years in prison, who wouldn't be trained on how to live amoungst killers?
  6. Bug


    "A jury of his peers." OK. How many of his peers on the jury were black? How about the witnesses? % of black prisoners in US jails? % of black prisoners wrongfully convicted? Just wondering.
  7. Bug


    who cares more about him/herself? the one who goes fat, or the one who gets pissed about the partner going fat??? Hey. I thought you were through with this thread because we don't suck up everything you say. Or do you really love us?
  8. Bug


    that's funny, the thing I've noticed is how people who are majorly fucked up can trace it right back to something that happened to them in childhood. Not particularly an either/or premise. Hell just about everything can be traced back to childhood, both good, bad, or indifferent. an interesting tid bit came out earlier this year talking to my dad about school reform and some of the research he evaluated during his EDD.... He was saying that the best predictor of what will happen to a child (will they fundamentally be ok, or fundamentally screwed up) was the opinion of they're 5th grade teacher, with a correlation of 90% or better Kind of a scary when you think about it ..... YIKES!!!!!\ My 5th grade teacher had an affair with my mother. Somebody just shoot me.
  9. Cheast beat. Kidding. Nice work Panos!
  10. Bug


    The Old Testament is full of stories about how monogomy came to be. Multiple wives meant disharmony and fighting. The offspring killed each other. Go figure. Navajo culture is matrilinial and monogomous. The Navajo have some of the most highly developed social structures we know of.
  11. More like why buy the pig when I can get the sausage for free. So "Gigalo" worked OK?
  12. The extra money for "other national security issues" is going to be used to gear up for a war with Iran in early 2008 imo. http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/102407B.shtml George will then run roughshod over the constitution and everything else as a global holy war breaks out and he declares himself emperor of Bushlandia. OK maybe he'll just declare a state of emergency and "suspend" elections. We ARE the new Nazis.
  13. To anyone who is interested, we are meeting at Whitticker's at 6AM Sat. The more the merrier. PM me if you want a ride from Redmond or nearby. Bug
  14. Software. But when it was hard I was a jigalo.
  15. I used to find super-fine dust (wind deposits) in the dry creek beds in Indian canyon and mix it with chalk. It worked really well. And I didn't have to kill anybody or fuss with all that cooking.
  16. I have a handle for a Life link shovel. I found it in Source Lk basin a few springs ago. If anyone needs it PM me.
  17. Ivan knows the route and is a solid climber. Just an fyi.
  18. Look up Targhee to see how deep the snow is.
  19. Bug


    Happy birthday!!! Look at SDA.
  20. I agree with all your points. I expect that the press worked to ferret out any conflict and controversy to put in the article, so the portrait may be a little skewed. Peace and harmony just doesn't sell copy. I have been quoted and interviewed a few times and I am always amazed at what I read. Human error and sales.
  21. Bug


    There are some nudgers and some explosive cleansers. I would still like to know what specifically is recommended for giardia. I have been drinking water from nasty places all of my life. No serious results so far. I'm probably a carrier.
  22. HEY! Back off. I have more shrimp. Yes you are right but what usually happens is you find someone about your own level and do the climbs you can. As you gain experience, you also make better use of info from reading books, this board, and talking with other climbers at rope up, pub club, rockfest, feathered friends events etc. If you are "cool", some better climbers will be willing to go out with one or both of you and you pick up skills by watching and cleaning and talking. If you can afford guide then go for it. Around here, there are a lot of good ones. The list of "bad" ones is probably a lot shorter than the list of good ones. My main point is, no matter who you are with, you still have toget out there. If you get and climb and keep doing it, you will get better pretty fast.
  23. I would agree. I have found gear at the base all the way around it. The north face especially. I got several old soft iron pitons there from different places along the base.
  24. Alpine in Montana is usually pretty good in December. You can still drive up a ways and there is plenty of snow and ice up high. I like the Bitterroots, Trapper, the Como peaks. Both have nice north faces for those unexpected warm spells.
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