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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I've made it to three pub clubs and tried to make it to five. You think I'm grumpy now, you should have seen me after driving across Lk Wa and back for freakin nothing because the location was changed after I left work at 4:30.
  2. Freakin-a Let's make it at the Workman's tavern in Redmond so I don't end up drivig a long ways fur nothin. I'll just drive a short ways fur nuthin because you wankers still can't decide on a location until 20 minutes before you meet and by that time I'm already on 520 heaading to the last place listed in ancient history by web standards. Screw it. I'm stayin home.
  3. Starting right now? If I had $ to leave the country I'd go south of the equator. The Andes perhaps, or New Zealand. If I could not leave the country it would be Red Rocks and JT with occaisional forays into the White Throne in Mexico. That area is pretty nice except for the fact that water is non-existant. There is also Mt Lemmon and Tauquitz and Suicide that have occasional sunny days if you watch the weather. For those bone-chilling weeks that come, Canyonlands is a great place to winter hike. Drop in on Grand Junction and the Monument too.
  4. It's not about them stopping it, it's a matter of them having the integrity required to either defend the decisions that they made *not* to oppose waterboarding, or to castigate themselves for their failure to do so. I'd respect either much more than pretending that they aren't responsible for their decisions after they turned out to be unpopular with their base. The Republicans own the House, the Senate and the White house and the Democrats are STILL responsible for what went wrong. Democrats are really bad people with incredible powers.
  5. I used snargs and pitons for when I was pumped and wanted some extra holding power beyond my tools. They go in quickly and hold body weight pretty reliably. I know, I know, that's aid......
  6. YES! Good work Joseph. Having been benighted a few times, I know your efforts were VERY appreciated.
  7. Dante's then. With the elite. That leaves you out Matt.
  8. Ping the BLM all you want but it is the locals who have to organize and there probably isn't much of a tax base to support a rescue when the whole area is desperate for water and numerous other growth related problems. Just assume you are going alpine and alone.
  9. Ha! So I have found the secret meeting room of the cc.com elite?
  10. Well, it wasn't me. I was in Redmond celebrating my youngest's 10th birthday. But we did each rip one in your honor Mike. Happy trails!
  11. I would not tele in area. It makes no sense. Tele is for getting out and about, away from the crowds and smells and noise. It is very efficient to wax up (East side) and get a good glide going and then without hesitating, rip a few linked turns for the downside.
  12. That must have hurt with crampons on. Badda-boomp
  13. Hey Feck, Tele skiing rocks. There is no more efficient way to ski mountaineer. You are now too old to learn tho. Too bad you missed out on such a great ride!
  14. I have a pair of old skinny ski skins I would part with for $10.
  15. Wow! Do you wear other people's brand new underwear and put it back in their drawer too? I am surprised at you Ken.
  16. Cool. Sorry I missed it. But now I know SharePoint Server.
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